Hacker's Diary
A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
- September 30
- Loaded up DVDRentals queue with Sopranos seasons. Got disc one
from season... FIVE. Went back to queue, bumped the priorities on
season two discs, sent back the unwanted (yet) disc.
Got disc one season FOUR.
Found the small print on the site that says, "don't put more
than one season at a time on your list". Apparently they can
deliver one season in order, but not multiple seasons.
- September 29
- I've been using iPhoto to keep tabs on the various scans,
etc. I've been collecting as part of family tree research, and
I've found that particularly with large images it's really,
really crashy. This is kinda annoying, as I'm never 100%
sure if it's lost anything in the crash.
- September 24
- I have been doing a little hacking around on my much-neglected
RSS toy of late; this reminds me in passing that the official
Dilbert feed started not including strips but instead directions
to go view the strip on their site, which sort of defeats the
purpose of putting it in RSS (but I'm sure generates advert
revenue). I'm impressed that they chose to include this message as
valid RSS entries rather than assuming that you can put all manner
of arbitrary HTML into your RSS feed and, hey, it worked for the
guy who looked at it in his browser... but still. Dilbert hasn't
raised more than a smile from me in a long time, and I can't be
bothered looking for a "fixed" RSS feed or hacking one
together myself, so blammo, that's off the list of things I
I got the shiny new iOS. Mainly I'm finding that, well, it's shiny
- most of the new features, such as they are, are kinda irrelevant
as far as I'm concerned.
- September 21
- More Sopranos. I
am amazed at how many annoying characters this show is turning up
- people who you're kinda waiting impatiently for them to get
written out. Or who I'm waiting on, anyway.
- September 19
- Back watching Sopranos
episodes again. The season two opening montage was a bit drawn
out, but it's ticking along nicely.
I went to TEDx Dublin last week. I had to bail out before the
third session, due to previous commitments, which meant I missed
Robin Ince. However, I did get to see the cofounder of Fighting Words, and a guy
talking about an art/encounter space he'd opened up down on the
quays near where I used live a few years ago. Of the rest: they
ran the Quantum Locking video from whichever TED that happened at.
That was a bit disappointing as (a) it's (relatively) old, (b)
it's available for free online, and sitting in a theatre watching
it on a big screen isn't exactly what I was expecting, and (c) I'd
seen it already. Of the remaining talks, two were entertaining,
one was incomprehensible because of the combination of delivery
and material, another one was incomprehensible because the speaker
didn't actually appear to have a point, and one was poorly
rehearsed and over-long for the information being put across. I do
think that having all presenters give fifteen minutes was a mistake;
Fighting Words guy could clearly have done with another three
minutes, while the lesser presentations would possibly have been
more focussed if they'd had less time to waffle. On the whole I'm
glad I went, but I was definitely expecting better.
Oh, but I did sign up for a membership of the Science
- September 15
- The Madness of King
George was funny, and sad, and not wholly divorced from
history. Definitely worth watching.
- September 12
- I found an interesting thread on one of the Apple support forums
about backups missing system files; the short summary is that
there's an option in Time Machine to disable the backup of system
files, which gets stored in
/Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist, and
there seem to be some situations where this option is engaged
without being explicitly requested by the user. So, good to
know. Apparently trashing the file and toggling Time Machine off
and back on is sufficient to fix the problem. So, if you rely on
Time Machine, now would be a good time to check this option, and
also you may want to consider hacking together something that can
monitor it.
High-falutin' discussion Chez Waider last night, discussing the
concept of relative time. Using a Greg Egan story for
illustration, of course.
- September 8
- I'm getting piecemeal results from the OSI Map Viewer, and the
NAI Census website is offline for non-static pages - did someone
kill a database in the Civil Service this weekend?
Trying to rsync some files off an old laptop here - MacOS 10.7 -
and it's stalling on certain files without producing any warnings
or errors - just sitting there doing
nothing. Bizarre.
- September 3
- Last week was spent in Bath and Bristol for time off featuring
movie-watching, book-reading, a bit of tourism, and an unplanned
bout of food poisoning. That last bit pretty much sucked. Movies
watched: Full Metal Jacket, The Prophecy, Beowulf and Avatar - all of which I'd seen before
except for The Prophecy, which was a sad day
out for all concerned and not something you need trouble yourself
with. Christopher Walken, you're better than this,
I will note (possibly again) that mobile internet coverage in the
UK is unbelievably bad, and this is in a country where they're
raving about the 4G rollout that's more-or-less happening. What
about finishing off the 3G rollout first? There's parts of Bath
and Bristol, and the railway line between, where I could just
about get a 2G signal - and parts where the signal dropped
entirely for calls as well as data.
Also, hello Marriot Hotel Bristol, why is it that paying customers
have to pay extra for WiFi, while any cheapskate hanging around
the terrace can get it for free? (I vaguely recall encountering
this phenomenon before, possibly in Spain).
Recovery of the Mac Mini is... getting there. I've abandoned my
efforts to repair various broken things that, while broken, are
sufficiently functional to use. So I have no idea what's going on
with the OpenDirectory setup, but it's allowing me to log in and
what not, so no point in fussing over it. I still need to backfill
a bunch of email from various cached versions, and fix up a few
other things, but for the most part it's limping along in a mildly
usable fashion.
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