Name my "~"
So, as a result of an interviewing experience, I asked my friends,
"How would you describe, to someone who doesn't know, what
a tilde is? Bonus points if you don't diagram it in any
Here are the suggestions:
- Dermot McGahon
- It's the squigelly thing obviously...
- The symbol for approximately might twig it ??
- Brendan Vaughan
- Hmm...the top half of an approximatly equal to sign?
- Looks like a sorta S turned 90 degrees clockwise?
- An elongated sine wave?
- Looks like a quiff??
- The dividing line of a ying yang turned 90 degrees clockwise?
- Take a bra, turn one cup up and one cup down...there you are?
- Look lengthways at the first 2 channels of a corrugated sheet?
- That button wither on the top left or right of the main panel of your keyboard...or perhaps beside the return key??
- Conor "Bob" Foley
- its SHIFT + # = ~
He also added, "tell them just to accept it."
- BP "Setanta" Casey
- The winner from my office was "ASCII 126".
So now you know.