A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
September 30
How peculiar. Apple address the Bash security hole, but the fix
is posted on their site as a download rather than being available
through softwareupdate. Maybe softwareupdate was potentially
compromised? Or maybe it's just avoiding load on one part of their
infrastructure by pointing the Internet Firehose at another
September 27
Pacific Rim was basically meh. It's
pretty much a Japanese Monsters Meet Mecha-Warriors movie, with
all the clichés but none of the flair that makes a
well-worn track enjoyable. The goofy scientists were too goofy,
the belligerent asshole had no redeeming features whatsoever, the
quirky love interest was ... I dunno, negligible? silly? In any
case, stuff exploded, and then we were done. Skip it,
September 22
Still watching Sopranos
episodes. Approaching the end of season five at this
September 21
Attempting to figure out cross-device podcast syncing for
Mrs. Waider. Apparently the Official Answer is to have iTunes
constantly running on a PC somewhere; the more useful if less
official answer is to use Downcast. Why Apple couldn't do this,
after the much-bragged-about untethering of iPhones from desktops,
I have no idea.
Because it's been annoying me for a while, I finally taught my Mac
that when I say, "eject /Volumes/GARMIN", what I really
mean is "diskutil eject /Volumes/GARMIN".
Damned thing still didn't want to eject, though.
The above is, of course, another round of trying to update a GPS
device. Run the Garmin software, it says there's an update but my
(connected) device isn't connected. In trying to diagnose,
suddenly get a prompt to install a new version of the Garmin
software. Install the new version. This seems happier to tell me
it's noticed my Garmin. Ask it to update. It says I need to
connect a device. Try to quit the updater. It says, "you
shouldn't quit while your device is being updated". WTF,
Attempting to disengage one iCloud account so I can use the
other. Annoying that you can't add multiple iCloud accounts in the
system preferences and select which features you want each to
support, but there you have it. Also annoying that you can't merge
two iCloud accounts.
More Garmin fun: Garmin browser plugin recognises the device on
the test page, but not on the supposedly useful dashboard
September 20
Rewatched Galaxy Quest. What's funny about
this, I think, is that to really appreciate it you kinda need to
belong to the culture it's sending up - as someone with a level of
familiarity with the culture, there's a depth to the movie that
I'm only getting by reading the likes of IMDb's trivia
section. Still, it's good for a laugh.
September 19
As alluded to somewhat cryptically on the twitters, today is the
start of Year Ten.
(I realise that's not a whole lot less cryptic.)
September 13
This thing where iCloud/iCal/iWhatever randomly signs me up to a
holiday calendar for a country I'm not in is getting tiresome. Cut
it out, Apple.
September 10
...and happy birthday, nephew!
September 5
America: The Winter Soldier wasn't quite as good as
Avengers Assemble, and it does seem a little odd to put
together a world-threatening conspiracy that the Avengers aren't
around to handle (yes yes I saw the "explanation" for
this), but it was still a bit of fun. Bad points: clunky dialogue
trying to expound on the virtues of state-sponsored violence
vs. FREEDOM™ (now supersized with free milkshake and extra
fries). Good points: stuff exploding, enough witty dialogue to
entertain without going overboard into Arnie/Bruce territory, a
reasonable balance of good guys vs. bad guys, and the general pace
of the whole thing. Having two "stingers" (is that what
we call them? I don't really know) in the credits was mildly
annoying; I'd certainly have been peeved if I'd gone to see it at
the cinema and didn't see these little promos for the next
movie. I don't much care to sit through pages and pages of credits
for these. Anyway. Bottom line is that this movie is about what
you'd expect from the Avengers franchise. If that's your thing,
this is also your thing.