A rough account of I did with Emacs recently.
; (set-frame-width appears bugged: It didn't always take effect)Well, duh.
Waider (qaz.waider.ie) $ > wc -l access-log-20020929-20021006 19248 access-log-20020929-20021006 Waider (qaz.waider.ie) $ > wc -l access-log-20021006-20021013 147028 access-log-20021006-20021013The first one is pretty indicative of the normal traffic I get. The second one, well, I'm still trying to figure out what happened.
00 186 01 103 02 130 03 248 04 102 05 90 06 208 07 76 08 162 09 5239 10 22258 11 22826 12 22156 13 22125 14 25727 15 6764 16 216 17 210 18 96 19 180 20 85 21 249 22 263 23 82What appears to have happened is that someone loaded up my jmatrix hack at about 9:50, and left it running for five hours. During which time their web browser repeatedly hit my server for one of the 80+ files that makes up the jmatrix screen. Now, this could be because I've written the thing badly, but it doesn't happen with Mozilla, and I've never noticed a bubble like this happening before.
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