A rough account of what I did with Emacs recently.
/usr/bin/wget --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD -O - -q http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml?status="$STATUS" --post-data=""I am so Web 2.0.
watch --interval 120 'wget --user=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD -O - -q http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml | perl -MHTML::Entities -n -e "binmode STDOUT, \":utf8\"; chomp; \$_ = decode_entities( \$_ ); s/^\s+//; s@</?name>@@g and \$name=\$_; s@</?text>@@g and \$text = \$_; m@</user>@ and print \"\$name: \$text\n\";"'Admittedly I guess the use of Perl to do the heavy lifting seems like some sort of cheating, but the alternative was a bunch of stupid awk, sed and/or bash tricks.
;; useful when trying to fling files around the placeIt stuffs the filename of the current buffer into the X primary selection, which isreally, really handy when you're trying to scp the file from another machine (for example)...
(defun select-filename()
(x-set-selection 'PRIMARY (buffer-file-name)))
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