Hacker's Diary
A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
- April 29
- The Men Who Stare At
Goats is rather funny, and acted by the Usual Suspects for
such an off-beat endeavour (including one of the actual
Usual Suspects, Mr. Spacey). It's not quite as funny as I'd
expected, but it's a good lark and worth a look. Guess I should
read the book at some point.
- April 25
- One minor adjustment to the RSS Toy made it work a good
deal better on the iPhone: a meta tag that locks the width of the
displayed text to the width of the screen. I've been looking at
various online references to Apple's stealth(ish)
webpages-that-look-like-apps PastryKit library, but noone seems to
have actually written an example of how to use it, which is rather
a key thing, since it's almost completely opaque
- April 21
- A store near my favourite bike shop is advertising itself as
first to bring the iPad to Ireland - they even have a box on
display. It's smaller than I expected, going by the size of the
I was just there to get an A/V cable, though. I asked if they had
"audio/visual cables for iPods", and the person behind
the counter looked a little puzzled, so I did the kinda handwavy
"...to connect the video as well as sound from my
iPod..." bit, and the person said, "we've got A/V
cables" in a tone that suggested they were something
alternative to what I'd asked for. Can't get the staff these days,
- April 17
- Up: a gem. No further comment
- April 16
- I think I added Gran Torino to my list after Dad
recommended it; it's an excellent movie, even if the story arc is
a little predictable - right down to the "surprise"
ending. It's not about where it goes, though, it's about how it's
made, and it's made pretty much perfectly. Good job,
Mr. Eastwood.
- April 11
- Happy Birthday to me!
State of Play is a decent
political thriller, which owes more than a nod and a wink to
All The President's Men - after all, the Watergate
Building features at one point. It's well made: no slack, a nice
twist (although there was a nicer one within reach, I think), very
good at keeping you guessing what was going to happen next. Worth
- April 5
- I discovered over the weekend that I was unable to access
certain sites over Vodafone's cellular network, so this morning
before harassing some customer
abuseservice people I
figured I'd see if it was some setting I'd missed. In the process,
I discovered- Vodafone's website is rather
iPhone-unfriendly, in as much as you need to do a lot of zooming
and panning to use it;
- My postal address, which I updated
some months ago, and which the phone rep I ordered the iPhone from
updated again, was still showing as my old
- My "Vodafone Safety Net" setting was
set to "Universal Content", and should have been set to
"Restricted - over 18s"
That last one is the
key; I had three options offered when I first looked at this,
being Universal, Teen, and Restricted, and even after reading the
explanation of what each was I still picked the wrong one. Perhaps
something more useful like "Filtered", "Teen
Content" and "Unfiltered" might be more
appropriate, or maybe I'm just dumb and can't understand these
- April 4
- Looks like I'll have to tweak my RSS toy to make it more
iPhone-friendly; it works, not least because Safari is my
target browser, but it's a bit too big and clunky. Rearranging the
on-screen data to drop the timestamp and put the headline in front
of the feedname would be a good start.
Finally got around to watching Slumdog Millionaire. Funny moment: Selene
laughing out loud at the "Make me a sandwich" line, on
account of the xkcd
"sudo" comic. On the whole, I enjoyed it, and found
myself scratching my head a bit at the people who complained that
it showed a brighter side of slum life. Really now. Go watch this,
the story arc is fairly predictable but that doesn't detract from
a well-made drama.
- April 3
- Not quite as impressive as The Brother's
aquarium visit, and I'd need to go digging to get the exact
dates, but after about 5000 days in Dublin I finally took the Viking Splash
tour. And it was well worth it. Nothing like a guide who sets
the tone by saying, "This building was constructed in
18...zzzzz who cares?" early on, and proceeds to slag off the
competition, the tourists, the English, St. Patrick, Christchurch,
early morning drinkers, the Spire, Harland and Wolff, property
developers, and the Grand Canal area in general. Well worth the
€20 per head.
- April 2
- I really need to take the backfill code out of my Emacs hacks
for this page.
- April 1
- One of the things that kept me from buying my own iPhone until
now was the wear and tear my phones tend to get. I don't mean
scratches and scuffs; I mean dousing with liquid, deep scars, and
a smashed camera lens. So when Warren Ellis mentioned
buying an Otterbox for his (caution, rude words, etc.), I went
to their site and checked it out. So now my iPhone spends most of
its time encased in a Defender,
which frankly looks like it'll withstand a direct hit with a
hammer. The only downside I've found thus far is that you can't
put it in any of the cradle-style docks, but since my iPhone
complains that my 5G-era dock isn't sufficiently shiny this isn't
much of an issue for me. You can buy
an Otterbox Defender from Amazon UK
Also interested to note that the iPhone backup of the SMS database
appears to be a SQLlite file. Makes things a little easier for my
packrat hoarding of communications!
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