
This page generated using Genpage - Version: 1.0.7-dsp. Web design by bren. Further HTML molestation by waider.
Webpages - Putting stuff up on dspsrv.com
You will need:
- SSH - specifically, you need sftp
which is the SSH ftp client. Version 2 only, btw. Unix-based folk
can just download the source and build it. For windows folk, Waider
was working on a port for a while, but then he got pissed off with
Uncle Bill's OS, so tough cookies. Here's a dime; buy yourself a
real OS. For macinfolk, yeah. Same deal, except for the "working
on a port" bit. Talk to the
admins about getting pages
on the server.
- A SSH public key. You make one of these if you've not already got one
using the ssh-keygen program that comes with SSH:
This will create two files, one called id_something and one
called id_something.pub. Rename these to, for example,
me_at_home and me_at_home.pub. Create a file in the
same directory as these guys that looks like this:
IdKey me_at_home
Save this file as identification. Finally, send
me_at_home.pub to
admin@dspsrv.com and we'll set
up the server side of things. NB tell us what you called the file,
otherwise we can't get it working.
- Content. You know, words and pictures and stuff.
- Connect to dspsrv.com: sftp www.dspsrv.com
- Check that you've got a public_html directory: cd
- If you don't, make one: mkdir public_html
cd public_html
- The directory you're in now is equivalent to
"http://www.dspsrv.com/~yourname/". Upload files like this:
put filename
- Indexing is switched off by default so you'll need a file
called index.html. Don't forget this!
- Check it out on the web. If it doesn't work, mail
waider@dspsrv.com who
has agreed, for his sins, to take on support for this stuff.
Waider / updated 12-11-1999