Hacker's Diary
A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
- September 30
- Continued broken: wifi sync appears to be failing
intermittently, my laptop is having trouble holding open a remote
desktop connection to the Mac Mini, webserver still can't be
logged into due to busted ssh (if we were less diligent about
keeping it patched, we might have a back door to
- September 29
- The only thing I didn't much like about The Descendants was Sid's
character, as really he seemed both superfluous and
incongruent. Aside from that, a decent movie.
- September 25
- Mountain Lion upgrade had further spectacular failures (I think
trying to upgrade the thing that provides DNS, using DNS, is
probably root cause) but bizarrely the email server magically
started working again.
Kerberos appears to be broken, though. Swings,
iOS 6 appears to have broken iTunes sync on the iPad. Only
suggestion I've seen so far is to use a third-party tool to remove
a file from the iPad, and then resync.
Started scrubbing files off the old MacBook. I've been holding off
migrating things off it until I can figure out how to set up
network accounts on the server properly, but that hasn't happened
so far and the laptop's just sitting here waiting for me to tidy
- September 24
- So last week I discovered that the server that handles my email
wound up on a blacklist for reasons that are unclear. I had a
brief look over the weekend and then noticed that it was no longer
blacklisted, possibly because it auto-expired or possibly because
someone clicked things. Then I started getting email about a PHP
process that wouldn't start due to a missing shared library, and
now the ssh server isn't letting anyone in (which means,
incidentally, that if you can read this either the problem has
been solved or I've moved servers). Oh, and my ISP appears to have
decided that today's a good day to refuse outbound email that
doesn't come with a From: header for their own customer
email domain.t
Oh, and it's raining.
- September 23
- A bunch of logfile analysis leads me to conclude that a whole
bunch of popular email software (exim, dovecot, mailman to name
but three) whines a lot about things that don't really
Attempting to install some updates on Mrs. Waider's computer, and
it tells me it's successfully installed them even though it
hasn't, and the "Fix It" tool won't actually run. Quite awesome
user experience, this.
- September 18
- Got a sizeable chunk of Finance::Bank::IE refactoring sorted
out, after a couple of days of missing a very obvious failure to
check a return code. Some would say it serves me right for coding
in Perl. Now I
need to figure out why my git push isn't
- September 16
- Killers was better than I was
expecting, which is to say I actually laughed at it a few times
and got reasonably engaged in the story for a bit. However, this
poor retread of Mr. & Mrs. Smith territory has a few
notable failings, not least of which is that I couldn't take
Ashton Kutcher seriously as a spy/action hero type. Also, don't
try to think about the plot after you've watched it, because
you'll just get annoyed at the sheer stupidity of the
- September 15
- Someone needs to explain to me why so many cyclists seem to
think that going slowly through a red light makes it
ok. Do they think green shift occurs or something?
- September 14
- I haven't seen The Commitments since its
cinema release, and Selene had never seen it. Great entertainment
without getting too much into the paddywhackery. Poking around
IMDb afterwards I discovered that the Corrs, who featured more or
less as extras in the movie, essentially launched their career
from here.
- September 9
- Doing some rearchitecture work on the Banking stuff, which is
revealing the enormous benefits of the (incomplete) test
suite. Although annoyingly right now I'm looking at tests that
fail while the code works fine against the live sites (I took
shortcuts with my test harness, basically).
- September 8
- Went to the Irish Craft Beer festival. Ate Pie. Drank Moonbeam,
Alternator, Chameleon (two kinds), and a stout (not either of the
ones I wanted). Tasted a few more. Ate Pork. Walked home. Hung
- September 6
- Emacs input problem solved:
'(ns-right-alternate-modifier (quote none)))
Obvious, right?
I switched the database for the RSS Toy to a RDS
t1.micro instance (from whatever the previous low-budget
option was) and there are two immediately obvious effects: the
performance has plummeted, and the price on the first month of
using it is down by about 40%. I'm okay with the crap performance
as it's an incentive to spend a bit more time tinkering with the
SQL queries, although my intermittent work on porting it to Java
leads me to believe I might be better off rearchitecting the whole
thing. In summary, if you need a toy database, this is actually a
pretty cheap option.
- September 5
- It would appear that changes somewhere along the way (new Mac,
new OS, new Emacs version) prevent me from typing the
"#" character in Emacs - something of a pain for
scripting - as it winds up being interpreted by the last as
Meta-3, or "do next thing 3 times". I may have to use an
alternative Emacs build.
...such as AquaMACS? Still
looks to have the same problem, alas.
- September 4
- Still haven't moved All The Things to the new Mac. I have:
- Read the first half of an
interesting take on Beowulf
- Watched The Shipping News
which I apparently confused reading with
watching as according to this very journal I've never
seen it before, but I knew the story (well, sort of,
anyway). It's funny seeing Kevin Spacey, SRS ACTR, doing a sort
of John Cusack-type bumbling-through-life guy. Good movie,
possibly worth collecting.
- Built a home office of sorts - a desk, filing cabinet, and
shelves. Plans for a chair were scuppered by it being
back-to-school, let's buy junior his own study area
weekend. Manly Duties Award granted for fashioning a printer
riser out of a corner shelf and some bits of wood.
- September 1
- Happy Birthday, Doey!
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