A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
February 28
Zeno's kitchen is ... almost there. To be fair, the
only thing left is a drawer insert that we asked for after the
drawer had been put in place, so it's our fault that's
delayed. The kitchen is a joy to work in, what with probably twice
to three times the storage space of the old one, and a similar
increase in counter space, and all this within roughly the same
footprint of the original.
February 21
Startup.com was a fun little
documentary that I'd seen reference to some years ago and had
forgotten about until the director appeared on The Daily
Show talking about her latest work; lo and behold, Screenclick actually had
the movie in their catalogue. The general gist of it is following
an Internet startup from idea to crash, but without ever making a
whole lot of mention of what the actual "product" is
(it's in there, but it's not really important). So you get a great
view of the personal dynamics between the founders, the VCs,
etc. I think anyone who's thinking it might be a good idea to
start a company with their friends should watch this
February 17
Spent the weekend in Amsterdam, which included looking at
120-year-old paintings (Mr. Van Gogh's).
Took the Windows option on the backups problems: rebooted the
laptop before I left for the above. Came home to discover it's now
reporting it managed a backup on Feb 14th, which is progress,
since it was previously reporting Jan 9th.
February 14
Some historical Waterford sources: Smith (1746), Ryland (1824),
Hansard (1870). The last appears to have basically lifted large
quantites of Ryland's work and periodically inserted an updated
fact (this wild claim based on speed-reading, to be fair). I guess
Hansard's book does say, "compiled by".
February 12
The cleaners, from pristine.ie, did an incredible
job. Things were cleaned that I'd have said, "ah here, don't
bother with that". Strongly recommended. Great value,
Trying to fit everything back into the kitchen is, of course, one
of those "how do we get all these worms back into this
can?" scenarios, although to be fair we do technically have a
bigger can at this point (more storage space). Still, there's a
lot of stuff to fit in and we've not quite figured out where it
all goes yet.
Backups continue to be weird. The old laptop appears to be happily
churning out backups (that's the one I moved); the new laptop
appears to be churning out backups, but Time Machine
claims it's not actually done so since January 9th. Maybe I'll
just reboot EVERYTHING.
February 11
Nearlynearlynearly done. It's like
Zeno's Kitchen. Tomorrow we get cleaners in, and then we can
actually start making proper use of the newness. Still a
splashback and a few other minor items to be installed, but
nothing that will prevent use of the new things.
February 4
Kitchen nearly done. It's been nearly done for a few
days now, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's
surrounded by dust and the tunnel has snags, but I'm looking
forward to actually being able to use the cooker again.
Got access to a somewhat restricted archive and immediately dug up
some historical facts somewhat tangential to the family tree
reasearch. Certainly appears to unravel something that had been
puzzling me, but it's not, as I say, directly related to family