Oct 5
Jan 7
Played a bit with PocketC then on the weekend.
A PocketSynth-like music player.
PocketC limitations to remember:
for(i=0;i<10;i++) doesn't like anything more than simple expressions here (e.g. for(i=0,f=0;;) not good)
i+=4; n/=2; not implemented
combined variable declaration & initilisation not allowed (e.g. string reel="t075f32 a32 b32 a32 "; not good)
char c; c=reel[7]; // is not good c=substr(reel,7,1); //works
Jan 5
a wee bit of hacking ... first looking for hack pilot tutorial that I remember ... but can't quite find.
This is an incarnation of it though: Hack Tutorial .
Got tools from Massena , including PilDis, prc2bin and
PilotHack .
And disassembler on palm from
pasta .
Read Peter's Pilot Hardware Pages .
LinuxMafia have a good archive of free palm utils & docs, e.g.
prc-format .
Looked with PilDis and Insider at PocketC, Insider good for viewing text of records, also displays recordId in decimal.
prc2bin generates individual records, remember to keep screen output (format of prc file) next time.
PilDis generates disassembled code, searched for text associated with registration.
PocketC 708 => Invalid Reg, 76c => Successful Reg
06a4 => Expired Version
Here is where Expired Version is used:
0000bb2a 3f3c0640 L2216 MOVE.W #1600!$640,-(A7)
0000bb2e 4e4f TRAP #15
0000bb30 a19c DC.W sysTrapFrmPopupForm
0000bb32 544f ADDQ.W #2,A7
0000bb34 600000fc BRA L2222
0000bb38 4ebaf2ca JSR L2098
0000bb3c 1f3c0001 MOVE.B #1,-(A7)
0000bb40 4ebafc42 JSR L2190
0000bb44 544f ADDQ.W #2,A7
0000bb46 600000ea BRA L2222
0000bb4a 4ebafe2c JSR L2205
0000bb4e 600000e2 BRA L2222
0000bb52 3f3c06a4 MOVE.W #1700!$6a4,-(A7)
0000bb56 4e4f TRAP #15
0000bb58 a19c DC.W sysTrapFrmPopupForm
0000bb5a 544f ADDQ.W #2,A7
0000bb5c 600000d4 BRA L2222
And here is the registration check:
0000bf56 4e75 RTS
0000bf58 2b40fb32 L2255 MOVE.L D0,-1230(A5)
0000bf5c 584f ADDQ.W #4,A7
0000bf5e 200a L2256 MOVE.L A2,D0
0000bf60 670a BEQ L2257
0000bf62 202ddb96 MOVE.L -9322(A5),D0
0000bf66 b0adfb32 CMP.L -1230(A5),D0
0000bf6a 6714 BEQ L2258
0000bf6c 3f3c0708 L2257 MOVE.W #1800!$708,-(A7)
0000bf70 4e4f TRAP #15
0000bf72 a192200a DC.W #-24174,#8202
0000bf76 544f6720422d DC.B 'TOg B-'
0000bf7c fb3660 DC.B #251,#54,#96
0000bf80 0cad5043766dda7a L2258 CMPI.L #1346598509!$5043766d,-9606(A5)
0000bf88 67e2 BEQ L2257
0000bf8a 3f3c076c MOVE.W #1900!$76c,-(A7)
BNE/BRA Machine code (long & short versions):
0000c178 660000f6 BNE L2282
0000c254 6610 BNE L2281
0000bbe0 6050 BRA L2222
= repl BEQ L2258 with BNE L2258 ??? BRA L2258 NO, change back
0000bf6a 6714 BEQ L2258
0000bf6a 6614 BNE L2258
0000bf6a 6014 BRA L2258
= This check always succeedes.
But is this enough?
goto-char 0xbf6a, nope, search for fb32 6714, found at c100 (+code+hdr)
66=f, 67=g, 60=`(before a)
Produces MemoryMgr.c, Line:4340
NULL Handle (when try to register)
WRONG branch and wrong edit with emacs hexl-mode funny anyway!
hexl-mode on PC doesn't work, hexl-mode on unix confused by output in .cshrc, can't edit right char.
Edit manually ......
= repl BEQ L2257 with NOP ??? or BRA here (can't do that, 6000 is start of long branch instr) => repl with BNE L2257
0000bf60 670a BEQ L2257
0000bf60 660a BNE L2257
670a g. at c0fa replace the g with f
look for fNu+@ and then next g (surrounded by ^J 0x0A CR/LF/summat)
= AND replace BEQ L2258 with BRA L2258
0000bf6a 6714 BEQ L2258
0000bf6a 6014 BRA L2258
next g with '
LATER ... find all calls to this "check registration"
0000bf58 2b40fb32 L2255 MOVE.L D0,-1230(A5)
There is only one:
0000bf48 487a000e PEA L2255
LATER ... find init code, where registration is checked.
Enter anything for regcode & registration succeeds.
Compilation then works fine.
Reg not stored (another check must be done when PocketC initialises).
We can do more later but this works grand for now.
Dec 20
updates on geocities/yahoo jamesc_ie.geo
GIMP , FAQs, Manual, Tutorials,
Grokking the GIMP
winNT has obviously named bitmaps for startup image in mail win install dir.
win98 has 320x400 RGB win bitmap in LOGO.SYS (or MSDOS.SYS or IO.SYS)
Lose the logo
The Shutdown logos are in the WINDOWS directory and are: logos.sys and logow.sys. Remove them for a clean shutdown.
Windows 98 Boot Up Menu, Hold the CTRL key down while your computer is booting.
Submenu=Tom, This is Tom
Menuitem=Rhonda, This is Rhonda
[tom]Menuitem=Word, Word Processing
Menuitem=Data, Database
Country=033,850 C:\DOS\Country.sys
Con=( , 850, 1)
Device=C:\DOS\Emm386.exe Noems
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00"
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos
Dec 12
Dec 11
Mail Roger from Unicycle Source UK
about buying unicycle/tools/tshirt? & applets not giving error (jre/mvm not installed, didn't use alt="error text" tag in applet).
Mail from Edward at scan.co.uk about memory,
PCI video/capture card (they don't have Miro), (BFO) Hard disk drive - 47G.
From home, for PC in Cobh:
Hmmmm, lots of info found, it seems shutting down problems are common.
Dec 6
Compustore ,
HArd Disk Drives
30.7Gb IDE IBM ATA-100 75GXP 'Telesto' (8ms 2MB Cache 7200rpm) £123.38
PC Guide HDD reference
Performance, Quality, Reliability
Maxtor ST0154000U 40 GB Hard Disk Drive $200
amazon review
wow! looks great.
By the way, Amazon are evil!
.... but they do have reviews of things.
google Video Capture Card
The Studio DC10+ is actually a very powerful capture card bundled with Pinnacle's incredibly easy to use Studio non linear editor. While the Studio software is simple, it does offer a full range of features including titling, special effects and timeline playback. At a street price under $200, I can't think of a product I would more highly recommend for the beginning non linear edtor. Studio DC10+ is perfect as a gift for your creative teenager, Uncle Harry who never leaves home without his camcorder, new parents wanting to show off the kids, or world travelers who want to share the adventures of their journeys. Sure the software isn't as powerful or professional as Premiere, but this card is a great place to start digital video editing.
Pinnacle PCTV TV Tuner and Video Capture Card $40
on amazon
not video out?
Pinnacle DC10+
Pinnacle DC10+, looks good, not in stock in Amazon but yess in scan.co.uk
buggy software reviews though :-7
ATI Technologies Xpert 128 PCI 16MB $67 vid card only
ATI Technologies All In Wonder 128 PCI 16MB $141
NTSC TV only ?
ATI Technologies ATI-TV Wonder NTSC $80 (need ATI vid card?)
Matrox video FAQ
Zoltix TV max
smart computing article
looking for new PC parts, Oct 13
Oct 13
Mmmmmm, I've a PC at home ....
manufacturer: assembled by someone in Amsterdam
It's got 16M RAM in there at the moment .... and needs more!
I'm going to open it up & see what I can divine from looking at the existing RAM ....
I can count ... so number of pins whould be easy (can you get memory with more/less pins than 72?
After that ... things will be fun.
> I took his word on this. Therein lies my first mistake. So, I placed
> that order on Dabs.
Ummmm ... what's Dabs? Are they any good?
Would scan.co.uk be better ... can anyone recommend one over the other?
I'm also thinking of looking at trying to get a digital video editing system up & running.
Adding a large hard drive shouldn't be a problem .... memory may be :-7 ...
but I'm looking at video cards and many of the seemingly decent ones run off an AGP bus.
What's the likleyhood of my 5yr old PC having AGP ... what does it look like?
How do I know? Why isn't life fair? :-)
Anyone out there got even a little experience with TV cards or digital video editing?
Monday Feb 7
lisp & prolog & scheme, Allegro Common lisp
www lisp tutor
Scheme intro
scheme tut
FRIL (Fuzzy Relational Inference Language) Prolog + fuzzy probabilities.
Mercury project declaritive logic language,
high level, reliable, efficient, ... GNU
Prolog Lisp C
factorial(1,1) :- !.
factorial(N,Ans) :-
Ans is N * Temp.
(defun fact (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* (fact (- n 1)) n)))
int factorial(int n) {
if (n==1)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);
(defun (factorial n)
(do ((result 1 (* result j))
(j n (- j 1)))
((<= j 0) result)))
int factorial(int n){
int result=1;
while (n > 0) {
Shane Dempsey sdempsey@tssg.wit.ie
Smelly Pooh plop@redbrick.dcu.ie
open minicom
atdt 1891110110
*bee* *boo* *boo* *bee* *bee* *bee* *eee* *bee* *bee* *eee*
Username: name
Password: pass
dublin-wtd01> ppp
Async interface address is unnumbered (Loopback0)
Your IP address is
MTU is 1500 bytes
Header compression will match your system
PPP Garbgooogle .....
pppd /dev/modem
Scripts for connecting on ILUG
sh and perl .
google?q=loadlin+boot.ini |
Linux+WinNT++-mini-HOWTO |
winNT & linux |
Booting Linux with NT loader
davecentral.com |
NT OS Loader + Linux mini-HOWTO |
LILO mini-HOWTO (Li nux Lo ader) |
Linux+DOS+Win95+OS2-1 mini-HOWTO
C is NTFS, D and E are ? readable anyway.
dd if=/dev/hda3 bs=512 count=1 of=/dosd/bootsect.lin
copy d:\bootsect.lin c:\bootsect.lin
attrib -s -r c:\boot.ini
emacs C:\boot.ini
attrib +s +r c:\boot.ini
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00"
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT35="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00"
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT35="Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos
c:\bootsect.lin="Linux (hauled bootsector)"
d:\phat\loadlin vmlinuz initrd=ramdisk.gz mem=128M="phat-Linux" ?? doesn't work
c:\loadlin.exe vmlinuz initrd=ramdisk.gz mem=128M="phat-Linux" ?? copy loadlin.exe, image and ramimage to C???? hardly.
Jan 7 2000
News from Network World fusion
nwfusion.com /news /tech
The new chips, called network processors, are optimized for
performing communications functions, and they combine the
best attributes of Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC)
microprocessors and Application Specific Integrated Circuits
(ASIC) in a single device.
Instead of using custom silicon to move packets at wire speed,
switch makers will be able to speed traffic along via a
combination of software and network processors. Plus, with
standard interfaces between network equipment components on
the way, switch vendors will be able to include software and
silicon from different suppliers in their switches.
A group of five companies led by IBM and C-Port was formed
last week with the intent of creating standard programming
interfaces for this emerging class of network processors. Called
the Common Programming Interface (CPIX) Forum, the group
plans to meet next month to determine the software areas on
which it should focus.
The organization will work with the similarly named Common
Switch Interface (CSIX) Consortium, which is defining
interfaces at the hardware level between switching fabrics and
communications processors. CSIX is finishing its draft
specification and hopes to demonstrate interoperability among
different vendors' components by October 2000.
But there are chip vendors that are combining the flexibility of
general-purpose processors and the speed of ASICs into
something that is becoming known as the network processor.
Established chip vendors such as MMC are pushing this
concept, but there are also start-ups like C-Port and SiTera
popping up with twists on this theme. Equipment using these
processors should be available to end users over the next year.
I recently spoke with an executive from SiTera, who argues that
equipment makers need to be able to add new features to their
products on an ongoing basis. ASICs don't let them do that. For
an enterprise campus, such features could include
Multi-protocol Label Switching or Remote Monitoring.
At the heart of IBM's three-pronged bid is a new family of
programmable communications processors, targeted squarely at
core networking devices such as routers, switches and hubs.
The highlight of the new product family is the Network
Processor, a high-speed multiprotocol processing engine for
gigabit switch routers and other network hardware, and the
highly-integrated Processor for Network Resources that
provides client connection to servers and desktop switches,
IBM says.
To ensure further advances in network communications
technology, IBM is also establishing the Communications
Research and Development Center, which will include scientists
and engineers from IBM's research and development centers in
Switzerland, Israel and the U.S., the company says.
ATLANTA - Flexible network processors
will take the place of custom-made chips
in much network equipment, according to
Mark Christensen, vice president and
general manager of Intel's network
communications group. Users should
have the flexibility to add services to network
hardware, a flexibility not allowed by Application
Specific Integrated Circuits.
last week snapped up Softcom Microsystems, a Fremont, Calif.,
company that makes processors used in switches and other
network gear. Intel did not disclose financial terms of the
all-cash transaction for the 32-employee firm. The acquisition
follows on the heels of Intel's merger with Level One
Communications, which also makes network processors. Intel
joins a number of other companies, such as Agere, c-Port and
SiTera, that are making easily programmable network
processors that reduce the need for specialized Application
Specific Integrated Circuit development for network gear.
NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. - Start-up C-Port Corp. next week
will make its debut by unveiling the development of a
microprocessor tailored to networking.
The processors will be used in vendors'
routing switches and other devices.
Traditional routers use general-purpose
processors running software, and Layer 3
switches often use application-specific
integrated circuits (ASIC) that have routing functions
hard-coded into them.
C-Port is creating a microprocessor that the company says
performs routing functions more quickly than a general-purpose
chip, but has the flexibility of being able to run software
functions. The company has also developed an API allowing
third parties to create software that can run on the processor.
Jul 21
beep beep bop doo do beedooo #include
for(/** gcc sig.c;a.out>/dev/audio ## http://iki.fi/bisqwit/ **/
fputs("(C)Bisqwit\n",(FILE *)(C=0));f=99;++C){
Jul 6
/* cc equat.c -lm
The Knight wrote:
> Heres a doozy.
> See if you can speed this up,
Hmm, yes right, fun!
> // find all whole numbers where x2 + x = y4 + y3 + y2 + y
> Go as high as you lie. I've gone up to x = 64000 and y = 64000
> Its very slow at the moment so have a think about a good algorithm to
> replace this boring code.
void knight()
FILE *p;
double x, y;
x = 0;
y = 0;
p = fopen("result.txt","w+");
for(x = 0; x < 64000;x++)
for(y = 0;y < 64000;y++)
if(( pow(x,2) + x ) == ( pow(y,4) + pow(y,3) + pow(y,2)+ y))
fprintf(p,"x = %-1.0f, y = %-1.0f\n",x,y);
/* Why recalc x value every time? .... in fact let's swap x & y loops and just calculate y once for each x loop. */
void james1()
FILE *p;
double x, y, ys, y2;
p = fopen("result.txt","w+");
if((x*(x+1)) == ys)
fprintf(p,"x = %-1.0f, y = %-1.0f\n",x,y);
now we could also take a look at getting rid of the x loop
x^2+x=C (c=ys in the above code right)
so x^2+x-C=0 let this be equivalent to (x+a)(x+b)=x^2+(a+b)x+ab=0
=> a+b=1 *1* and ab=-C => b=-C/a *2*
1 and 2 => a-C/a=1 => a^2-C=1 => a^2=C+1 => a=(+/-)sqrt(C+1) *3*
1 and 3 => b=1-(+/-)sqrt(C+1)
with me?
x^2+(a+b)x+ab=0 => x^2+(a+b)x=-ab => 4x^2+4(a+b)x=-4ab
=> 4x^2+4(a+b)x+(a+b)^2=(a+b)^2-4ab
=> (2x+(a+b))*(2x+(a+b))=(a+b)^2-4ab
=> 2x+(a+b)=(+/-)sqrt((a+b)^2-4ab)
=> x = ((+/-)sqrt((a+b)^2-4ab) -a -b ) /2
Oh doh ... anyone remember (-b (+/-) sqrt(b^2-4ac) )/2a >;)
(a=1, b=a+b, c=ab in this case just to confuse)
still with me? (I nearly lost myself there!)
void james2()
double x1, x2, xi1, xi2, y, ys, xs, y2, ysq, ysqr;
for(y=0;y<64000;y++){ /* It weould be interesting to start from -64000 ? */
/* a+b=1 ab=-C x = ((+/-)sqrt((a+b)^2-4ab) -a -b ) /2 */
/* sqrt would not appreciate us trying to get it to calculate complex numbers */
/* Now sqrt calculations are a bit slow but it saves you a loop and will work however
high you go ..... within limits of the compiler & math libraries :) */
if (ysq<0){
/* handling cplx nos is not left as an exercise for the reader :( sqrt(-a)=isqrt(a) okay? */
/* of course this is never entered _here_ ... but it might be sometime */
xi1 = ysqr/2; x1=-1/2;
xi2 = -xi1; x2=x1;
else {
x1 = (ysqr-1)/2;
x2 = (-ysqr-1)/2;
if (ysq<0) printf("x1 = %-1.0f + %-1.0f, x2 = %-1.0f + %-1.0f, y = %-1.0f\n",x1,xi1,x2,xi2,y);
else {
printf("x1 = %-1.0f, x2 = %-1.0f, y = %-1.0f\n",x1,x2,y);
printf("%-1.0f = %-1.0f = %-1.0f\n",x1*x1+x1,x2*x2+x2,ys); /* just checking */
/* Now, hmmmm, I wonder now would this work :)
Of course if you don't want to work out the algebra ..... :)
you need a language or library to do that for you,
or of course you need to find a nice general fast equation solving algorithim
Jul 1
You say, "excellent :) Subjunctive instant replays"
You say, "this Hofstadter guy is amusing :)"
waider says, "Yes."
waider says, "It took me several years to finish GEB."
waider says, "I started in 1992 and finished in, oh, 1996, I think."
fiocco hadn't encountered him till ... yesterday.
waider says, "By which point I'd forgotten most of what I'd read."
waider says, "I need to read it again."
waider says, "Maybe."
waider says to fiocco, "hey, do you know anything about voice pitch/volume analysis in software?"
waider hmms. Right now I need a way of channelling between two muds!
You say, "gosh, urm, ... so was it just much distractions? (last night I finished Sophie's World .... (STARTED that just after we arrived in Holland .... distracted after a third, started again, distracted by Daire and finallyt found it a few weeks ago )))))"
You say, "Hmmmm, pitch/volume analysis, not much, but I could probably make a plausable attempt at blugffing >;)"
waider says, "Must borrow sophie's world off you. I started reading someone's copy in Honduras, but they had to take it away with them. John Hume's daughter, as it happens."
waider says, "k00l idea."
You say, "... in November Fionnuala got a book from a friend ... Primo Levi ... goes through Periodic Table .... and it's been in my "virtual-book-in-0Tray" for ages ... that's next."
You say, "hey .. I think we're both out tonight ... meeting Frances & boyfriend."
fiocco vehemently agrees and cackles over the didigtal kazoo plans.
waider works on email bounce stopping.
You say, "use less rubber, ... and put some sand in."
fiocco ponders digital kazoo and remembers fondly Commodore64 sound chips POKE&PEEKs galore.
You say, "prbly same kindof stuff as the Amiga had."
waider says, "Nah, amiga had a custom chip to do the job. C64 just had a generic synth chip IIRC."
Mao/[WB]arto[gk] Rules
Like Uno, simple start, 5/6/7 cards each player, play clockwise, winner gets rid of all cards
(the rest of these rules may vary per game more variable mark *)
* jokers wild or eliminated should be named on drop,
Each players turn -> drop "eligible" card or pick up, eligible=same suit or the same value
pick up for breaking any rule, deemed (by general consensus within reasonable time)
players may not ask questions during play, may not make (provably) false statements during play,
* timeouts allowed `POINT OF ORDER' to legislate conflicting rules, Qs may be asked
* players may not address or refer to any other player by name while the game is in progress.
Whenever the number of cards in a player's hand reaches one, they must say *Bartok*
each time someone wins they add a rule, new rules over-ride initial rules.
New rules may repeal or override older rules. New rules must not be obviously
biased towards or against any player. New rules may not directly effect
the creation or content of later rules.
Only general basics of the original rules told to new players.
If ever the new player receives a penalty for some reason, then a brief
(and not necessarily clear) reason for the penalty ought to be given.
In Mao new players are not told the initial rule set (which is slightly different
from the Bartok one, and varies slightly (radically?) depending on which group is playing it).
When someone goes out, they invent a new rule, which they do not tell the other players.
Unusually, MAO has no winning condition; a player who gets rid of their cards `wins', but the game continues and
that player is allowed to rejoin the game (take 5 cards) and to make up a new rule. At any point after
rejoining they may make up a new rule and say `NEW RULE', at which point their rule comes into force.
The game will continue until the players are bored and no longer want to continue to play.
The exact rules which determine which cards are legal to play and when it is a player's turn are hidden at the
start of the game; it is up to new players to guess them by careful observation of play and by experimenting
with their own play. New players should not, at least to start with, worry about getting rid of their cards but
should instead concentrate on figuring out what is going on.
In Eleusis, players try to get rid of their cards by playing them onto a discard pile,
however the rule which dictates which cards are legal to play is not known to the players. Instead, it is
invented by the dealer before play begins. The other players have to try and guess the rule by observing which
plays are legal.
New rules
Whenever an ace is played, the person playing it may declare it to be any suit.
When a 7 is played, the direction of play is reversed (clockwise becomes anticlockwise, and vice versa).
Whenever the number of cards in a player's hand reaches two, they must say ``Bartok minus one''. Note that
this includes when a player goes up to two cards because of a penalty card drawn for not saying ``Bartok''.
When a 2 is played, the next player must forfeit their turn and draw two cards instead.
When a black 6 is played, the player two positions to the right of the current player must miss their next turn.
Red queens shall be considered 5s for all purposes, black 5s shall be considered queens for all purposes.
Any player who plays a jack must immediately quote a line from a Monty Python sketch. Lines previously
quoted in the same game do not count.
When a red 9 is played, the person whose turn was two players before the current person's turn must moo
loudly like a cow.
When a card is played which causes the numerical value of the top two cards on the discard pile (counting
jack=11, queen=12, king=13) to sum to 14, the player who played the second last discard gets an extra turn
between the players who would otherwise have their turns next and next again.
All clubs shall be considered as cards of their numerical value plus 5, modulo 13.
When a black card of value 3 less than the previous discard is played, all cards which are currently clubs
become diamonds, and vice versa.
Use your twisted imagination...
1) SKIP X *
On card(3), play skips X (= 1,2...) people.
On card(3-6), the direction of play changes.
3) SWAP (LOCAL) **
On card(1-3), the current player swaps hands with a certain player.
(On eir left/right/opposite/in dirn of play/by choice etc.)
On card(1-2), all players give their hands to another certain player.
(On eir left/right/opposite/in dirn of play etc.)
5) SNAP **
(When more than one pack is being used.)
If a player has a card in eir hand, identical (same number AND suit)
to the card on the top of the pile then e may immediately play that
card (regardless of whether it is eir turn or not), saying "SNAP"
when doing so, and play continues as if it had been that player's
When only one pack is being used, a card of the same number and
colour may be snapped instead.
5a) CRACKLE **
(When rule 5 is in use)
If a card has just been snapped, as per rule 5, and a player has a
card in eir hand of the same suit and number _one_more_ than the
snapped card, e may play it immediately (regardless of turn) and
say "CRACKLE" when doing so. Play continues from em.
6) DRAW X (cumulative) **
On card(1), then next player has to pick up X cards. This
constitutes that players turn.
If the rule is declared to be cumulative then the next player may
play another (legal) draw card as eir turn, an the next player has
to draw 2X, and so forth, until some player cannot play.
If a draw rule (6) is in effect, a card(1) may be played (if eligible)
as a "stop" card, instead on drawing. When this card is played, the
last player to have played a draw card has to draw (unavoidably).
On card(1) player changes position with a certain other player.
(as per swapping) Players may have to take their hands with them,
or leave them behind.
8) REVERSE #2 **
Play goes cw after a red card and ccw after a black card.
The winner of a round is dealt on fewer cards in future rounds.
If ever a player is to be dealt zero cards, then e is declared the
winner of the tournament, and the tournament ends.
Player with most cards at the end of round gets an extra card in
future rounds. (Difficult to stop players from throwing in their
10) RESET CARD ****
On card(1s) the rules are reset to the initial set, or some reduced
set, for the duration of the round (or even permanently). For use in
_very_ long games only.
On card(1c) the player has to draw 2-3 cards from the pack.
The effect of the last card to be played is counted _before_
determining the winner.
All players are dealt two hands called "top" and "bottom".
Players may only ever look at their current "top" hand.
On card(1) all players swap their top and bottom hands.
The winner is now the first player to have zero cards in
eir TOP hand.
Assorted swap rules (global/local) may be applied to players'
bottom hands, top hands, or both.
On card(1-6) player must say "BEEP" or "QUACK" etc...
(Multiples of these rules can be fun)
On card(1) player must run to a certain landmark and back.
If it becomes eir turn again and e is not back yet, e can be
given a card for taking too long.
16) TABOO ***
Certain words, eg "Yes","No","I", may not be spoken.
On card(1) player may only speak in sets of three words at a time
(no more, no fewer) with reasonable pauses in between, until
such time as another player players that card.
On card(1) player is "under the influence" and may only speak in
false-hoods. The player is exempt from any penalties for saying
false statements, but can be penalised for saying (provably) true
A player stays "under the influence" until another player plays
that card.
The effect of rules such as 17 and 18 may be transferred when the
player swaps hands or places with another player.
20) SNAP TO WIN ***
If a player can snap on the (otherwise) winning card, then e is
the winner instead. If three or more packs are used, then the last
player to snap (before throwing in their hand) wins.
If numbers permit, two or more separate games may be run, each with
its own set of players and rules. Each game acts as per usual for
a single game, with one extra rule: On card(1c) player must swap
places with a player of choice, in another game.
On card(1-2) player must name a movie/song/commercial etc which
has not yet been mentioned.
Card(1) henceforth is considered to be have some other value
with respect to eligibility, effect and future play.
All cards henceforth have value one more than their face.
(Very Nasty, esp. with many rules in place!)
On card(1) the current player has another turn.
25) BILL (Ghost hand) ****
An extra hand is dealt, face up, to a ghost player called "Bill",
who sits opposite the winner of the previous round, who is to be
Bill's "caller". Bill has turns like any other player, but Bill's
plays are decided by the caller.
If Bill has only one card left, then he automatically draws
another card (for failing to say Bartog), but the caller must
make sure that Bill follows all the other rules (including Beeps,
Quacks, et al.). If Bill breaks a rule, then the caller has to draw
the penalty card.
Change the name of the game (and hence, what players must say when
they have only one card in their hand) to something other than
"Bartog". Can cause much confusion (and fun) when played by
experienced players. Suggested names are "Vickie makes up silly rules"
and "Snap!".
Players must play cards using their non-writing hand.
When card(1) is played, the next player in dirn of play must pick up
that card.
@emit cat fanfare.au |kazoo >/dev/audio
Principia Cybernetica
What is Nomic ? faq & Peter Suber
Jun 28
The LINUX FUD factor FAQ
Security Portal: Who Needs Virus Protection on Linux?
... felt that it was prudent to speak up." 06/11/1999 11:00:57am More @ Linux
Today LinuxPR: New anti-virus product for Linux released "Kaspersky Lab
expands its range of anti-virus products for Linux" 06 ...
Kaspersky Lab announces AVP for Linux
beta-version memory resident anti-virus filter
(AVP Daemon) for Linux operating system.
... PC should always look like if it were just installed. * Every computer has to be
protected from virus attacks. These constraints lead us to base our configuration
on bootprom tools. We first developped ...
... Ottawa." 06/16/1999 10:36:07am More @ Linux Today InfoWorld: Java maven
says Windows is uniquely virus susceptible "Unix, Linux, and Java environments
are almost entirely immune." 06/16/1999 10:12:23am ...
... ." 06/13/1999 08:57:42pm More @ Linux Today Wired: Worm Zeroes In On
Microsoft "The latest Internet virus to cause turmoil on desktops around the
world highlights a unique security problem: users' dependence ...
... : A natural source of vitamin L "Most Linux users watch the unfolding horror of
widespread Windows virus attacks with amusement, or at most detachment."
05/04/1999 02:16:49pm More @ Linux Today ICS' BX ...
Well, this is the first time I've come across the following information.
Interesting in view of the "Is Linux really less vunerable to viruses?"
discussions .
Hillis' virus solution: Limit OS Usage by Hemos
Read up a bit on existing unix and Linux viruses and comfort yourself with the knowledge that the
good ole Data Fellows are potentially there to
protect the Linux community from infection (should you want to submit yourself further to non-OS non-free
software that will probably annoy you by frequently telling you it's GUARDing and CHECKing your
system for intruders while gently REMINDing you to upgrade frequently.
I guess you could figure out that I'm not in any way very much tempted to buy Linux anti-virus software. :)
Data Fellows Announces Broader Support for Linux (summary, Espoo, Finland, June 9 1999)
F-Secure Anti-Virus
Two Linux viruses so far? Only two!?!? (known to these Data Fellows guys I presume)
More information on Unix/Linux Viruses, stumbled across in various newsgroups.
Some are not all that friendly to UNIX, :(.
These first three are all 1996ish timeline by Peter V. Radatti, CyberSoft.
Jun 22
Japanese introduce ant-size robot
true? vapour?
ATIP97.094 : Recent MITI-Sponsored Research On Micromachines
Micromachine Center
Flexible Automation .
Micromachine magazine
In pdf
Insects and Micromachine,
Research on Group Control and Signal Transmission in Organisms
Datrontech PC components 01 8510050
Piper MP3 player
RF cancer results on /.
New Scientist
There's still no evidence that mobile phones will mangle your memories or give
you cancer. But the microwaves they emit may be up to something.
Cellphones or cars ... I wonder which kills more?
The biggest killer ... phones, TVs, hair dryers, ?
This is somewhat amusing :)
I can easily imagine that the old hair dryer would
win out as being the most lethal of all you mentioned. That is of course disregarding all the fatalities resulting from monitors hurled from high buildings. Hair dryers have quite a nice cord which may be used to trip, tie, strangle and of course they are tragically much fun for young geeks to play with (nice transformers).
Slightly more seriously, as usual I'm about a foot in front of my mongo BIG monitor right now as I usually am for 8+ hours a day. This is definately giving me a bit of a constant cold .... the air is just really dry and I can feel all the electrons being SUCKED from my eyes :) You can get stuff from your doctor for this, take a few drops every day forever, no harm done but a bit of a pain.
Now the thing with mobile phones and monitors is that some of us use either or both ALOT . And while I don't believe the monitor will ever do me serious damage I would be worried if I used a mobile phone a good deal.
However, mmmm, what else do I use alot that could be harmful? Clothes? Hmm, no. Er, ball-point pens? Not really. I have been hit recently by a softball ... but I hardly spend a significant amount of time on that.
Ahhhh, _I_ know.
I _do_ use a car quite a bit.
We can take safety precautions, buckle up, drive safely, ... but most of us accept driving as a reasonable risk for the benefits. It would be nice
to likewise compare benefits and dangers of using your mobile.
I would love to see the comparison of accidents versus usage:
car injuries/usage :: phone injuries/usage
(usage is probably %time * people or something)
Can anyone help?
Taking this car vs mobile thing a bit further .... in the beginning, there were horses and then only steam engines. And the horses pretty much beat those steam engines every time so for years transport saftey guidelines consisted of the unwritten "don't get run over" or "don't run into large/sharp things".
They have since developed from their meagre beginnings worldwide into tomes of law, rules of road saftey, safe-cross codes, etc.....
Probably the same applies to using "thingies" outputting microwave/high RF energy.
There is a risk there, as for anything. We need a safety code for mobile phone users, as we do for hair-dryers. For now though I would think it more important for mobile phones.
Phones should log their usage AND power levels and make this available to the user. This would be quite easy to do ... but would the average user understand "WARNING power output increased to indecipherable quantity" ?
Educate phone users *shivers* this could be difficult. If entering big sheilded building => phone power increases. If phone strapped next to vital organs => be careful!
Don't use the phones excessively . I know some people can talk ALL day, but seriously, they would have done something else before the mobile phone.
If you use a mobile excessively then you need a headset YES you look like a fool jogging down the road looking like some bodyguard gone nuts but not much more of a fool than you do with that thing held against your ear.
Have I forgotten something? Feel free to add.
Jun 17
Tim Gilbert wrote:
> >HP-UX 10.20, X/Open stream socket
> >
> >Is there a problem with attempting to connect to a server multiple times
> >using the same socket if the previous attempts have failed?
> >
> >What I'm trying to do is ensure that the client tries for a user
> >specified number of times to connect to a server (which may not be
> >running on a different host) with a user specified wait in between each
> >attempt before giving up. I'm only creating the socket once. If the
> >server is not running I get error 239 on the first connect but when I
> >attempt to do a second (or any subsequent attempt after starting the
> >server I get EINVAL (22)). If I close and recreate the socket after
> >the first failed attempt, the client will connect to the server.
Barry Margolin:
> It seems like you've answered your own question.
Hmmm, yes. I have just discovered the same thing.
But I have a theory >;)
Examine the socket status (netstat -a) I have seen
the socket go into CLOSE_WAIT and TIME_WAIT after
the failed connection.
I guess if you wait TIME_WAIT (60 sec on HPUX) and
THEN try to reuse the socket it might work ... but
I'm too lazy to test this.
I also suspect that if you set the socket
SO_REUSEADDR and set SO_LINGER off then you could
retry the connection immediately as the TIME_WAIT
should exit immediately.
Again, I'm too lazy to experiment.
Apr 16
goto lego mindstorms
Philips article on winNT/2000 unsuitability for industry :-)
Apr 15
Making ssh key
Weird ssh prblms?
Waider has a new home.
Softball maps and playing with map forms
and JavaScript .
http://multimedia.itronics.ie/ always returns 320*320 image?
Softball match at Anglesea Road,
Donnybrook , Dublin 4,Ireland.
Zoom in to
Belvedere RFC . It's the green diamond right :)
Overview of
city centre/harbour mouth ,
zoom all out for
overview of Dublin .
Southmost reaches to Clonskeagh, ... Belfield park, Elm pk golf, .. Booterstown.
(- 314903 314153) right,left 314528
(- 234530 233780) top,bottom 234145
say targetting missile on spoon coordinates 314528,234145 sir!
emote hurls Waider's gaff
emote cackles evilly!
This is the main map image link:
The city centre , try tiling this in 4. (could go a little bit south).
Top=235500, Mid=234000, Bottom=232500
Left=314150, Mid=315650, Right=317150
Open mapWindow
Apr 13
You say, "is Diamond RIO MP3 players - 32Mb for £ 179 good?"
You say, "GAME on Grafton St. + £ 5 discount with voucher on counter!! ... apparently"
Creative Labs gets into mp3 and Nomad World .
Diamond Rio or Rio se , open source Snowblind Alliance Rio software (Linux, DOS, windoze).
The Dilbert Hole from /.
fiocco hurls nomo zilla new gruntle?
waider says, "Been up since April 1"
waider says, "He quit netscape and is, by some account, joining Be ."
Apr 12
account on dspsrv.com ? in Esat's web farm in Dundrum.
24x7 34MB connection to the world, UPS, all that fun stuff.
Check out www.ssh.fi for details. Or ftp to and go to /pub/crypto/ssh or thereabouts."
waider says, "ssh = telnet + ssl."
waider says, "Very nifty. Tres easy to set up."
You say, "Brian did it apparently (Fionnuala's older brother - of ripping apart radios, washing machines, phones, ... and leaving little sister to develop fine enginertring skills when putting them back together)"
waider says, "Dual IDE controller. I guess you tried swapping the disks into the CDROM connector?"
You say, "soundcard ---- motherboard (with what looks astoundingly like IDE connectro but I wasn't _THAT_ brave"
waider grins
You say, "yep -- cdrom + 2*1.2G => 8 possible combinations"
You say, "... nope + 2 connectors => 16?"
You say, "or something"
waider says, "Soundcard will have an IDE connector, yes."
fiocco perks up his eyes
You say, "interesting ... prbly the same controller that is dead but surte tis worth a go."
You say, "... but ... soundcard with IDE ctrl .... Hmmm what's the BIOS bus (or whatever it's called) for?"
You say, "Umm... direct CDROM-IDEbus connection?"
You say, "Hmmmm ... mystifying yokes."
You say, "anyway ... there was an ethernet card in the thing which they've NO use for so I pirated it >;)"
You say, "networked CarMADDEGON DOOM, Quake, GTA, .... >;)"
You say, "... well, some day maybe :)"
waider hee. Where did they get a network card?
You say, "with the PC."
You say, "Fionnuala & myself bought it for them a bit ago."
You say, "check this"
waider says, "Soundcard with IDE -> CDROM for older machines. You can maybe use it as a disk i/f. It's entirely separate from the motherboard IDE."
waider says, "You'll probably need some drivers to access it, though."
waider says, "Hey, is the CDROM showing up on bootup, or is that invisible too?"
You say, "PII, 2*1.2G HD, 32M, sndCrd, spkrs, 15" mon, .... for £ 350"
waider says, "Wow. Cheap PC."
You say, "BIOS can't handle CDROM :("
You say, "got boot floppies w sndcrd drivers so I can check it out"
You say, "didn't see point of getting cdrom working w/o hard drives but I'll try that out 2nite hopefully"
waider says, "Where buy?"
waider says, "And what's the PII speed?"
You say, "yeah ... maybe yer man knew something we didn't ......"
You say, "but I don't think so"
You say, "Everything was beautiful until Brian ....."
You say, "Brian ..... couldn't remember passwd"
waider says, "It's hard to fry IDE controllers, you know. In fact, it's hard to fry PC components in general."
You say, "so ... Brian started reinstalling stuff .... and then he managed to uninstall CDROM drivers"
You say, "so Brian reinstalled windoze :-E augh!"
You say, "half way through this apparently everything died and now on boot only floppy is found"
waider says, "Erk."
fiocco screams Augghgghghghh!!!!!
waider says, "He's SPECIAL."
You say, "commemorated on homepages.iol.ie/~bcallan "
You say, "yes ... quite special >:-E"
@emit http://www.geocities.com:80/SunsetStrip/Backstage/4183/Guinness.jpg is hurled at joe too.
joev says, "bloody BIG jpg... 600K...."
waider says, "Groovy."
You say, "Bronagh might be off to Poland --- Wrocklaw ... for the next coupla years."
You say, "... acksherly"
waider heh. "I met her again the night you brought Daire into Bewleys."
emote missed that :)
fiocco missed that :)
ftp and get ssh-2.0.12
CC=CC ./configure --prefix=$HOME
Apr 7
Paper-Rock-Scissors game with waider, Fionnuala (cut my paper with her scissors) "By a logical process of elimination, I guess you wouldn't hurl a scissors or rock at me without prior warning." and Robbie (s3 softball) and Bill?
Speech utilities: mbrola
Festival , all singing all dancing, big and too many twiddlers?
say distributed with gxedit .
look on fresh meat .
fiocco wields a daffodil and a scissors.
waider brandishes a SWORD!
fiocco throws some snarling-mud-spitting-pirahana-consuming moss at waider.
waider hee. "in the other mud, I see: "AnotherBug ties off buzzard's braid with a daffodil"
waider ducks.
You say, "it's the season :)"
waider says, "I'm thinking of hacking fighting routines into PerlMud. For amusement value."
waider says, "Paper, scissors, stone would be a good one to add, actually."
You say, "you never leave this pub ... there's prbly buckets of daffodils outside ... or will be? :)"
waider buys a round of drinks. Cheers!
waider hmms. dspsrv.com isn't online yet. "should be up today, hopefully."
You say, "hey - kewl - are there already perlMud fighting er .. libs/source/whatever."
You say, "duh - fresume so ..."
waider says, "Nope."
You say, "uoh - nooo?!!?"
waider says, "PerlMud is supposed to be more a conferencing system than a real mud."
You say, "oh"
You say, "so you're gonna implement n skill levels with char attributes, weapon classes, armour, mmm, magic to complicate everything, and .... AUUghhhh :)"
waider says, "I think maybe just weapons and armour class. Or maybe just weapons."
fiocco would be happy with the ability to bite people in a specified body part :-E
waider hee!
You say, "medievia.com had a BIG list of verby things you could do like ... lick, tickle, smooch, bite, ....."
say Ummm... can only Godlike persons do ... er whadyamcall them ... room commands? (emote w/o name)
You say, "Ummm... can only Godlike persons do ... er whadyamcall them ... room commands? (emote w/o name)"
@emit a mass of tiny green frogs start clambering through cracks in the floorboards.
waider says, "that would be it."
Thousands of tiny green frogs advance on waider, croaking is overpowering, the noise is incredible!!
fiocco squishes a tiny green frog with his boot of redemption.
tiny green frogs clamber up your leg, crawling into your boots, into your pockets, over your shirt, into your hair.
Baker the tiny green frog vapouriser has entered the room.
Baker whips out his tiny-green-frog-master-blaster.
Baker fires his tiny-green-frog-master-blaster.
waider says, "master-blender"
The room is covered in a greenish mush of frog parts.
Baker has gone home.
Suzy the cleaning lady has arrived with her mop.
Suzy starts mopping the frog goo from the pub.
You say, "gosh - never create millions of green frogs .... tidying up is the hard part!"
Apr 6