Hacker's Diary
A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
- October 31
- Hacked a little on the Emacs lisp I use to maintain these pages
in order to, er, maintain these pages.
So, a little detail on the holiday. We headed out on the 14th,
arrived in Sri Lanka on the 15th, stayed in Hikkaduwa until the
24th, spent a night in Colombo, then came back on the 25th. Little
to no actual tourism took place as it was mainly a relaxation
break. Media consumed as follows:
was a nicely entertaining read. One thing that struck me
about it after the fact is that it's essentially the story of a
handful of people with the world at large being a fuzzy prop in
the background - in this case, the Iraq war getting passing
mentions and minor integrations with the lives of the characters,
but little more than that. I've never really considered this
before, so I can't really say if it's something specific about
this book that drew it out or if I've just been oblivious to other
writers using the same technique.
was far, far better than I'd expected from various snide
remarks I'd seen about it in passing (I don't generally seek out
book reviews, particuarly where authors that I like are
concerned); I knew it was good when I was having trouble putting
it down despite having trouble keeping my eyes open due to the
lateness of the hour. It reminds me a bit of Robert Anton Wilson's
work, where there's a Big Idea in the book being sold to you as
part of a (science)fiction piece, so you don't notice that you're
getting exposed to the Big Idea until you stop to think about
it. Or if, as Wilson constantly advised, you're paying
attention to the details. Anyway, as with pretty much every
Stephenson novel I've read, I was a little dissatisfied with the
ending, mainly because I had a little trouble figuring out exactly
what happened (I had this problem for years with
Neuromancer, and it turns out that Gibson was being
blindingly obvious and I was imbuing the book with an inscrutable
opacity that wasn't actually there) and had to re-read a few bits
to make sure that I'd got it. Well, I think I got it. I'm still
not wholly sure.
Instapaper provided a bunch of other reading material for me; I've
finally read the Amazon Dynamo paper, just as people are starting
to publicly pick large holes in the CAP theorem which it
references, and there was a bunch of other stuff sitting there
waiting for me to catch up on as well. I didn't manage to finish
An Intimate History Of Humanity
On The Origin of Species, or the
King Arthur e-book I'm reading despite tackling them; the first is
a really tough read, the second is, well, a bit dull, and the
third I've only been dipping into at random.
Movies... our TV had HBO, and we had two many-hour flights, so
there was a good deal of movie-watching. HBO was mostly running a
loop with a bunch of old movies and a few more recent releases,
and the in-flight movies were cut with the usual heavy hand (I
abandoned Daybreakers after about ten minutes
because the cuts were so obvious and interfering with the movie),
but we still covered a good deal of ground.
The A-Team: surprisingly good, again
considering the comments I'd come across about it. Yes, they
ditched the classic GMC van. Yes, they moved the backstory to
Iraq. Yes, people got killed, instead of somehow surviving a hail
of bullets and explosives without a scratch. None of this
particularly matters unless you're convinced that a TV series made
for kids would appeal to the same "kids" thirty years
later if they retained everything exactly as it was. Although I
supposed I would have liked if they'd kept the van. The only thing
that really grated was B.A.'s whole "I became a peaceful
man" nonsense, which came across as something that was tacked
on as an afterthought and was written by someone who shouldn't be
allowed near sharp objects, such as pens. Verdict: worth
The Limits Of Control kept
turning up on HBO. We watched about twenty minutes and spent the
rest of the time complaining at the TV whenever it showed up on
the "Up Next" panel at the end of whatever we were
watching. I'm sure it's great if you're into your art movies, and
I've watched a few Jarmusch offerings that I liked, but this
was... no. Just no.
Riding In Cars With
Boys: one woman's story of how everyone ruined her
life. Really, I had no sympathy for her, and while the movie was a
good enough telling of the story it didn't alter the fact that it
was essentially an elongated whine. Might be some peoples' sort of
thing, it's not mine.
The Paper was entertaining enough in
a very undemanding way. We missed the start of it, and possibly
some part of the middle as well (at least, I'm certainly missing a
chunk between where we started watching and the end of the movie,
but I'm not sure why) but I quite enjoyed it as something to pass
the time.
Seven Pounds: I figured out the
rest of the movie about half-way through. A nice movie; nothing
earthshaking, but well done. I think I prefer Will Smith in
ass-kicking mode, though.
Iron Man 2: totally rocked. I liked
the first one (which I also saw on a plane) but ultimately I felt
that the pacing, or something, was a little off. The
sequel is, I think, absolutely spot-on perfect. Easily the best
movie I saw over the entire holiday, and probably one to
Ninja Assassin was as shlocky as
you'd expect. Not so much a movie as a series of ass-kickings
coupled together loosely with something you could squint at to
call a plot. I wouldn't recommend this except as pure brain candy,
for which it served admirably. I'm also surprised at how watchable
it was in its cut-for-airplane state.
Jonah Hex was quite enjoyable, given
that I was watching it as filler (what can I watch that will be
over before the plane lands) and I knew nothing about it in
advance. I think I'd like to watch this again on a big screen
without an aircraft engine droning in the background.
And finally (because I'm sure there were other movies that I can't
recall and/or didn't write down): Sherlock, the TV
series. This new thing that the BBC are doing whereby they give
you three episodes of a show, do it really, really well,
and call it a season, is by turns brilliant and annoying. It's
brilliant because it appears to have allowed them to pursue high
production values - because they're not budgeting for a lot of
episodes - and it's annoying because after three episodes of this
I wanted more More MORE. The modernisation of Holmes and Watson is
remarkably well done, retaining enough of the original to be
recognisable while making good use of modern references and
technology. And I really like the way they work text messages. The
third (final) show ends on a HUGE cliff-hanger, so I'm eager to
see the next "series" when it shows up.
So that about covers the holiday: since we came back, there have
been two more:
We caught RED on the big screen, and it's bloody
awesome. Total Warren Ellis fanboy that I am, I grinned when I saw
his name on the screen at the start... I think my only real regret
with this movie is that I watched the trailers, because they give
away some key plot points - not in a spoilerish way, but enough
that you're waiting for the next trailer segment to come up as
you're watching the movie. You must go see this, and I must buy
this as soon as it's available.
Lazy Saturday evening movie: Some Kind Of
Wonderful is one more of Screenclick's 80's Classics, and I'd
seen the last ten minutes or so of it previously. As 80's movies
go, it's not actually that good, but then again when I rewatched
Ferris Bueller (which I loved back in the 80's) I thought it was
rubbish, so maybe it's the elapsed years that makes it cheesy and
I'd have loved it if I'd seen it back in the day. Anyway, mainly
just ticking a box by watching this. I wouldn't really recommend
In other other news, the 320GB drive attached to my Cube appears
to have died horribly while I was away. This is bothersome mainly
because I have no real clue what's on it. I'd moved all the music
and videos off it some time earlier this month (onto a 500GB drive
that's about half the physical size) but I do know that I was
using it for my Time Machine backups, which probably accounts for
its demise (on account of that causing fairly heavy use of the
disk). It also has backups of at least a decade's worth of retired
Linux boxes (my old laptops, etc.) which I'd kinda like to retain
- at least until I finish the slow process of identifying things
that are discardable, made slower by the fact that it's boring and
I've not done anything with it in ages. Having already tried
(unsuccessfully) the Freezer Trick, I may have to resort to actual
professional data recovery. The most annoying part about this is
that while I got very little warning that the drive was failing, I
did get some warning, and figured it'd last a little
longer. Let that be a lesson to me.
- October 27
- I'm back from a few days in Sri Lanka. Movies, books, etc. will
be noted at some point, probably the weekend.
Also, I have an Apple TV. It is cute. More later, zzz now.
- October 13
- Due to the present location of the appropriate laptop, we were
faced with trying to resync an iPhone with a laptop for which it
was not previously synced last night, losing all the music
contained therein. Having done the iTunes Library Shuffle before I
can easily manage this when all the files are to hand, but in this
case, as noted, the files were elsewhere. Enter DeTune, discovered
after an amount of Googling and eventually following a
link from the page of the predecessor of this particular app. But
it was worth the wait: it's free, open source, and does exactly
the required job: plug in iPhone, drag and drop music and video to
a folder somewhere, and you're done. Much better than the scrappy
applications looking for money and not working due to not having
been updated in several years...
- October 10
- More 80's classics: The Untouchables, from a time
when Ennio Morricone did your soundtrack and Sean Connery did
pretty much whatever he wanted as long as he got to do it with a
Scottish accent. It's a good movie, and hasn't really lost
anything over time.
- October 8
- Kevin Smith directs Bruce Willis and previous co-conspirators
Jason Lee and Seann William Scott. Sounds like it might be a bit
of fun, eh? No, no, no, no, no. Cop Out is a sad, tired movie with
an incredibly poor and annoying sidekick to Bruce Willis'
character, a cheap plot, a pointless more-or-less cameo for Kevin
Pollack and Adam Brody (what exactly was achieved by that
scene where Willis meets them in the bar?), and basically a
complete waste of talent combined with a showcase of poor
talent. Don't bother with this, it's awful. Oh hey, they said
"Youtube". They're so hip. Eeesh.
I also re-watched Once, which was a much better
- October 7
- Finance::Bank::IE 0.22 uploaded to CPAN. I figured the PTSB code
was good enough as it stood, by which I mean it works.
- October 6
- PTSB module now retrieves account summary and mini
statement. I'll clean this up and, I think, let it
- October 4
- Cute hack for the day: I've added Alt-N as a global shortcut on
a KDE desktop; it runs a script which figures out what application
currently has open, and attempts to open a new window for that
application. Users of Macintosh computers will recognise this as
an attempt to work around my pressing ⌘-N and expecting a
new window to open. So far it's mainly for XTerms and Thunderbird,
but I'm sure I'll find some other apps that need to have it
I am somewhat annoyed that my experience with a home printer (a
Canon Pixma MP 480 All-in-One Printer
is much the same as work experiences: it's Not Quite Right. In
this case, I thought I'd save us some hassle and clutter by
storing it elsewhere in the house, cabled up to the Cube which
would act as a print server. This appears to work on a fairly
random basis, in as much as periodically something
decides that the client - my laptop - can no longer see the server
in some crucial way, and all print jobs will be on hold until this
situation is rectified, usually by reloading the printer daemon on
the server. Conspiracy theorists will, no doubt, identify this as
an Apple scheme to make me shell out for MacOS X server, I'm
- October 2
- PTSB code can now log in and get account balances. Time to check
it into CVS before I break it again. I might even manage to
release the code by the end of the weekend.
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