Mushrooms Common Earthball (Scleroderma citrinum) in our back garden growing under the dogwood Magic Mushroom (Psilocybe semilanceata) (probably) in Enniskerry Mykoweb mushrooms faq Psilocybin - (C12H17N2O4P) Psilocin - (C12H16N2O) Why do mushrooms have interesting toxins in them? mushroomer
Choose subjects for experimentation carefully. Beloved partners only good if experiment has good chance of success for large values of tasty meaning success. |
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Kitchen experiments, sometimes dangerous, othertimes in danger themselves. Tiramisu, Carbonara below, Chillies. Dedicated researcher of benign kitchen life, expert especially in the area of fridge and fridge proximate life. |
3 or 4 cloves garlic shopped up small fried in lots of butter 1 onion chopped small & add to fry Salt, pepper & herbs. Chop mushrooms in slices (after washing and drying) and add to fry After a while add some stock and bring to boil. Add some cornflour, stir while thickening and simmer a bit. Serve with fresh bread.
I have on occasion experienced the frustration of whipping & beating egg white severely for quite a long time with very poor results. After giving up after a half-hour say with my arm falling off, a more experienced cook would come along, whip for a few minutes and presto! Stiff egg! Yayy.
The reason for this is probably to do with the fact that egg white is a bit of a strange substance. Well, not really strange. I'd love to know the chemistry of what's going on. If anyone can enlighten me please do so.
So the tips:
Self raising flour (or flour + baking powder) used mix about 2/3 flour and 1/3 cocoa. Coco makes a the sponge a bit pale but as it's hidden by cream & grape and doused in juice & rum/kirsch/whatever it hardly makes a difference. If using electric whisk much more air is incorporated so they say use normal flour. We beat it up by hand.
Interesting to note the 1egg:1oz ratio. the 6:6:6 is for two bread-loaf sized cakes. Which makes a good amount of gateau - enough for 10/a few more people. the ratio is varied according to cake made and quantity desired. Cooking time will of course then vary ... depending on amount of sponge and size of container.
The compulsory ASCII barfic diagram: ___________________________________ -syrup on top for shine (usually omitted) cCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCc -layer of cherries only (grapes okay too) cCSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSCc cCSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSCc cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc -layer of cream cCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCc -layer of grapes/cherries cCSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSCc -layer of juice/rum-soaked sponge cCSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSCc cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc cCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCc cCSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSSJSCc cCSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSCc ----------------------------------------- Cream (C) is slathered around the outside. Grated chocolate (c) is stuck to that all around the edge.
No! put me down!
roughly translated from the Italian as "Pick me up" - "Tira mi su"
due to the caffeine and alcohol content :)
Now that we're accessable by lots of people (not that we're gonna be) full credit for this excellent dish must go to Lucia and the Italian nation in general.
Before this little bit of paper disintegrates :- Edible ingredients: Strong coffee (~2 bowls made with a heaped spoon (table) of coffee) ~80g siucra Finger biscuits/Sponge trifle 200g, 2pkts CocoA powder 2 eggs - 2yolks, 1white used Mascarpone cheese 1pk 2 spoon bacardi rum (not too much Paul!) Tools: A bowl to hold the finished product - say roughly dish size but it needs sides to hold the floppy stuff in! Various other bowls, spoons & forks, kettle to boil water 'n stuff. An arm like a WWF SuperWrestler or Lucia. The compulsory ASCII barfic diagram: |_________________________| -sprinkling of coco on top |CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC| |CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC| -layer of creamy gunk |BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| |BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| -layer of coffee-soaked biscuits |CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC| |CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC| |BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| |BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| +-------------------------+ 1. Mix siucra and 2 yolks. Beat really hard + for long time until it goes a light colour. Your arm should be falling off now, don't worry >;) there's more beating to come. Add mascarpone and bacardi and mix in. 2. Beat egg-white hard (again! :( ) until stiff. Have fun persuading your fork to stand up! - If it doesn't say 'ahhh - this forks too thin' and give up :). 3. Mix 1 & 2 together to give you some creamy gunk. N.B. fold gently together, do NOT beat. 4. Mix big spoon of coffee with a bowl of boiling water. Don't SCALD yourself! We don't want any dead flesh in this dish, it's meant to be Vegetarian remember! (not that I can see anything vegtablike about coffee, cake, cheese, eggs, sugar or bacardi!) 5. Soak each biscuit in the coffee before layering in bottom of dish. Again: don't scald! Only a silly person :) like, say, Lucia would also dunk her fingers into the boiling coffee! :O If you're using the cake you'd better skip this pre-soak, you don't really want it to disintegrate before it gets to the intended bowl. 6. When you have a layer use more coffee to soak biscuits/cake thoroughly - they should be squishy to touch (ugh!). Now cover this layer with about half the creamy gunk and smooth it out. 7. After another layer of soaked biscuits and cream leave in the fridge to recover a while. Sprinkle with the cocoa sometime. 8. Force yourself and some hapless friends to eat the horrible stuff! :)
Thanks to Siebe for the good tips about the raw eggs.
To: Subject: Re: Pots'n Pans'n Food'n stuff......
"Do you by any chance remember that I was asking for the recipie of that lurvely Carbonara you had for me when i babbysat?"
Wow! Look! Compliments!
onion - or a half depending on how much you like onions
rashers - chop them up small
flour - if you don't have flour you could use say a half-packet of mushroom soup instead - or something like that If you
ever want a pale pink concoction you could try using tomato soup.
You could drop the milk and flour altogether and do the proper italian
thing and use some cream-cheese - mascarpone?
Or use some cottage cheese - something like that
hard cheese - grated or just chopped if you're lazy
You say, "want to know how to make risotto? :)" waider says, "Do tell" waider says, "That's rice and peas and stuff, no?" You say, "PEAS!???" fiocco yuk! You say, "... nice sticky rice with mich butter .... random tasty flavours ... and a bit of cheese probably. :)" You say, "flavours qre quite random but I would've thought not quite random enough to encompass peas :)(" You say, "basic recipie: get big pot, fry uncooked rice, butter, perhaps onion" You say, "commence berserk stirring" You say, "gradually add cups of stock/flavoursome soup type thing" You say, "don't forget to stir frequently" You say, "finish up with some parmesian, attempt to unstick the risotto from the pot and ....." You say, "CONSUME with gusto."
My latest particular one was made using some slightly curried vegetable/ham stock that needed to be used up and there were some cooked veg in there too, onion, butter, seasoning and rice did the rest. There are also about a million variations (which is why there seem to be so many options below) but don't worry, all you really need is rice, butter and [stock or veg or nice things or any combination of the former]
Basically rice is fried in butter and stirred alot while gradually adding stock whenever it dries out a bit. It should swell and take up lots of nice flavour and be very tasty with a bit of cheese.
Ingredients: (if you've rice & butter/oil/whatever and _something else_ and maybe some cheese you shouldn't ever need to specially shopping for your risotto.
Mustn't forget to mention that you need a decent pot ... the rice will swell and you're throwing everything else in too so just make sure you've enough room for everything + you stirring energetically so that you can minimise the amount you scatter over the cooker. (this is STICKY stuff and can prove interesting to try and remove)
Chop onion small and fry in some of the butter, ... add some more butter and fry uncooked rice in there for a while too. Just swish everything around and all the butter will be sucked up by the rice.
(If adding meat/veg/cooked veg do so now and fry em up until they mix with the rice, ... don't overwhelm your rice with veg, ... the rice should be the main feature as it's going to take loads of flavour from the stock/veg later)
You could also add some herbs, spices, seasoning, garlic, a bit of chilli etc ... now. (but don't add all of that, seasoning is enough, herbs & spices etc. are nice with different things.)
The idea is to slowly add the liquid so the rice absorbs it gradually and sticks to the bottom of your saucepan. This will make cleaning up as difficult as possible later on (so make sure it is understood that you're not doing it beforehand). Oh, and forget about dishwashers. If made correctly this stuff should be so sticky that nothing short of direct human intervention and application of large amounts of chemicals and scraping will clean the risotto pot.
If you don't have stock, or oxo cubes then soup or salted water are fine to use but to get some flavour then fry stuff up with the butter & rice at the start for a few minutes. Tasty items I could suggest are peppers, mushrooms, sundried tomatoes (remember to soak them beforehand), olives, capers, broccoli ..... You could also throw in leftover cooked veg or meat (I did), carrots, leek, celery, ham, sausage, and be sure to add in a good dollop of herbs, salt and pepper and other seasoning too.
Note: Italians will get very insulted if you think of Risotto as a "left-over" dish so don't be tempted to think of it that way. Think of it more as a flexible, delicious and filling food (and did I mention easy to prepare (but not to wash up)). And don't go nuts with loads of flavours .... it's almost tastier when there's just one/two tasty flavours.
So anyway at this stage you should be stirring every few minutes and splishing in some more of whatever liquid you're using ... so you have to hover around the pot and concentrate .... no wandering off to talk on the phone or the washer-up is in REAL trouble. Keep at this until the rice has cooked (eat some to test). Then add a good bit of grated parmesian (or whatever you like) and maybe a little more butter :), season and turn off the heat. Mix in the parmesian and leave to "cream" for a minute or so.
Now the sticky mess is ready to be dished up and consumed.
Well there was a recent reasonable success
but it involved quite a bit of grabbing whatever was handy and adding it in.
Again a pasta dish - might do well with rice too ... or if ye're fancy go and try a bit of the oul couscous.
The list of ingredients is ridiculous - quite worrying in fact
Have I forgotten anything? Now some of these were used just because they happened to be unlucky enough to be in the way of the soy sauce so don't worry if your supplies aren't quite as extensive.
Feel free to drop any ingredient - but I think the pesto is valuable
and adds well to the taste. Pine-nuts are a bit excessive but a bit of
a nutty feel would be good - try walnuts or something instead. (cheaper!)
Other possibilities to add in here would be any kind of mushroom, some
ginger and/or grated lemon peel might add a bit of zing. Orange or
Tomato juice could be used instead of or as well as the milk to add juciness.
I've recently discovered the spoon of peanut-butter trick and together with a bit of mustard and honey it can make quite a good flavoursome impression on quite a few dishes :- e.g. add to chilie-con-carne (want a recipie for that? :) ) Hmmmm ... I should experiment some time soon. Kindof Dutch indonesian influence there but on a milder scale.
Veggie Heaven
270+ recipies
The Cranks Cookbook; recipes from London restaurant "Cranks"
Crunch, Crunch
Enjoy Those Seeds!:
Save and clean the seeds.
Mix with a small amount of cooking oil and place on a cookie sheet.
Roast in the oven at 250 degrees F. for 15 minutes.
Stir. Cook slightly longer until a golden brown.
Place on paper towels to absorb excess oil.
Mary has a taste and think it's a bit spicey actually.
Hmmm, ahhh, I realise that my buds are a bit zapped.
But it'll be grand. After all it's not _that_ hot.
:-7 sorry Dad! Mary had to leave it too.
Cycle to collect Daire ...
It's windy and drizzling - we get eggs. Home, bike in shed, we collect courgettes, chop & FRY IN OLIVE OIL, ADD GARLIC, CHILLI, herbs & pepper, tin of tomatoes. Fionnuala comes home with a Philips Rocket Pocket eBook to keep & review. We have the courgettes with pasta & spagetti. Daire has chilli-less pasta with sauce from a bottle.
He tastes chilli & drinks water quickly!
Morels. People seem to be fanatical about them even though they've no psyc effects.
Serve with something pretty but not filling as the risotto may look innocent
but it's great stuff and will satisfy even the most experienced of eaters.
Something pretty? e.g. a slice of tomato, some salad, something uncooked of
what you threw in at the start, stuffed peppers :), ....
Slightly cheezy pesto stir-fry
Now I'm certainly not a vegetarian ... but we do eat less meat these days.
We're also blessed with a vegetarian cook in the canteen in work so the vegie
option there is often quite tasty. MMmmmmmm. Anyway, vegetarian cooking can be quite
delicious, .... here are a few links & recipies I've dug up:
Cranks Recipe Book by David Canter, Kay Canter, Daphne Swann $19.95
Traditional Vegetarian Cooking; Recipes from Europe's Famous Cranks Restaurants
by David Canter, John Lawrence (Illustrator), Daphne Swann (Contributor)
Other books: Cooking & Vegetarian
Diary entry
I actually fried them on medium heat in oil, kept turning, nearly forgot to turn them off!
The famous almost poisoned Dad with chilli incident.
I think it was this day? In Cobh.
I help out by cooking some dinner, there is a veggie/stew mix frying and rice.
Mum is going to put a jar of spicey stuff in and I have a taste.
Whooo! Mmmm, nice. But a bit too spicey to put in whole jar I think to myself.
After veggies are nice & soft & juicy I add a gloop.
I taste. Hmmm, ... not much kick off that, in fact none whatsoever.
Not even a sweet taste of chilli.
(what I don't realise at this point is that my taste buds have been zapped
by the previous taste of the plain chilli sauce)
I add in a bit more, taste again, add in up to half jar.
Ahhhh, mmmmm, that's much better!
Just the right amount ... a teeny bit spicey so it won't blow the tongue off of my family.
I have done similar to Daire with very light amounts of chilli on occasion.
Sometimes he just leaves it ... but other times he likes the taste and
eats some ... half panics, drinks something, then back to pasta/sausage,
... "augh!" "sugar!" panic, drink more. Repeat.
Sorry D :-7.
While eating dinner Fionnuala & Mum watch Dad eating & almost dying.
Poor guy ... much mellowness.
Mum takes pity and swipes his plate and replaces with edible food.
I cook chicken+tarragon+garlic+chillie+pepper+paprika+oysterSauce+fishSauce+lemonJuiceRind+orangeJuice+carrot+celery that I had marinaded yesterday. Add frozen green beans. It turns out yummy. We have rice & the rest of the rose with it (I like it this time - it's cold from fridge).
Fionnuala makes lovely mince pies while I veg in front of TV.
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