Google AJAX is a javascript library of pluggable stuff.

I am somewhat embarrassed to admit I am now a facebook user! :-7 My excuse is that it's a great way to keep in contact with John in Australia. And share friendy/feedy/bloggy info with a group of people. And after using it (immediately and confirmed opinion after a few months) I'm of the opinion it's quite a good implementation of aggregation of blog + photos + friendy messaging.
James Coleman's Profile
James Coleman's Facebook Profile
Facebook have a funny attitude to RSS. You can get some RSS feeds of not quite the information you would like in the RSS feeds. But this Facebook Badge thing does the job. just status (+ rss): Facebook Notifications from Inbox page offer various RSS feeds I don't want.

Google's wizard wasn't wizardly magic like with urls but generate code and adding rss urls to the feeds array and reading documentation/exampled generally works. Google dynamicfeed wizard AJAX API Playtime: playground
My livejournal blog and a couple of other rss feeds: Loading rss feed thing... Permission denied for these: Need a paying lj account to get these lj widgits: S1 S2
jamesc@jamesc-laptop:~/public_html$ grep xmlUrl= ../livemarks-and-bookmarks.opml  |sed 's/.*xmlUrl=\"\([^\"]*\)\".*$/\1/'


I couldn't persuade things to work.
Google feed for livejournal blog .... :( Go here: mah Hmmm. not working. :(