Hacker's Diary
A rough account of I did with Emacs
- September 30
- Spent the morning trying to chase down specs
on ISDN cards and what Linux
supports. It's no good me finding a document from April 2000 that
tells me to look in /proc/pci - I want to find out
before I buy that it'll work!
Eventually I found that the nice people at Allied Data not only have a
TA, but they also provide various downloadable bits - albeit for
RedHat 6, but heck, what's a
little kernel-hacking between
friends? And Maplin's site
revealed that this piece of kit was one they supplied, too.
Then, of course, reality intruded. Not only did they not have the
required piece of hardware in stock, but the rather ignorant
counter jockey didn't offer to poke around for alternatives or
order one for me. Well, thanks. Another great example of
"service with a grunt". So I tried Dixon's, but they're still
coping with the heady rush of 56k modems - KFLEX and V.90
("soon to be approved") and at the sort of price you'd
expect to buy some sort of Cisco device for; IT Direct had
the internal, but not the external Eicon TA (my preferred choice),
and so I headed off out to PC
World in the wilds of Lucan, where they had a wide selection
of TAs but only two external serial - the aforementioned Eicon, and a Hayes Accura. The
Accura was about £100 cheaper, so I've opted for that. Now I
need to get the ISDN line switched on. And I need to get it done
really soon, because the phone line is now to all intents and
purposes unusable for data.
- September 29
- Finally got the puzzle program to solve the
basic cubes for me, with some assistance from a permute function
in the
Perl Cookbook. It's not quite right yet, but it's close;
certainly it solved all the cubes.
And then I discovered that there's a website for the
puzzles. From the front page, it looks like they major in
promotional versions of the puzzles. Insert your logo
- September 28
- More poking around with my puzzle
program. OpenGL programming looks pretty neat, but figuring the
coordinates and angles is hurting my head.
- September 27
- Hmm. Looks like I might have ISDN soon,
which means no more crappy connection. On the other hand, it means
getting an ISDN TA of some description - I'll probably get one of
the Eicon boxes I used in Stepstone - and higher call
- September 26
- It rained today. The connection on the
landline is even worse. Time for another complaint, I
- September 25
- Twiddling some stuff for Micromail, including fixing a
bug that I'd long ago forgotten I'd said I'd
fix. D'oh. Of course, uploading the fixes was hampered by both the
landline and the cellphone dialups
- September 24
- The puzzle code can now insert the last
remaining piece correctly. In theory, all I need to do now is
build a big loop that tries all pieces in all positions
sequentially. Of course, that just solves the small cube puzzle
for one of the six cubes. I also have to feed it data for the
remaining 5 cubes, and then start feeding it information on the
more complex shapes. And then, when I'm done, I'll turn the whole
thing into an xscreensaver GL
hack, bwahahahahah!
- September 23
- Made a few tweaks to my CDDB files to standardise the
marking of discs as singles.
Finally managed to purchase a bicycle mount for the eTrex. I'm sure I
had a good reason for this, other than a collect-the-whole-set
attitude towards eTrex accessories
- I think the only thing I don't have at this stage is the carry
Also purchased an adapter for my cellphone that'd
allow me to plug in the generic headset I got a few weeks
back. Needless to say, the connector conspiracy ensured that they
were incompatible re: tip/ring assignment. No worries; a little
chopping and splicing will fix that.
Added another file format to the GPS toy's reader: this one is
GPSMan's Track Export format. Man. Why can't we all just GET ALONG
- September 22
- So it occurred to me that I could hook the
GPS toy I've been tooling with up to things other than mapping
servers. How about, say, TerraServer? Get yourself
an actual satellite photo of where you are. Problem is, what data
they had on Ireland is gone, so I don't have a practical
testbed. Bah. Of course, there's a whole lot of other places you
can get this sort of data from. Probably you end up with something
like Hiro's globe thingy in Snow Crash. And, predictably,
had a go at this globe lark already. Of course, it seems that
NASA have all the best toys of
this sort to play with, if you can only take the time to filter
through them.
- September 21
- Oops. Rebuilding the kernel to fix the VPN
stuff broke Klortho's 2.4.9 setup. Luckily, I had a 2.4.8 lying
around; luckily #2, my build script makes it pretty painless to
fix the problem. There was some mention in Alan Cox's diary a while back
about a RPM target in the Makefile for the kernel, but I'm guessing if he
finished it, it applies to the ac series only.
- September 20
- Bah. Phoneline noise back
again. Of course, just when I'm trying to dial into the
VPN busted, too. Actually, Microsoft's VPN stuff boggles
me. I can't seem to get it to work with a dialup connection when
booted into Windows - it
seems to want to own the dialup itself, instead of using the
already-dialed connection. On top of that, if it can't connect, or
if it disconnects abnormally, you have to reboot before it'll ever
connect again. On the Linux
side of the house, it looks like my modules got all screwed up
somehow. Blech.
- September 19
- Urgh. I think I'm catching the
- September 18
- Why does Oracle's application server
product generate so many damn files? I know it's cobbled together
from bits they found lying around on the 'net, but they could have
at least consolidated things like log directories and temporary
file areas. Oh, and made things like the report and forms servers
clean up if they exit abnormally. It's not like SEGV handlers are
unheard-of voodoo or anything.
Did some tooling around with the code that manages the Micromail website. Mostly
making it all OTB indent style - I wavered between OTB and some
other random style for a while, and there's a mix of it in the
main script, but I'm a firm believer in OTB
Had a look over some older Micromail stuff that I'd been
working on, including an almost fully-functional site redesign. I
need to check out the latter in a browser that doesn't choke so
much on large tables, i.e. IE or Mozilla. And Navigator used be
such a good browser *sniff*...
Downloaded a mirror of the Micromail site while I was at
it. Yeesh. There's a lot of data there. About 20MB of it in book
descriptions alone.
- September 17
- I'm torn between thinking "SQL is
pretty neat" and "my GOD, who came up with
Phone saga: to my astonishment, phoning back the number that had
been left in my voicemail connected me to a very friendly - and
apologetic - engineering manager who's responsible for my entire
neck of the woods. He was eager to get the problem sorted out, and
not, as far as I could tell, simply to get rid of the Official
Complaint I'd registered, either. I thanked him for his apology
and his eagerness, and told him that the problem seemed to have
gone away, to which he replied, "if it comes back, phone me
up on this number and I'll have someone check it out immediately -
we'll try and catch it when it's happening". Wow. I'm
impressed, for once.
- September 16
- Monza F1 today, somewhat overshadowed both
by the events of the week and Alessandro Zanardi's horrific crash
which left him with both lower legs amputated and in an
artificially-induced coma. For the record, Montoya finally got
over the gremlins and the unsteady driving to win his first F1
race, Barrichello came in second for Ferrari and Schumie junior
picked up the last podium spot. Jordan lost Trulli at the start
when his future team mate placed far too much faith in a cold set
of brakes and punted the back of Trulli's car; Alesi had a good
run, but didn't manage to score any points.
Committed some BBDB
hackery to CVS that I'd had sitting on the disk for a while. This
entailed backing out some changes I'd made elsewhere that were
incomplete, but it fixes a few stupids in the head of CVS that I'd
already expressed public dissatisfaction with. Perhaps I can kick
out a release in the next month or so... HELLO MR. FATE, I AM
- September 15
Perhaps, since this diary appears to have something of an
audience, I should say a little more about the events of the week
and how they affected me. For starters, I have no direct, personal
involvement. When I heard the news and discovered that all the
usual news sites were offline, I logged onto Nerdsholm for the
first time in quite a while and talked to people there, ranging
from two network admins in Langley Air Force Base to folk in
middle and western US, to two Canadians and a Scotsman. Some
people in my office figured that I had the best newsfeed and
clustered around my desk for a few minutes, to get the news as it
came in. Those initial reports made the scale seem far, far bigger
- reports of more missing planes, reports of a crash in Camp
David, second and third hits on the Pentagon, and so forth. I
relayed the collapse of the towers to people in my area. The main
upshot of this live connection, however, was that I quickly
learned that all the people I know in the NY area were safe. After
a while, it occurred to me that my Boston-based brother might
have been on a trip to NY, and I phoned him. After three attempts,
I got through to his cellphone to find that he was at home,
watching the news on CNN. I then phoned my parents to pass the
news on, and almost broke down on the phone to my dad over the
sheer enormity of what was happening. By the end of the day, I
waited half an hour after official end of business for my
adrenalin to subside sufficiently that I felt safe about driving
the 40 miles home.
Over the next few days there were discussions about "what
should be done", and the general consensus among most people
I talked to was - and still is - that a military strike is both
wrong and most likely a waste of time. If Osama Bin Laden proves
to be behind the operation, destroying him merely makes way for
another of his kind, with a steelier resolve (if that's possible)
to fight the US. (Which, incidentally, is something that's been
bothering me about a lot of the rhetoric and oration since the
event; this was not an attack on democracy and freedom. This was
a very specific attack on a very specific nation. Democracy and
freedom are incidental to the whole thing.) The US tried
military action on Bin Laden in 1998 to no useful effect; why
should it be any more effective this time around? And from a moral
point of view, how do you justify killing under any
circumstances, no matter who has done what to whom?
The other viewpoint that seems to be slowly surfacing amongst a
lot of commentators, including, perhaps surprisingly, American
ones, is that this sort of thing was going to happen sooner or
later. The US has played a part in many armed conflicts around the
world, not all of them with the "moral" high ground of
the second world war. Yet the last time any of this fighting took
place on actual US soil (excluding sovereign claims over other
countries) was during the bombing run on Pearl Harbour, in
1941. US involvement has wreaked havok on innocents around the
world and produced a generation of dispossessed who have nothing
to lose and a whole lot to hate, and it seems some of them have
finally found an effective way to act on that.
Now stop there. You're about to call me anti-American,
anti-democratic, anti-freedom, revisionist, perhaps communist, I
don't know. I'm not any of these labels. I'm an apolitical,
free-thinking person with a good education and an amount of world
travel under my belt. I've seen some of the aftereffects of US
involvement first-hand, and it's not pretty. And it's not just US
involvement, either. As someone pointed out in a conversation
during the week, every nation does what it thinks is expedient in
the short term in order to protect its own interests. Many grey
areas exist over Ireland's contacts with Germany during the two
major wars of the last century, for example. Ireland itself has
been subject to all sorts of injustice in the name of English
foreign policy. All of this has been perpetrated by
politicians who are supposedly acting with the best interests of
their electorate in mind. They are generally, in fact, acting
with their own best interests in mind; "will this make me
likely to retain my position in government?". And
that's why I'm apolitical.
Perhaps my views are naïve. They may be underinformed, but
I'm pretty sure they're not significantly so. I have this notion
that if people acted in each others' best interests, we might rise
above the cycle of hatred and violence that causes this sort of
atrocity. If instead we lash out in reflex reaction, we will only
further fuel the cycle. I don't know what the answer is, but I do
know it's not violence.
- September 14
- Still playing with the puzzle code, and
thinking about BBDB (as
opposed to my usual "hack first, think later"
The phone saga continues, incidentally. The line seems to be clean
now; I've not had the dance-of-modem-doom for several days, yet I
haven't had any "is your problem fixed now?" reaction
from Eircom, either. And then
I found a message on the landline answering service from them,
leaving a number for me to call. Er, GUYS. I gave you two
contact numbers, and emphasised that calling the landline
was pretty much pointless.
- September 13
- Tooling around with a piece of code to solve
an old foam-rubber puzzle. In Perl, of
- September 12
- I'm mostly just watching TV and talking to
friends in the US at the moment.
- September 11
- Hope you weren't in Manhattan
- September 10
- Building OpenSSH on Solaris 2.6 with gcc:
configure, rm config.cache,
configure. Why? I don't know, but it worked.
Started messing with some code to solve a puzzle. As if I haven't
enough abandoned projects on my list...
- September 9, 02:46:40
- Happy 1,000,000,000 seconds,
I wonder what I should do with all these IP addresses that ask me
for a default.ida file? The bulk of 'em so far are from
wannadoo.fr, with one Spanish one for good measure. And that's on
my dialup box, too. As if the line wasn't already flaky
enough... I guess I should block port 80 from outside, at
least. I used have it blocked, but for some reason I don't
now. Doh, really.
- September 8
- Mmmm, hangover! Mmmm, post-beer mouth!
Hrm. OpenSSH requires you to
run a command before it'll fork to background, even if you're just
Found another NTLM proxy recently. This one's written in Python,
and done by some guy called Dimitry Rozmanov. I
couldn't make it work, and I'm not much of a Python hacker, so I
left it be. What are the chances, another Russian named Dimitry
hacking on some undocumented crypto...
- September 7
- Played around with a toy that Søren
wrote for parsing referrals from Google out of access logs. Quite
amusing; I may add it to my site update stuff once I've finished
playing around with it.
Oook. Drinkies with my boss from Stepstone, who has just
finished up there.
- September 6
- Phoned the customer care people. My
complaint, I am told, has been registered as an Official
Complaint, and has been passed on to the Operations people, and
will, I am assured, be resolved in the next few days. Well,
good. Bring it on, I say.
After some amount of headscratching, I managed to get OpenSSH working as well as
regular ssh used. I'm still a little confused, but it
seems to all work, so that's okay.
More evil. Starting to get notions about putting the entire
machine under ssh control, including stuff like
xdm's authentication. There's a PAM module for this,
conveniently enough. Which is currently BSD-only, inconveniently
Finally got around to building and trying out GPSDrive. It's rather
neat, although I couldn't seem to replay my big NMEA dumpfile to
- September 5
- Today I did something very sick and horrible
with a combination of JSP, Java
and JavaScript, the end
result of which is a file which, when included in a given JSP file
with a small amount of extras, produces a date field with a pop-up
calendar. The actual calendar comes from the downloadable bits on
Oracle's site, the rest from
my own sick mind.
Eircom's customer care people
phoned. The house. While I was in the office.
- September 4
Wrote a letter to my alleged phone service provider to complain
about the past MONTH of misservice. Actual paper and
- September 3
- My GPS mapping toy can now parse NMEA, GPS Manager, and Waypoint+
track data natively, instead of me using assorted conversion
programs. If GPS::Garmin worked as advertised (or if I
could be bothered hacking it) I'd plug that right in,
Poking around on Freshmeat, I found that
someone else had a similar idea to mine (albeit a different
implementation); he's called it GPSdrive. Looks
rather nice, although I've found the MapBlast maps to be less
accurate than the MapQuest
ones. Maporama seems to
have the best of the lot, but getting a map for an arbitrary
Lat./Long. is, uh, non-trivial, to say the least.
By strange coincidence, the author also works on a phone-book
thingy, sort of like the BBDB...
And finally. The phone line. An engineer called my cellphone,
various stressful noises were made from my end about (a) being
repeatedly fobbed off and (b) him not calling when he was supposed
to; various noises from his end indicated that the muppet who took
the support call should have flagged it as a specific time call as
opposed to it-would-be-nice-if time. He phoned back about five
minutes later to say he'd found a line break outside the house and
had fixed it, so my problem should now be
solved. Hallelujah!
Haha. I speak too soon again. No sooner than I've tried to make
serious (ab)use of the damn connection than the line starts
dropping, and then while it's dialing I can hear the static
again. I'm never going to get this fixed, am I?
- September 2
- Drove back to Dublin, arriving just in time
to watch the third restart of the Belgian Grand Prix. Luciano
Burti miraculously failed to kill himself after planting his car
in the barrier head on at some insane speed (braking and steering
become rather useless when your front wing has been demolished and
your front suspension is damaged) and Schuey senior picked up
first place, and a record number of race wins, in typical Schuey
style - leading by over 30 seconds at some point. Alesi brought
his Jordan home sixth, which was also pretty cool.
Hmm. I need to figure out why it is that my diary-twiddling code
gets the days in reverse order when it's backfilling for a new
month, but does it right under other circumstances. Also the
"Sunday detection" stuff is
- September 1
- Got up late enough to miss breakfast, didn't
like the look of anything on the Brasserie menu, so I headed into
Killarney and strolled around, trés cool with my flapping
hair and wrap-around shades, until I found a place doing all-day
breakfasts. Tip to the traveller: an all-day breakfast around this
part of the world means an Irish breakfast, and that's "all
the parts of a pig we can fry, plus eggs and tomato". Mmm!
Post-feeding (Busy-B's, just off the main street and on some other
less-main street), I got changed for the wedding and went off
looking for the church - the map that John faxed me being in the
house of a cow orker after Thursday's antics. I found the landmark
from the map, O'Sullivan's Shop, pretty quickly, then drove
straight on instead of turning right, and continued on to
Kilorglin - I had tons of time to spare, so I figured I may as
well do a little tourism. Came back to Beaufort via a different
road, found an old abandoned church on the way where I took a
photo, then eagle-eye like noticed a taxi wandering around with
the driver making gestures and discussing things with the
passengers. On a hunch, I followed the road they'd taken and
presently ended up at the church, about 45 minutes before
kickoff. Literally, since John's wedding coincided with the
Ireland/Holland World Cup qualifying match. Satisfied that I knew
where the church was, I wandered around a little more and stumbled
across a sign reading "Carrantouhil 5". Woah. Did a
bizarre three-point-ish turn to get oriented in the correct
direction, and scooted off up the mountains. Absolutely
breathtaking scenery, marred only by my reversing onto some
fencing wire which scratched poor Elvira. Then back
down to the church, taking a left turn just before a brand new Pug
307 and thinking, "Wouldn't it be funny if that was someone I
knew?" - it was. A friend from school that I haven't seen in
several years, so we stood around at the church with John, who had
turned up shortly after us, and then decided that Breda was going
to be fashionably late so we'd have time to grab a coffee at one
of the pubs in Beaufort (it's a tiny village, and I counted at
least three pubs. All closer to the village than the church,
incidentally.), which we duly did. Back to the church, Breda
turned up, and the rest of the day was wedding fare. Finally got
back to my luxurious hotel at about 3am and crashed
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