Hacker's Diary
A rough account of I did with Emacs
- April 30
- Messing around with the wlan stuff again. I
still can't make Linux
operate the ZoomAir card, even with the supposed-working version of
the wlan code.
Replaced my Redirects with RewriteEngine bits.
- April 29
- Micromail update today, and a
little more messing about with my new map toy.
- April 28
- Time taken to remove 2GB and install 4GB of
memory in Bigass Server: 1hr.
Time taken to diagnose boot failure: 5 mins.
Time taken to understand boot failure: 15 mins.
Time taken to abortively attempt to solve problem: 40 minutes.
Time taken to opt for and implement the "easy" fix: 6 hours.
Basically, I created a disk group while multipathing was in some
bizarre state, and Veritas happily plonked all the useful data on
what would normally be device A. However. Once the machine was
rebooted and the multipathing was back to the correct state,
device A was masked by device B, which is how Veritas seems to
want to present multipath devices consisting of A and B. And no
amount of haranguing (40 minutes) could make it present both
devices in such a way that I could recover the volume. So I
trashed it, rebuilt it, and then spent a little time (6 hours)
restoring 26GB of scanned documents from tape. Ouch.
While waiting for the restore to complete, I wrote another mapping
toy. This one makes (ab)use of MapFlow's engine, as presented by
IOL. The keen thing about this one is that for certain areas, such
as cities and, er, Arklow town, you get aerial photographs at the
higher resolution zooms. Now I need to figure out what the
Lat/Long to coordinate correlation is so I can make another MapServer
- April 27
- My burgeoning social life is playing havoc
with my attempts to be a pasty-faced geek. Four visits to pubs
(three different pubs), four different social groups, with overlap
of one person between three of the groups, and another night spent
at the tender mercies of someone else's spare sleeping device.
Somewhere along the way I picked up a Beta Band album which is
really quite excellent.
- April 26
- Dalton paid a visit, so that involved more
pubward adventures. Met a friend from college who I've not heard
from, quite literally, in years.
- April 25
- Went out to dinner with the new coworkers
and boss. Much fun was had.
- April 24
- Elive are flaky again
tonight. This is irritating, because I get charged a minimum of
5¢ for each dialup, since their modems are answering but not
doing the LCP thing. Also, when it does connect, there's
more than 50% packet loss.
With a small amount of abuse, I managed to get the W3C validator
running locally. Woohoo!
- April 23
- Well, it took an hour or so of abuse, but my
front page is now both HTML
4.01 and CSS2
compliant. The only thing I'm really not pleased with in this is
that the Google logo has a
box around it, which I'm guessing I can remove with sufficient
reading of specs. I should also probably mess with margins so that
the corner bits aren't pressed right up against the edges of the
Elive reappeared, with no
explanation for their absence. Ho hum.
- April 22
- Handed in my notice today. I've gotten a
fine, fine job offer - less pay, but more what I want to do - from
a company based 5 miles from my house who are happy with the
notion of a teleworking sysadmin.
My regular freebie dialup provider, Elive, seem to be off the
air. Service has been flaky of late (then again, it is
free) but now the whole site seems to have vanished into a black
hole. A shame, as they were the only no-questions-asked
dual-channel ISDN dialup I could find. The other contenders all
want to know Stuff About You before they'll let you
- April 21
- Woohoo! I had the magic pint! The one that
makes your hangover not happen!
Bless this coffee, all the same.
Wrote most of a VM/Mailcrypt hack to
unwrap RFC 2015 messages while not being
- April 20
- Down the country, as we say, drinking with
Clarkey and Mark the Garda. Oh, and there was a barbeque as well,
despite the inclement weather.
- April 19
- Made some tweaks to my version of Gronk to fix things that I
didn't realise were broken...
- April 18
- Rolled Dave Love's big BBDB patch into my
code. Despite his (slight) misgivings, it seems to work alright
with Emacs 20, so that's
good. I need to test it with Emacs 19 and XEmacs Mumble before I commit
it; there's also something there about frobbing coding systems on
the BBDB file which may
not be backward compatible that I'll need to address
- April 17
- Sister called over. Work interrupted. Hurrah
for on-call, NOT.
- April 16
- Spending far too much time rebuilding Windows box,
- April 15
- Played around with my shiny new wireless
networking toys. So far, I can make a network in Windows, but
can't yet get Windows and Linux
to talk to each other.
Micromail site update
- April 14
- Caution: you are now operating WAY outside
what this disk was intended for.
Remains to be seen whether I can get away with it. Certainly my Linux
partition has survived a reformat-and-reload install of the
partition; I now have to go back and frob the Windows parition
until it works. This is basically because I've been unable to fix
whatever's wrong with my Windows
installation on the laptop, and I'm FED UP WITH
Put an old Linux
install (RedHat 6.1) on the
toybox so I'd have something to play with the new wireless LAN
card with once I've verified that it works as expected in Windows-land. Of
course, this is once the aforementioned frobbing succeeds...
Books: Finished Sophie's World. Overall, the idea is
good, I guess, but a lot of the dialogue that Sophie and Hilde are
involved in seems terribly forced. To compensate for finishing a
book, there are now two more on the pile: Dave Egger's A
Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (which appears to
have a second Dave Eggers book attached to the back of it) and Kim
Stanley Robinson's The Years of Rice and Salt which looks
dauntingly large.
Eventually got Windows restored
and Linux
back in the boot sector, then spent some time playing Mobil 1 Rally
- April 13
- Mom & Dad took me for dinner as a
birthday present. Also, the nice people at PC World replaced my expensive
cardboard box with one that actually contains
- April 12
- Whew, that was fun.
Seems the too-may-open-files problem was something to do with
having eleventy-seven copies of xinetd running, however
that happened, and that was causing a part of the DHCP
hackery I have to eat the hostname.
Finally got around to auto-hooking mailcrypt when VM sees a signed
message. Still not quite as neat as (gasp) elm's crypto
integration, but I'll hack at it more when I feel more focussed,
- April 11
- Happy Birthday to me!
Bizarrness x2: one, my system ran out of filehandles (I think Mozilla and/or the Crossover
plugin had something to do with that) and two, my system hostname
was mysteriously set to
"klortho.grep:". Freaky.
- April 10
- Got a massive patch for BBDB to fix a bunch of
things in one swell foop. Gonna have to carefully feed it into the
patchomatic and see what the end result is.
Books: Still reading Sophie's World. Also reading William
S. Burrough's The Soft Machine which, well, it's a load
of crap. I'm sure it's all groundbreaking and stuff, but I'm
filing it under "things that I could do with Dissassociated
Press". Picture collages appeal to me; word collages
- April 9
- Hung out at the Linux stand at the ICT Expo,
then failed to meet up with the crew in Messrs later on. Didn't
stop me from having a pint or three, of course.
- April 8
- New toy time: I inherited a USR/3com ISDN
Pro TA from Bob. Linux
seems to recognise it, Windows 98 isn't
quite so obliging, and finding a .INF file is proving to
be entertaining to say the least.
- April 7
- Mild concern that the dialup problem may be
the line after all. Concern because, well, go back and read my
line installation saga from about August last
Books: Finished Rudy Rucker's Realware, the fourth in his
-ware series, and with hints towards White Light
in it. I've not read the first of the -ware series
(Software), but of the three I have read, this has been
the weakest. Rucker tends to create flaky characters who change
moods from sentence to sentence, which occasionally makes the
narrative a bit awkward - it's changing direction too
quickly. Still, I've read far, far worse books.
- April 6
- ISP having problems, it appears, and
evidently unaware of the fact, because it's been screwed up
intermittently for the last week. Or, I dunno, maybe the idiots at
Eircom have managed to somehow screw up my ISDN
line. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. S'pose I'd better try
another ISP to check... okay, it's the ISP. Crap.
- April 5
- ex-Stepstone night out. 'nuff said, the
- April 4
- Office night out. 'nuff said.
- April 3
- Had a look at the protocol for LiveJournal, since it seems
to be the hip funky place to do this sort of thing lately. I
wonder if I could combine this log with that without too much
- April 2
- Solved my Oracle bug today. Boy, do I ever
rule. It's bug 2277096, and I found a workaround before the Oracle dev team did, gnee
- April 1
- I hate when I accidentally hit C-x
C-c in Emacs...
After some kicking around I discovered that you can't run USB
under Windows
NT without pain and $$$, so I decided to just flush the
installation and redo it as a Windows 95 OSR 2
box. That, or I'll have to figure out how the Compaq reimaging CD works so
that I can use the Windows 98
install from that, or something equally heinous. Seems like far
too much effort, really.
To mess up a Windows machine, play with the Device Manager. To
really mess up a windows machine, remove the BIOS entry
in the Device Manager. Hoo boy.
Books: Started and finished Last Human, Doug
Naylor's solo Red Dwarf effort. Again, I think it's not quite up
to par with the team effort. Strange, also, that both felt the
need to go off to alternative realites, albeit in different
fashions, in order to make their stories work. I guess there's
only so much you can do with a mechanoid, a robot, a hologram and
a slob stuck in Deep Space before you have to find some
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Still waiting for my big break. |