![]() | books | films | music | todo | walks | trips | web | food |
Fionn to Triona and Colm's wedding. I mind kids and Maeve. On beach a bit longer. Then get myself dressed, leave boots off, towels under kids. Back to house, Fionn feeds Maeve, I heat dinner for kids and myself. Mashed potato + sausages.
Fionn heads away. Maeve doesn't like potato + carrot. Likes her water. We go shopping. Maeve falls asleep and is just bare legs sticking out of car seat in trolley. Back at house Maeve doesn't have bottle at all. Clothes washes on and hung up later. Figure out washer/dryer. In mouth but she doesn't like it. At dinner feed her with us (we have spagetti + mince). She still doesn't like potato. New to her? Try carrot + apple cold and she does like that. Phew. She eats half. George of the jungle film on tv kids. Maeve bounces.
Eep. Can't ind Maeve's sleep suit. Put damp on in dryer. Kids to bed. Stories. Mave a bit overtired. I expect trouble but she drinks 3oz! Singing loudly to her seems to make her forget to think about the taste. She drops way off soundly to sleep. No wake up when I move or stand up or lay her in cot.
Silly tv. Bed 2qam :( gah. Just before Fionn home Maeve wakes and crosser when I lift her into bed. I leg it and put bottle together, phone Fionn. Fionn car just arrives as bottle together so into fridge with it.
Decide to drive to Limerick, through town, stop in garage - no tape. Heading for M50, eek 80k + seems a bit fast. Oh no am heading for Galway! Get tape in a garage, tape up light, head through Lucan, get lost but find self (following to left of sun). Roads till signs for Naas and a few others. Going East. Nuts shouldn't have followed that sign but come out okay. At Naas I go on M50 and get off at next exit. Oops Uey on grass to get Kildare road. Gardai check tax in Kildare, I have form + vl cert + insurance cert but don't have to show it. ... don't remember ever driving through Newbridge before. Oof bumps. And wind buffeting. Yellow vest opens annoyingly and wind drags and flutters. Stop to close it a couple of times but once speed goes up it opens again. Right leg getting stiff, neck a bit too. Stop and have banana and phone Fionn. In Limerick at 466k get petrol. 7.40 euros. since 250k. Better fuel comsumption again. (after service maybe or also with driving outside town).
In Limerick swap bike for car. Feed self. Lock and cover bike. Drive to Spanish point. Get there 23:30ish. Fionn in bed. Maeve wakes up 3am? for feed.
This morning Lar arrives with plastic to cover what is left in sitting room and hall.
Each day this week I talk to builders in morning - Lar and Robbie and Richie. Phone Fionn. Builders again. Then motorbike to work.
umts ranap and asn1 lots in work until status meeting wed/thur. Then concentrate on merging the makefile work in.
At home this evening house is dusty. Wow. Knocked inside wall down. I make mashed potato with onion - mmm yum and have sausages too. Mashed potato lasts another 2 days :)
Reading 3gpp UMTS RANAP spec. Using soureceforge asn1c compiler to compile it. Discover ASN.1 parameterisation (and not in asn1c compiler yet).
Email to maker of camel and
camel sourceforge.
I've very little time to spend on things ... (fun things!)
So I'm scraping the time to type even this little up.
Apologies for scantiness/whatever.
As noted by the developer of Camel. Yes it is quite easy to
port the game to Linux :)
See the source tree here.
I had to do a few things.
So some lines of code have changed.
They are simple changes but necessary.
A patch would be useful to someone if they wish to merge the changes ...
I can make this if someone is interested.
(or if they are very interested generate it against the camel supplied
in sourceforge)
Someone has put automatic configure/make files in place in the code
in sourcecode. But ... Not too sure how to fit into that nicely.
Simple enough makefile (src/makefile in tgz/tree) builds but
also once I had gotten past compiler problems the Makefile
started working too.
I kept a messy list of notes here: Camel/notes-port-to-linux
You have to run the CamelGame binary (supplied or built) from a particular directory
so that it finds the levels to load.
First thing: Dependancies:
SDL (obviously), BFont, paragui (and paragui-devel), freetype2
I "discovered" these dependancies.
Didn't find them in docs so not sure exactly about versions required.
The makefile points at where the dependancies are installed:
INCLUDES = -D_DEBUG -D_SDL -DLINUX -I ../include -I /usr/include/paragui -I /usr/include/freetype2 -I /usr/local/include/SDL
CFLAGS = `sdl-config --cflags --libs` `paragui-config --libs` -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_image
For reference, my system (which compiles and runs the Camel game has installed:
rpm -qa |egrep "(paragui|SDL|freetype|BFont)"
Not all these are needed for Camel game.
They're there as I mess with lots of stuff (in all the time I don't have really
to spend on things like this).
BFont was interesting. Seems old. Not available generally.
So .. I'm using the wrong library? I had to rename calls BFont routines.
I used BFontv1.1.0/
Compiled and tested it. Then copied into Camel source tree and renamed
routines as needed. Everything seems okay. Would be better to get right
version of BFont (realised this after I had gotten it working with
the version I had obtained)
(this finding of BFont would be a problems also for anyone trying to
compile it on Windows)
Thing no. 1.
Visual C++ vs gcc difference I think.
For errors like this: MenuController.cpp:425: error: `Game::GAME_OPTIONS' is not an aggregate type
enum type called GAME_OPTIONS in Game class.
Game::GAME_OPTIONS::FULLSCREEN was used in code. gcc didn't like this.
gcc prefers Game::FULLSCREEN.
Will Visual C++ compile the code still? Someone needs to test.
Is there a gcc option that could be used instead of changing the code all over
the place?
Thing no. 2.
paragui callback object passed different
paragui version thing? VisualC++ vs gcc thing?
btnStartGame->SetEventObject(MSG_BUTTONCLICK, this, (MSG_CALLBACK_OBJ)&MenuController::btnStartGame_Click);
Thing no. 3.
Some things surrounded by #ifdef WIN32 were not win32 specific.
Moving #ifdef WIN32 around in some cases corrected problems.
Some things were WIN32 specific so the equivalent LINUX code was put in place.
find file function not implemented in linux (gcc -DLINUX )
void CU_ListFilesLINUX(const char *dir, std::list<std::string>& FileList)
in utilities/CamelUtility.cpp
Thing no. 4.
There was a #include <iostream> / using namespace std; issue
std::ostream and std::cerr etc. (std:: needed) in BFont.h
maybe my fault for choosing wrong version of BFont.h
Thing no. 5.
TODO Switching screen resolution doesn't work linux (had to rm func call could not
find defined anywhere).
Thing no. 6.
Added endlines at eof to quieten gcc warnings.
Thing no. 7.
A paragui but also Visual C++ vs gcc issue I think.
A few of these similar gcc compiler errors fixed by e.g.
changes to:
MenuController.cpp:283: error: argument of type `bool (MenuController::)(int,
PG_Widget*, long unsigned int, void*)' does not match `bool
(PG_EventObject::*)(int, PG_Widget*, long unsigned int, void*)'
btnStartGame->SetEventObject(MSG_BUTTONCLICK, this, (MSG_CALLBACK_OBJ)btnStartGame_Click);
~/src/Camel/src> grep MSG_CALLBACK /usr/include/paragui/*
/usr/include/paragui/paragui_types.h:typedef bool (*MSG_CALLBACK)(int id, PG_Widget* widget, unsigned long data, void *clientdata);
/usr/include/paragui/paragui_types.h:typedef bool (PG_EventObject::*MSG_CALLBACK_OBJ)(int id, PG_Widget* widget, unsigned long data, void* clientdata);
#define PARAGUI_CALLBACK(funcname) \
bool funcname (int id, PG_Widget* widget, unsigned long data, void *clientdata)
btnStartGame->SetEventObject(MSG_BUTTONCLICK, this, (MSG_CALLBACK_OBJ)&MenuController::btnStartGame_Click);
Thing no. 8.
There is profiling code in there that is windows specific.
TODO: port this
Compiling without the profiling flags set is fine on linux.
This evening I do loads of furniture removal. Piano into kitchen. Couch up to our room. oof. Pack away glasses and stuff wrapped in paper into boxes. Display unit up stairs to kids bedroom. Coffee table and boxes up to kids bedroom. I inspect house, feed furry the ferret every 2nd day. Phone Fionn and kids. Feed self.
I put some new photos on the web. See the smashing and building at our house. Some photos from Robbie & Sandra's wedding and Eoghan and Mary's wedding. And I have a new motorbike to get to work! eek! I email people about hte photos.
Maeve is starting to eat real food and looks like a savage when we have dinner. She opens her mouth, watches very intently food going from plates into people's mouths and then lurches/throws herself at food. (with little grr/rarring noises)
Daire started to read his own bedtime stories and discovered Harry Potter at about the start of the Summer. He has just got the latest one from the library. Kate is a VERY good climber and talker! And she loves helping to cook. Especially chopping things up with sharp knives. Maeve is a good baby. Very quiet if there are things happening. She watches everything. She's starting to eat real food and looks like a savage when we have dinner. She opens her mouth, watches very intently food going from plates into people's mouths and then lurches/throws herself at food. (with little grr/rarring noises)
Sweetcorn+hoops+potatoes+rice+sausages for lunch. Shift computer upstairs. Huge rats nest. I tidy somewhat with screws in back of desk. Everything ... still ... works ... yup. seems to. Get money with Kate.
Potatoes+pizza+bread+yum asian mushrooms for tea. Fionn cooks. Brickies finish at 19:00. Feed Maeve bottle of breastmilk. She is not quite 100% pleased. But drinks most. Scoot kids up to bed. Read Kate story. I very sleepy falling asleep. Maeve is cross. I walk with her. Then Fionn settles her in bed.
I get distracted by computer. Camel game. Realise it isn't the ticks that cause trouble. It IS the level loading that I had not done yet. When starting a game first thing done is read in level files. So I put together:
#elif defined(LINUX) #includeA tgz of the cvs tree with a debug hexecutable is here: CamelPortedToLinux.tgz. Now should write up what done (especially the uglier hacks :-7) and make a patch against cvs. And tell someone.#include #include void CU_ListFilesLINUX(const char *dir, std::list<std::string>& FileList) { assert(dir != NULL); FileList.clear(); // Make sure that the filelist is empty DIR *dir_p; struct dirent *dir_entry_p; dir_p = opendir(dir); while( NULL != (dir_entry_p = readdir(dir_p))) { struct stat fstatinfo; char pathname[534]; sprintf(pathname,"%s/%s",dir,dir_entry_p->d_name); stat(pathname, &fstatinfo); //printf(" %s %d\n", dir_entry_p->d_name, fstatinfo.st_mode); if (S_ISREG(fstatinfo.st_mode)) { FileList.push_back(string(dir_entry_p->d_name)); CU_Dbg_Printf(NULL," %s reg file \n", dir_entry_p->d_name); } //if (S_ISDIR(fstatinfo.st_mode)) //printf(" %s dir \n", dir_entry_p->d_name); } closedir(dir_p); //CU_Dbg_Printf(NULL,"not done yet linux port - jamesc\n"); //assert(0); //return Result; } #endif
Hooray and Oh Joy. Game runs. Oh is soooo cute! :)
Down. Make plans for tomorrow. Fionn will collect me from work and bring me to collect motorbike in Artane. Must get money and insurance. Must get Lock for bike, and lock anchor for driveway, weather cover, weather/protective pants for me. Tax. Service, new back tyre, clean front shocks, replace front shock seals.
Car badly needs service too. normal service especially oil, front Right dim bulb, left indicator (wiring/connector problem when brake light on), radio aerial (probably Ace tyres can't).
Phone Andy in Ballinteer. 11:30. Phone Mike. Meet Mike Superquinn. Round corner. Uoh. Bike quite scratched, leathers ripped, back brake pedal bent. Have a good look. Mngeh. Andy is quite nice alright. Bike battered. Is 25k but nope. Could be lots to fix. Off to Artane we go. I lead in car. Mike follows. Eep. Up past Dundrum I have a lost moment. Pass Airfield and happy again. In past The Goat, Clonskeagh, right to Donnybrook, left/right at Ballsbridge. Right under DART bridge straight for ringsend towers and toll bridge. oop! need 1.45 for the toll for car. Up left right at Clontarf onto Howth Rd. Then on up left, right etc find John and Breffni fitting new battery. Bike looks good. Is 11k. Poke at it and talk. Bike started from cold ... takes a push down road John & myself. Vrmmm. THen Mike takes it round block. Both are having first babies soon. Check papers and put 500 euros deposit and maybe collect Tue 7 o'clock.
home. Mike heads to Howth to get fishies.
or maybe did we goto Airfield on Sunday? WHat did we do Sat then?
Later Fionn and I excercise together on carpet. Me very sleepy then.
We go to Airfield house. Look at market. Daire milks pretend cow. Kate runs. Then on in to town. Phone Brian not there. Eat in pub opposite botanic gardens. Beef dinner + cod dinner + soup. Beef shared by kids. Soup for Fionn. Fionn mind/feeds Maeve while kids & I buy food. Walk in the gardens. Good fun. Kids run. Courgettes and other veggies. Lots of squirrels. Some come close. One grabs a fruit on ground and eats half of it. Kate follows him with the rest. Home.
Late I go to get money and grocery shop in Tesco in Dundrum. I doh exchange two 1 euros for a two and DOH trolleys take 1 euro coins!!! Shop shop. Bit tired. I doh get money after midnight. Home. Distracted computer. Put away shopping. Eat something. Bed.
Onto bike and getting used to her again a bit. Figures of eight, add in observing and indicating. Up to 2nd and down. Dummy left turns (stop, move off). Eyes up all time. Not looking at controls. Doing mirror and lifesaver checks. Then read two sheets on road position/junctions/cornering/bends. Fit ear piece.
Off we go out on road. It's faster than I expect but easier than I expect. Vrmmmm. Up 2nd, 3rd. Back down left turn at lights. Looking in mirrors. Lifesaver checks. (observation in some areas suffers if it is busy in others). Lifesaver to L or R before moving off or cornering. Cancelling the indicator is forgotten a bit ... must teach head/thumb to do that all the time. Cornering - must look where I am going. If alot happens and I see something in mirrors or during lifesaver and I look at it more then my path through corner is affected. We go left again and again. Joe waits for me if car gets between. Left again 4 times around block. Then follow Joe left and right up through gears - over speed ramps, manouvering big truck to get past. Road position. Must keep out more from parked cars. Not in close like cyclist. Checking mirrors, lifesaver looks when changing road position and before/in turns.
Starting from standing - clutch + throttle is still rough sometimes. I stall 3 times this session. But not worried. Traffic is okay about it. I get neutral, start engine, first, then move off. Stall twice when it is not very busy. Stall on Drumcondra road. Lots of traffic. Traffic inside and out. Neutral is hard to get but get it, start, first (Hendon shuffle)
Getting down the gears to 1st, slowing isn't automatic yet. Getting into neutral can be fiddly.
We stop a couple of times for instruction. We stop and Joe gets petrol and I watch his bike while he pays. BMW 1100 looks like big tourer to me. GPS and lots of nice things on controls. Dakar - Argentina. Celt on helmet.
Back to depot. Turning left in across footpath. Joe heads in. Two pedestrians and a buggy are crossing my path so I slow and stop. When they're well gone I move off ... but augh not exactly sure what happens but go for a slow tumble off bike just across footpath. Throttle revs as my hand on it. I'm off bike somehow not under. Bike wheels agains wall. Oops and doh! Off bike engine. Lift. But it is in gear, can't move it back, can't get it into neutral. By this time Joe has wondered what happened. He comes and picks stuff up. I'm pretty happy really. Very stupid. :( But no harm. Brush off ego and bike. Vrmm it up lane into yard and park.
Gear off, eat banana/orange, phone Fionn. Tell her about road trip and fall too. Head off towards harolds cross. Looking up, naming hazards in head on bicycle. Traffic is slow in places. I stop in a bicycle/motorbike shop just over the canal. (DAMN! now I can't call bikes bikes any more, I have to call them bicycles to avoid confusion!) They don't have suitable motorbikes. But they have jackets. Same one I liked in Bray. for 170 euros. I get that. Blue. Try on helmet (nitro - polycarbon and fiberglass) and gloves too. Just buy jacket. Make a run back over canal, down to lights and up street to ATM for cash.
On we go (after managing to stuff bike jacket into bag with bicycle wet weather jacket/pants. Right at Harolds cross. At little village place find it is Sundrive road. Cross over. Park bike. Goto sandwich. 3 places before get one. Eat lunch sitting on bag in sun. A girl likes my bike. Her friend talls me so. On I go to 106 sundrive road motorbike shop. I talk to mechanic person John about bikes. They don't have honda 250/bros but he is encouraging me toward 125s or scooter. Hmmm. I try on helmets with him too. Lie down. Eat fruit. Wait, David lyons comes 1:40. Unk. Need helmet & gloves. Paul and John busy with other party. Wait. Then. Okay. Get helmet. Find gloves. Blue. Yup. Buy. GEar on/up. Follow David out. I'm rougher than morning. Road position better but signal cancelling bad, cornering and looking where going ngeh. Quiet area - big circle of roundabouts. Neutral on this bike is trickier than one in town. We go further - maybe a bit faster than this morning. Lots to try and do while observing at same time. We take break. Get cans (and David gets petrol too). By sandymount/road going to toll bridge. Get asked directions by 2 people. (big bright yellow vests attract lost people) Back in Sandymount, to Blackrock road, stall before turning up to Booterstown Ave in bad road position. To right of right lane just before right turning slip road. Och. Traffic comes fast from behindso I have to wait after I have her started. Grand. Corner ... wait for lights. Rough going through. David tells me why I installed in first place which I wasn't even really aware of. Black mercedes in front of me. David in front of that. NEar slip I was nearly squeezing in but looking at too much and stopped in 2nd and tried to take off in 2nd. Mercedes then went into right lane apparently (were on mibile phone). Anyway. I'm not phased. I'm happy. Hope it's okay with David. I'm still looking down sometimes at controls. Get better cancelling indicators but still make mistakes after coming out from busy traffic spot. Down N11 a little, up ? avenue - past the Goat, David drops business cards in a place. Back to shop. Whew. Settle. Eat. Pack up all gear into bag. Buy yellow vest.
I cycled into town to all my motorbike lessons ... by today (cycling home with bag full of motorbike jacket + gloves + bike wet gear + helmet swing off it) was feeling glad I'm going to motorbike places. I go across town ... slightly lost. End up in Rathgar - lose self again - end up in Terenure - go Rathmines, Nutgrove, Churchtown, Dundrum, Sandyford, home at last! Daire & kids playing with bikes and switchboards. They're impressed with the helmet. In to Kate and Fionn. Kate puts helmet on too. Very cure. Maeve is asleep with Fionn on couch. Leave Maeve after a bit. I go to clean - no hot water. I shave and mop self up. Fionn cooks potatoes/salad/chicken/beans. Maeve and I take photos of drains/building site. I'm so tired eating. Get up and get kids series of things. Was holding Maeve but Fionn takes her.
Out to garden, extract hose from under things and water plants out back and then front. Assumpta's too. Kate helps me. Daire is fighting lightsaber battles with bamboo piece. Kids in for bath. I run bath, they get in. I put my bike under dry bush. Lie on bed. Read page or two - Leslie Thomas - Orange Wednesday. Must ... get ... up! Clothes (dry) off clothes horse. Sort out clothes in hotpress. Dry ones in to air. Fionn gets kids out of bath, dry, abed. I have tea. Ochhhgggg! Yum. Excercises. TV Sliding Doors John Hannah Gwyneth Paltrow Look up Amines (glucosamine). Check/Delete email. Do some diary for first time in ages.
Yay! Meet waider on irc. Tall him about motorbike and back and stuff. Waider has gone to Ballina festival again - someone puts him in costume?
Joe comes. Used to bike in squasrish circles. Figures of 8. Observing. Then also indicating. Then runs to get into 2nd gear. Very rough at first. If I get into 2nd I have clutch still in when I stop, or something. Use throttle heading back. Joe says put it up to 2nd and that works. A few goes and it gets good. Hand was leaving go clutch fast. Like brake on bicycle. Left hand trained to leave clutch out slowly. Right trained to stay on throttle (and do throttle gently) and stay away from braking (except when stopping - er - yeh). Practice that a bit.
Visit daintree get paper - hard to carry cardboard that won't bend. Put it between bag in straps and my back. Weird wide wing load should be printed on my back. Get mobike phone charger 10 euros instead of 20 or 25. fm mobiles place shut but shop up road open.
daytime ?
Goto Dundrum shopping center. Maeve and I do groceries. Fionn brings D and K clothes shopping. Meet in Next. Then Kids and I go get ice creams and smoothie. Maeve out of car seat a bit ngeh. Meet Ken Mcullagh. (he pokes me hello) Ow! his shoulder needs an operation.
Vrmm home. Drop all, in some groceriews, get swim gear, go swim Wow! Full length front crawl. Feels good. Legs kicking fast and properly seem to help breathing. Good session. I do splutter on front crawl and butterfly though.
On way home call into two bike shops. Look at bikes (honda bros 400 mainly) and gear.
Home 15:00ish. Phone. 2 more motorbike lessons already arranged. David Lyons got in contact. Setup another lesson!
Aie! Remember physio appointment just as Fionn is going to cycle to shop. I go in - back better again after a week. Show her excercises, then she did stuff ... then I couldn't bend over. I couldn't stand up straight afterwards! cruelty! ow!
sun Walk with Kate to John and Carly's house. Well. To field. Go through gap and big weeds/thorns. Ella new chair. Fix puter. Another miracle. Restart restart restart reinstasll plug in and leave in for long time, listen for swapping, allow it to report unknown device, found drivers, error with device, then drop webcam stem on floor and pull out/reinsert at right moment seems to be the secret install method. Carly feeds us noodles. Yum. Kate & I head down and have another tea.
sat tent ? wedding Robbie & Sandra.
inished Gunslinger book finally ! After collapsing asleep on it a couple of times - urk :7
Try writing C++ proggie to do sudoku while tired :) Camel game port to linux
mtwtf - builders, in dub, ... ? swim, cycle ? visit EBS with morgage forms (get form from Simtel Wed) (phoned Simtel a few times, got email sent Monday weirdly delayed not delivered till friday). ? BBQ with musical people in Dermot and Derval's house. Daire in camp. Glenalbyn with Conor and Emma. Share lifts with Assumpta. Friday collect Daire, drive Cobh. Leave Maeve and Fionn in Dublin
Tuesday visit physio. physio actually has a cause of the problem identified I asked chiro lots of questions and ... he didn't really answer the physio kindof answered them all without asking. Talks lots more Root cause theory is that muscles in middle of back on rhs are weaker - shoulder and leg muscles stronger - pelvis shifts with the weak area.
ss - ?
We visit Bray Honda Center with Fionn, Maeve and Kate. Walk into Bray. Get shoes for Fionn. Get fruit. Honda Bros 400s. Hmmm. Maybe.
missing lots of entries but many days busy busy busy Builders digging holes, filling them in. Building, digging/bashing holes in built stuff, filling in. etc...
finish waider's gunslinger book
Getting of driving licence
Stoustrup C++ and Camel game port to linux C++ practice.
Kate gets chicken pox, has last day in creche. Later Maeve gets chicken pox. Can't go visit Cobh with them still.
Residents 17storey tower protests. ?? and on M50 opening.
Visit chiro 3 tuesdays in row after weekend wrecked poor back.
Swimming lessons end and swimming lengths with slightly different people restarts. Night of last lesson 3 of us go to pub. ANd I go on in to Doolin dinner after.
Visit to Cobh
Trinh's sisters visit and we go on walk in Dalkey - coast, up hill, to Eoghan and Mary BBQ. Tire everyone out!
Visit Brian and Trinh, bring them mover, electrocute self and feel very awake. Changing plug of plugged in cable. In socks on wooden floor. Brian and I passed plug between us with screwdrivers so both made mistake of assuming was plugged out - doh! Cut grass front, get fed. Cut long grass at back.
Wed 6th driver theory test Cycle in. Bit early. Start trial. Oop test starts. One Q wrong. Post off cert and all rest of proviosinal application.
Sat 2nd/Sun 3rd Get lift with Eoghan and Niall. Stag in Carlow. Drive. Paintball. Pub. Accomodation. Carlow - pub - grub - pub - nightclub - wanderisngs drunken - grub. walk. sleep. Breakfast wanderings. Driven home.
Fri 1st phone up and get driver theory test cancellation.
Thur jun 30 last day in doolin. RRB finished - don't have to do it. Just as well! Finish SMS engine design doc. Packing a bit. Out with back sore a couple of days. Sitting at desk is a real killer with it. I lie down often, ... but when get into zone concentrating I wake up with very sore back and can't stand straight. Lie on floor and spinal twists help. ow ow ow ... still cycle each day and swim on wed. swim feels good
Wreck back weekend chop down eucalyptus, dig plants up in garden - in preparation for builders coming. And row boat. Meet Pauline. Crack front panel. EEp caught on fishing line, in fisher people's way. Eep inadvisable landing waves washing us into concrete holey shore.
Other days off for interviews.
before - sending out CV - responding. Havok - Google - Simtel/CommProve - Amazon - CPL people for contracting Telephone and real interviews. Really very very busy with RRB project in Doolin and also get SMS Engine design docs done near end.
Kate to Myles's and Eimear's girls party.
Hmmm. People from a certain company wish to make contact. They could go to Doolin directly if they really need to. Doolin have easily the capability of picking up anything I have done. For the future for me not sure if working there progresses my career at all.
I visited Havok yesterday - thought I was a bit mad at first but actually they're a nice sane bunch of people :) So we shall see about that. Also talking with Google, big company ... not too big maybe. Seem definately to have that excited development boom feeling which is nice. One first phone interview done, others coming up if I get through: another very tech phone, another phone, then meet people in Dublin
CPL person Patricia Lynch seems nice, talking to her about doing contracting. She seemed to have options O2 Vodaphone ....
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 09:56:37AM +0100, Ronan Waide wrote: > Cherry blossoms fall > Get jammed under my wipers, > And screw up the wipe.White stuff on ground. Huh? What's that? Oh, just hailstones. No. Rowan blossoms. It's a bit windy isn't it.
Bike seat left in creche oops. Oh rain - need rain gear. Kate and James slippy on the bike. Kate stands on crossbar and James holds on, Kate changes gears :). Stay on footpath, go round the back of Microsoft through the woods, Bumpy slippy roots of trees. Phew. James is hot.
5000 user add seems okay Hmm. Still can't connect to rrb network. Which bug will I work on ... Need coffee maybe. 5000,OK,Add User u4999 Operator O2 GB Success Regen Passwd User u4999 Operator O2 GB Success email jamesc.com PASS IS ObGb2j,2,u4999,u4999,jamesc.com TOTAL: 5000 USERS_ADDED, 5000 ROWS_PROCESSED.
Up 8:15 rush. Kate must be in by 8:45. Fionn helps get her dressed. I make lunches and get D & K breakfasts. Kate & I cycle off - we go the front way on the roads. Kate asks and it's a bit wet. Kate very enthusiastic. Wearing her red boots.
In work I take things easy. Checkout work I did in night. Add table to db, update config files .... then it works!!! !? or kindof. great fun with pages sometimes loadsing, sometimes half loading ... different pages different behaviour? What the hell? Coffee. Waider says check logs ... /var/log/messages nothing apache log though reports httpd seg fault - and I can see it corresponds with truncated page. Starting up and exclusive httpd and stracing it seems way too much hassle. So I just strace onto top one and reload pages till I get it. Hmmm. it's seg faulting when writing to log file. Hmmm. It figures out log file name from session info. It's seg faulting in log in session close hook. Hmmm. Remove logging in php session hooks ... and problem goes away. Test test test test. Fix php sessions to read/write from master only.
My wikipedia topic for today is Hair. Was wondering with Fionnuala do horses or lions manes tangle in the wild. And other longhaired critters. And why us odd humans have hair in odd places round our body. Well after vasectomy and having to shave my crotch I can definately say that pubic hair is very useful - environmental control. Tempreature. Wiki says long hair on heads probably adornment. And loss of hair because of wading period in swamps? Guys had long hair an beards generally and didn't shave until the 1st world war, trench warfare and lice. Finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front just two days ago.
Fionn heads to bed. I fix up adpfs db stuff for replication. Do trouble ticket code - which not too bad. Do other code that not in main stream. Test lots. Fix small bugs on the way and update tickets. Then php sessions. Decide to make it a class, play around. It is making session entry and updating it. But doesn't seem to be retrieving the session info back SO can't login (read and verify session stored password hash). Finish after 3am.
Keith & Fiona's wedding. Kate to bed, then Daire. I collect Ruth 8:50. Robbie and Maeve and Paul and Karen and Renaud and Niamh (and Keith and Fiona!) and Dave and Teresa .... funny how many of us have partnered up and have little kids. Maeve stays asleep in car seat.
Fetch Daire from Conor's house with Kate. Mashed potato and carrot with sausages and beans. Mike calls and Daire has left Mike's gun in Conor's the last few days. We get Daire to help Mike get it. Back to dinner.
Circle time on carpet with everyone after dinner.
(fset 'james-xchat-line-to-html [?< ?b ?r ?> ?& ?l ?t ?\; right backspace ?\C-s ?> ?\C-m backspace ?& ?g ?t ?\; ?\C-a down])
Up 7:30 with Maeve. Kate and Daire still asleep. Maeve falls asleep as I hold her tummy when I make kids lunches.
Cycle Kate back bike. Back way over field & gravel. Nice weather these days still a little chilly.
Work from home afternoon cvs and cvstrac accessable from home is lovely bug response typing and email sending seems to take way longer than just bugfixing :-(
Fionn off to graduation for IPMA course. Mary collects her. Sunny, top down, blue mercedes. Daire sees her going. Kate cross - was in box while I worked at computer. We cook pasta, Kate has cerial. We find Daire with his friends. All eat. Homework then. Kate wants table trys to push Daire off but then is okay chipping pencils. Daire writes second half of his spooky story. take-away-seven pink, think, ??ink reads aliens reader for us Then up to bed it's 20:05 after Kate's bedtime, just on Daire's. Bathroom, pyjamas, Maeve gets cross so we heat the 2 ounces of milk gently in a pot and bring it up to kids bedroom. Kate sets up pillow, sits up straight, wants to feed Maeve. Eventually milk temp is okay. I sit beside Kate and hold Maeve's head. Kate holds bottle. Maeve drinks it no problem - slightly surprised. Daire holds it a little. Then Maeve too heavy for Kate. We read Kate's bedtime stories - both Thomas the Tank Engine ones tonight. Then over and somehow all cvram into Daire's bed - Bible story. Ring at door - Fionnuala is home and takes baby. Finish stories, Kate puts out light, wants me to sleep beside her (usual request these few days). Can hear kids getting books, not quite settled. Down Fionn is good - nice to get out. Fionn makes tea. Is nice. Then Maeve spits up a lot in kitchen. Mop with Maeve in arms. Nuts. Maeve happy - a bit hungry again after that.
Fionn to bed with Maeve while I find out how to run sshd
(it's not starting properly in SuSE ?
It runs if I give it debug -d option.
And I can connect from outside (because maybe I did NAT thing).
But it dies after the one connect goes away !? :(
Very odd.
Can't find any possible relation of that problem on web.
Actually my main task is to put photos on web so I do that, email my family,
email clarkey and waider, email Fionn's family.
also checkout easytimer, configure - find likely package it needs
install with yast2 (and devel packages too)
eventually configures but missing popt.h (find in popt packages)
yay it builds and installs,
yay yay it goes into KDE's panel somehow
I set up rest of easytimer.
Tidy downstairs a bit. Chomp food. Cold. Get jumper. Clothes wash has finished - hang that. Bring water and kruik upstairs. Bed.
Resolve bugs for adpfs. Internet Exploder differences. Find a link click which uses onClick to trigger a form submission doesn't work in IE 5.x. Wah! :( And Bah! :( And Foo. :( receivesms-tofile.cgi for kannel qa/test links in wiki [ open source test tools] Perl has it's own modules and framework to support testing [ qa.perl.org] [ Test::Tutorial] [ Test::Simple] Software processes/methodologies, some bedtime reading [ xp rules] [ ExtremeProgramming wiki] [ agile alliance tools] [ Martin Fowler - agile processes] [ Alistair Cockburn] [ Copeland work test]
Go get Kate. ow! shin scratch bike pedal. Foot slips off pedal. Get kate - she runs and hops with Sarah. Home back bumpy. Fionn. Shopping has arrived. Sausages, beans and potatoes yum. Chat to Maeve. Change wet shoes and socks. Daire. Bike back to work. Kate cries when I leave.
urban dictionary: sheep
waider points out definition 4 which makes me cackle
TODO: find out do cows yawn?
evolutionary yawning - why is yawning contagious?
Vrmm home 18:15 :(. Fionn has cooked yum mushroom fish and veg pie. While food is preparing bread machine is broken so I try fix it with Maeve in left arm and Kate helping. We get plastic bowl and put dough in there. Augh little clip flies off, hits me in face .... and is lost forever. With potatoes. Kate eats fish. Daire eats mushroom soup. Maeve sleeps. Fionn is extra tired, tummy sore :( Bedtime rushes upon us. I bring kids up, routine pyjamas, bathroom, stories, night night. Very fast read of Kate's stories. Then it is 20:00 I'm LATE for swimming. I leg it.
splish splash splosh No backward butterfly stroke this week again thankfully! Backstroke with hands behind back and hands outstretched forward bring head backwards under water a bit though. Humm. Breaststroke don't quite get rythm. Also I seem to be sinking on breast stroke. Overarm don't quite manage breathing. Counting strokes makes me forget to try and breathe. We go jump in deep end and dive a bit. I'm surprised 3 of us are happy but people are a bit scared of jumping into the deep water. After talk Gavin I think. Then in car park an older man looks lost. Nice straw hat. Looking for a green rover. Finds it alright quickly in different place but then talks lots - for 30 mins. Was in pub so hummm not sure about driving. From Kerry - lived in England, back in 1968 to dublin. Surveyor. I heard all about investment in dollars, then sterling. Also into plastics. House bought £7000.
Home. lots of house jobs. Tidy. Search for breadmaker thing. Find wd40. oil breadmaker from top and bottom and get it twisting again. puter on - fix a small bug and checkin and log to cvstrac - niiice Also try to get ssh and http from outside working. Read about SuSEfirewall2 and read router docs. Slightly mystified. Och no time for japanese. Bed. Read book, brush hair. Hair is in a tangle!
How about tmp or temp or indeed Temp or TMP or TEMP or Tmp or :) That's got a nice tempo to it. (re backups of home dirs)
kannel email. I say rtfm lots in, I hope, a helpful way. Re: NEWBIE's 1st post (kannel is running :-) stupid questions
> I am assigned a job to do implement an SMS gateway. Have contacted with > the SMSC and agreed on a test port account. They are using SMPP protocol 3.4. > I am trying to make kannel sms gw work. > I have installed it on suse9.0 box and working in a fake environment. > > I manage to send sms trough HTTPPOST and it says Sent in the browser :-) That means it is sent to kannel's queue. Control kannel and check status visiting the url/port as configured in kannel's config-file admin-port in core group Core configuration (e.g. status and message queue: http://localhost:13000/status http://localhost:13000/store-status ) Turn on logging (set log-level = 5 for example for kannel smsbox and bearerbox). (do this by ... editing kannel's configfile ;) ) If smsc connection is configured correctly and working the sms will be sent from queue. You can see queue on file system and see contents. (read kannel's user guide :) ) (edit config file to enter your smsc details of course setting up sms gateway ) e=xample of smsc group that works with smpp 3.4 protocol: (account info/passwords removed of course) ## main smsc - clickatell group = smsc smsc-id = clickatell smsc = smpp host = smpp.clickatell.com ### ports: 12345 - 12347 port = 12345 receive-port = 12345 smsc-username = "xxxxxx" smsc-password = "xxxxxx" ### clickatell product as system type for their validation and billing system-type = "127234" ###our-host = (NATed ip address) (sent to smpp provider) address-range = "" ### 60 secs recommended by smpp provider enquire-link-interval = 60 > What I don't know (among 1000 other things concerning kannel) is how to > process the incoming sms, how to produce it, where to catch that event, > and how to act upon it. To process incoming sms you can use kannel's filtering to a certain extent but it might be easier to call a script and do all incoming sms parsing and filtering in there. Again edit kannel's config file to control how incoming sms are processed. This is done in sms-service group. incoming sms processing config in sms-service group e.g. receivesms.cgi is perl script where db is queried, sms reply is built and sent If you're familiar with writing and setup of cgi scripts it's easy to do. Otherwise you need to rean more manuals :) # matches TUC, tuc, Tuc, ... group = sms-service keyword = TUC get-url = "http://localhost/receivesms.cgi?from=%p&to=%P&text=%a&smscid=%i&dr1=%d&user=%n&coding=%c&charset=%C&keyword=TUC" max-messages = 0 concatenation = true # catch any other incoming sms group = sms-service keyword = default get-url = "http://localhost/receivesms.cgi?from=%p&to=%P&text=%a&smscid=%i&dr1=%d&user=%n&coding=%c&charset=%C&keyword=" max-messages = 0 concatenation = true Read the kannel user guide very well.
cvs has moved, setup keys to access from two boxes. also we switch from bugzilla to cvstraq. adpfs big email on msisdn mapping from national format to e.164 clear issue up
ITU E.164 international country prefixes and IDD/NDD for each country country e.164 IDD NDD Austria +43 00 0 Denmark +45 00 (none required - but) Germany +49 00 0 Hungary +36 00 06 Ireland +353 00 0 Italy +39 00 (0 except mobiles) Norway +47 00 None required Spain +34 00 (no NDD now since 1998 - 9 inserted) Switzerland +41 00 0 United Kingdom+44 00 0
Lunch. Race 13:30 to creche. It's threatening to hail or rain. Kate is in snow suit outside on trike (every time on trike when I call). She's good as usual has eaten loads. Meet new creche carers. We go out forgetting bike seat. BAck in. Then we go via Westwood. Across new bridge. Over fields through back of gallops to home. Much nicer away from traffic. Fionn has made salad, we have it with bread. Daire home.
adpfs work fix logo link bug easily and cvstra[cq] picks up commit against the ticket. BUT (it's the silly small things that take time) reset.php session clearout doesn't seem to work in IE https!? It does work IE http and for Firefox http and https. Urgh.
Aie! Leave work 18:10. Traffic is gone. Cycle cycle. Traffic is slow crossing road at central park. Simpsons, talk kids/Fionn, then dinner!
Start with heating rice & potatoes. Then decide we can do tacos. Begin defrosting mince - 400g takes ~20 mins on 20% (defrosted outside taken off after 10 mins). Clear space in kitchen, prepare food. Much chopping. Tomatoes + gherkin. Lettuce. Mushroom. Carrot. Green pepper. All on one plate for adults. Kate helps. She buzzes green pepper and two carrots. We start them cooking in pan with curry powder. Mince in there too. Grate cheese. Put every sauce in fridge on table.
Yum! Everyone likes food. Kate first says No! don't want pancake. Has plain rice and potatoes and chicken instead. Daire likes taco + meat + cheese. Fionn covers Maeve in tea towel. Maeve is in the tummy sling carrier thing. Tacos are yum but slightly messy. Kate likes the look of them so she does have a taco. Fionn and I have another ... and we run out! :( Daire has mince in bread ... with sweet chilli sauce ... and water! Daire & Kate play very nicely while Fionn & I finish up. Hide "bed-ticket" = squishy world ball. Hot/Cold search game.
It's 20:00 by time dinner is finished. Kate and Daire up. Both into pyjamas and brush teeth. Then Daire down to Fionn and Maeve. I read Kate stories. Then Daire Bible stories.
TV with Fionn and Maeve. I hold Maeve but I'm tired and she seems happier with Fionn this time. Scrubs. 22:30 we tidy up and head to bed. Tidy kitchen, kill slugs, put dishwasher on. Eek there are ants. But they are not coordinated so I can't see where they come from. Up to bed.. Reading 3 books - doh. The Human Factor by Graham Greene, The Navigator, and The Wisdom of Crowds
Zoom up hill. Was already late & Fionn had called dinner was ready! Fionn's cooked. Yum. Kids time for bed.
rush blood, after Kate creche home back to work on bike I'm legging it home every lunchtime to check everyone's still going good this week. Today was ... interesting. Palm reminded me I had an appointment to give blood. Which I had half forgotten. So cycle to blood. Glug glug glug. Cycle to Kate's creche. Cycle up home with Kate. Hello. Cycle back to work. Phoo. Pant pant. Falling over would be inconvenient.
They opened a lovely new clinic in Stillorgan last year. Before that it was in a school gym. Clinic is much nicer - make appointment and no waiting. AND they've got bananas, soft drinks, biscuits, crisps, scones, sandwiches ... :) They've got clinic just near westmoreland St in town too ... ibts clinic search - silly web developers.
Lucky for me I'm not too squeamish.
And have easy to find poppy out veins. :)
And haven't lived in England for more than a year between ? and ?.
And (if I'm a man) haven't had sex with aother man ... something something
eyebrow raising stuff I tell ya
(every time you fill out a page with multiple questions
and if you've been sick or had drugs or visited doctor or whatever
recently (been to Malarial area ...) etc ... it might not
be possible to donate.)
I think they don't publish the seekret questions on purpose so that
it's more difficult for the androids to infiltrate our species.
Things have settled down a bit for us now ... hopefully someone has told you ... or maybe you are blissfully stating away from computers for a while! :) We've had a baby daughter. Maeve. Fionnuala had a caesarian on Thursday - 13:07. It went very smoothly, baby came out yelling and was happy once was wrapped up dry and warm. Mum recovered from operation and was able to meet Maeve before 2 hrs were up. Maeve new baby photos Family descended and helped look after Daire and Kate for a few days. Baby and Mum are doing great. Fionnuala came home Sunday morning and she will still be a good while taking it easy after the caesarian. She's up and about and good. Not allowed to do any housework. Maeve is doing all the right baby things - sleeping, feeding, sleeping, thinking about philosophy (making interesting expressions), sleeping, feeding .... Kate and Daire are amazed by Maeve. They're great and interested in helping to look after her and telling everyone about her. Kate loves getting out baby stuff from the attic and places and getting it ready. Hope you got home alright and are having a bit of a relaxing time. Or if not relaxing then exciting and fun! :)
So anyway. Quite a busy day. Daire went to spend the day with Conor and they went to a beach in Wexford. Kate went in to Montessori. Got in to Holles St about 9:20. Holles St. seemed busy this morning so there was a good bit of waiting. Fionn had had intermittent contractions night before and nearly called me in the early hours and was still having them. People didn't want to delay too much. First talk, Fionn dressed, more waiting and more talk. Poor Fionn is poked with needles trying to get blood samples. Ow! Takes 4 goes. Then up to operating theatre. Is now 12:10 and need to top up car parking meter with money. I do that and feed my tummy with soup. Back to theatre where Fionn is still there after meeting anesthetist. Fionn away to get spinal (not quite an epidural but ... ). Myself dressed in sterile clothes, hat, mask. And called in then.
Things are happening now. Fionn is on table and surgeon is already starting to work. In quite a small operating room as someone else is in bigger theatre next door. Surgeon and someone else operating either side. Nurse and Indian anesthetist at Fionn's head. And me. Another few come and go. I look over curtain a bit ... not sure if I'm allowed ... it certainly seems to distress some but nurse says well it's okay. Can't see too much. Very quickly baby is yelling. Surgeon lifts her up to show Fionn & I. Purple and objecting to being taken out from nice warm dark place. They cut the cord and ?pediatrician? brings her away to check and dry her. We can hear her next door but also other voices encouraging another mother. I check, see placenta being taken out. Tell Fionn. Also see uterus (I think! Quite big, purple sack.) out being stitched. Still get feeling people are not quite comfortable with Dad looking.
?Pediatrician? brings baby back, gives her to me. I hold her over so FIonn can feel her face. She's wrapped up and dry. Eyes tight shut. Happy now that she is warmer. After a bit I'm ushered out, we say bye to Fionn for a while. Sterile garments off me. Wait with baby a little. Two midwives come to collect us and down to wards we go. Into little room right in wnd with two sinks, 2 changing tables and hospital cupboards and stuff. I get sent to get bags while baby is weighed and checked. Hey! Locked out after I get bags. I wait ... patiently as it says on the notice. And catch someone's eye. They let me in. Baby is in cot by herself. She's happy. In a bit she cries a little. She is rooting, looking for something to put in her mouth, so pick her up and walk. One midwife comes back and I give baby bath (dousing my watch - oops). She relaxes in the water. I thought she might ... not! She likes it. I take our time. Out and dry and then very fumbly getting dressed but improving with every limb. Is very very warm in that room. Whew I sweat. Then am left alone a good while with baby. She sleeps a bit after her bath. Dressing is tiring work! I pick her up when she starts looking for breast again. Walk around she likes the movement. She holds hand against side of head for a while and goes quiet. Seems to like it. I wonder is she feeling like she's back squashed in womb again. We take some pictures, Very very bad pictures. A senior seeming nurse comes twice and says oh no don't hold her like that and second time wrap her up more warmly so rewraps her in two blankets tightly. Niamh from community midwives arrives with news from Fionn yay! Fionn's good, maybe will be half an hour more. Send digital camera up so Fionn can see. Great as baby is definately continually looking for food. Also one of the notices on the wall is a pro-breastfeeding policy with skin contact within forst 30 mins and feeding within next 30 as one of the items.
A lady arrives flustered with her baby trolley. And a midwife too and another. I get out of way. Then a mummy, daddy, baby and another midwife come and start doing things. I desert that room and Fionn arrives on trolley. They wheel her into ward and get her onto bed and sort stuff out. Then we go meet mummy again. And put baby on breast after a little bit. Seems to go quite well. Fionn tummy sore but she puts baby across. Arrange things, someone gets water, I have coke, baby fed into cot. Phone people. Bye Fionn. Eeek! Car has been an hour without meter money but it's unclamped. whew.
It's 17:00 I catch rush hour and is slow on N11 past Stillorgan. My Mum phones- tell her news. GEt to Kate's creche in S3 17:30. Meet Sandra at door. Montessori's are all playing outside. Kate on trike. Hello! Talk to Sandra and Jennifer new baby. Try not make big issue of it with Kate. Meet Sinbad outside. Tell him all news too. Then Kate needs loo! Back into creche. Then home 18:00. Meet Noel. Ring for Daire - Assumpta was in shower. Tell news and hear about Daire's day. After down to Dermot & Derval's. Then home. Tell Kate we'll go to see Mummy in hospital after dinner. Cook pasta and beef stuff. Phone Fionn tell her we'll be late (it's now 18:30. We all eat fast. Then into car, to hospital.
Kate and Daire are amazed and interested in new baby. Kate touches head and face lots. Eoghan and Mary and Eimear are visiting. We take pictures, Maeve is passed around and then Kate wants to hold her, then Daire, then Kate again ... great reaction from Kate. Daire is fantastic. I follow Maeve around. She does something interesting in nappy. E&M take D&K home and put them to bed and babysit while I stay on a bit. I discover interesting thing is very dark green, very sticky, lots of it. Meet 2 ladies changing nappies too in room. Clean clean, dry dry, baby gets vitamin K in drops, now Fionn ready to feed baby. Good long feed and massage Fionn's feet. Then Maeve doesn't quite settle. I walk around with Maeve. Midwives hint I should be gone away long time. And they are changing sheets and fixing up stuff for Fionn for the night. Maeve seems to have gon fast asleep and indeed this time when she goes in cot she's peaceful out. Fionn is all set. I head home.
Oh it's a bit wet now outside. Was dry rest of day. We didn't send a key home with kids!! Eoghan said 'Daire said "sure we'll just get the one from Assumpta."'. whew! Sheila calls and I tell her news. Photos. Web.
Quiet in work ... getting tasks organised, writing kindof dev guide and test guide/ test plan documentation. Google have a starry starry night logo. It's Van Gogh's birthday. Van Gogh museum.
Interesting in the register on a new HP CEO. Also on HPs previous disastrous inflicting of system on their process. Good philosophy on the information cult, worship of information "information is power" without understanding and wisdom.
tuxpaint proj uses cvstraq "the reason we picked cvstraq over bugzilla" cvstrac.org Bugzilla was easy to install Rachel installs - puzzling problem on qa box - two perls installed. /usr/local/bin/perl blah checksetup.pl and cpan get round problems. configure bugzilla, configure apache and it works
If baby doesn't suddenly arrive tonight (in which case I'll be missing some of tomorrow anyway) we're going in to hospital and Fionn will have a caesarian - in the morning.
adpfs/rrb is released. All is very quiet though. Jim has questions and qa too. I'm organising and tidying. Looking into features. Getting get_events daemon working on rrb box. Install bugzilla. Maybe we will use it to track issues. Bugzilla's developer's guide is a good base. It's perl based too.
A Brazilian guy, a linux developer Optimisation of transport ... and of web user experience. Similar ideas in gui bloopers Jeff Johnson, also like Jakob Nielsen stuff read before. The bloopers has a sample chapter on text bloopers, test for controls, text for info or errors and user documentation. VERY applicable to rrb work I'm doing. I already make things consistent in terminology and am conscious of user experience so that's good. When changes are made revise things for user expectations and often find that simple changes are easily made (e.g. add autologin) but then the changes for user expectancy take much more work then the change itself. (e.g. in that case IF autologin is not permitted for a user and autologin user is created should get a warning, IF sutologin is not enabled and autologin attempts occur what message/screen to user and admin users should be informed? ... all error and success cases on operator edit forms if autologin not enabled secret should not be shown but if enabled secret is mandatory so how presented (change of form behaviour depending on elements code is tricky - especially in web where that is done in javascript and php/perl))
Aie! Bugzilla just installed and happy 17:05 17:10 config file edit, mysql edits and edit via web config scripts. Annoying apache doesn't serve up index.cgi (or any other index?, doesn't index the dir (which I want). Asked autologin questions. Wah. home 18:00 later than intended. Fionn is :( going to go shopping/collect baby stuff. Kate goes into bath. I start cooking pork chops and spagetti. Green beans too. Kids eat too. Daire has bath then while I read books to Kate and put her to bed. Fionn home. Kate must be quite tired as she rolls over sleepy at end of books. Daire's in deep bathwater happy playing. Down and clean dishes, tidy kitchen. Then back up, Daire dry and ready for bed, story Elijah and Elisah.
Fionn is watching news. Talk and watch. See ultrasound, graphs of sizes, predicted weight and size. The master wasn't there. Fionn and Daire had meetings with midwives and John Kennedy. Talked about caesarian. When collecting stuff found out more about opertation and recovery. Catheter, bed socks, lots of drips into arms, stomach straps, 2 - 3 weeks ... or maybe up to 6. Hmmm.
Pub! Drive. Bring books. Straight to Dalkey via Dean's Grange, roundabout on way to Dun Laoghaire. That was easy. Park. See Queen's thing, find King's.Inn. In. Aie! No money at all. 2 bank machines refuse me. coke yum. books and films. 12:10 home Fionn's looking up caesarians on rollercoaster and more. Talk, food, bed.
quite busy -
cvs log -d "yesterday<" |grep jamesc -C 1
cvs log -d "2005/03/22 Kids up to bed after a little bit.
Kate very upset wants to go first.
We're cross want to stop the racing competition.
Fionn says I encourage it .. I do I guess.
Maybe if we can put best of both options to Kate.
Good get to stay down longer (if up last).
Or good get to have story first (if up first).
Read Kate Asterix and Dennis the Menace book.
Read Daire from the bible stories book. Saul and David.
Very annoying gloss of censorship over the stories - can't tell really at all what
was actually said.
Fionn tired in armchair.
I get Heisig kanji and go through a few.
I'm tired too though.
Talk about having caesarian.
Well I kindof still prefer least intervention but it impacts Fionn so
should be what she wants. Fionn thinking of who can we get to mind
children during labour. If we leave it all the way to full term and
things still don't happen there will be a caesarian anyway. During
work week. Could arrange it so that Fionn's Mum visits and minds kids
Friday. Go and have arranged caesarian if baby hasn't come by then.
Fionn is thinking natural birth would be the best to go for though.
It will be restricted in hospital to max of 4 hours anyway
so caesarian quite likely but less hospital is better.
Hmm. Yes. Plans. We could always have lots of sex and spicy food
some time that suits :)
We whip and tidy kitchen. I grab cake and cup of tea.
I sync palm back up. (after paranoid tgz backup of last sync)
jpilot MUCH better than kpilot
Pleasantly surprised my addr book entries with big notes are back
on pilot. Can't see them in kpilot or jpilot.
Only thing is applications all in Unfiled.
Sort them into Astro Music Hacks System Util Language
Do kanji - I've forgotten all the new new ones.
common, level, invite, sag, heavy, ride, east, south, weep, child
Bed. Reading Passage to India. the incident at the Marabar caves happens.
I see how confused it is, am confused myself for a time.
Och zzzzzzz.
I say bye to my Mum, bye to Fionn & kids, head to work We've a release. I don't get any much of my stuff done. Look at problem in perl dbase actions for processing events. Find first that need to install stuff on rrb box as the perl scripts have never been run there. Find places where must check and get perl DBI prepare or execute error message properly. That done find version of mysql on that box doesn't support create [temporary] table temp_table LIKE other_table. Even though it is in the manual for that version. Update from mysql mirror on heanet. Then find that the problem is quoting is done not once but a few times. e.g. '1212122'-'some thing'-'foople' was put together like that and then quoted A few things like that. Show Jim. Very Late lunch. In middle of that the project coordinator person sat beside me unannounced and I gave him a demo of what was there. Made the different event types indent and sorted them. A couple of requirements from him noted. Back to my own stuff.
Home. Fionn has cooked omlette and potatoes and salad. Yum. Instinctively I want to drink beer tonight but Fionn thankfully persuades me to drive.
Fionn had Midwife visit after 12.
Fionn found out more about what'll happen in hospital.
Fionn & baby are good and we're all happy enough we know how it is going to go.
Breech babies lungs get squeezed and then open when their head is still inside.
eek! Apparently in the past as there were less caesarians there was
good knowledge on how to handle breech births naturally but that is being lost
now so breech births are even more likely to go to caesarian as it's safer.
There will be a gang during the actual delivery.
Fionn will have to be on bed with paddles so breech can be delivered.
Have to control body so that head/neck is okay.
Breech babies seem to be from 2-5% and caesarian is quite
likely 80-90% with breech. (uk data I find easier than Irish data).
the intarweb is great! 26 October 2001 National (UK) Sentinel Caesarean Section Audit Published A sea change in perceptions of risk and acceptance of cesarean delivery irishhealth.com What is a breech birth? warning! illustrations! :) yeow! omni.ac.uk caesarian
sakako - japanese - breech (foot) presentation; agrippa
saka - meaning(s): inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked
ko - meaning(s): child, first sign of Chinese zodiac, sign of the rat
Drive into town 7:30 ... parking nasty to find. I put car in Temple Bar car park. Into Messrs. Gang all the way up the top. Riccardo gets me a pint of plain. Mmmm yum. He hadn't known we were going to have a baby! eep. Never mind that the due date was today. Sign card for Aimee. Kathryn comes late. Wait with less than half people while rod's pint gets snaffled by barman and they create a minor fuss, Virgil & Eoin quaff their oops new pints just as we were leaving and Kathryn writes card. Walk through rain 101 Talbot. Up sit talk menu food one glass of wine for me. Two dips, lamb, poached plums (wow! ginger and wine stingy on tongue) Virgil has quaffed a bottle of white wine. Oops. Someone gets my coffee hey! I'm STUFFED. Yum talk speeches. On to Fibbers. Coke for me. Eoin & Riccardo sing. Very educational in social sense talk :) I head 2am hope car park is open. It is! whew! Fionn has only just gone to bed at home.
My mum visiting. Fionn is collecting her from Luas at 3ish. Daire has no violin, Miss Molloy has asthma. I do tons of work test everything, make op settings control passwords generated, fix help files, fix and tidy lots of stuff. Home 17:45 Mum reading there's a worm in my dirt for Kate when I arrive. Fionn has cooked gorgeous chicken salad. Yum.
latin phrases - cogito ergo pisces sum :) pisces sum seems too simple. watashi wa sakana desu. cogito ergo cave canis? :) allium iacta est - the garlic is cast? :)
Check tides, weather. Hey! One of Irish Times tides for Dun Laoghaire was wrong. High water 1am instead of 7/8am. Tut. Wind looks 3-4-5 force ish. windsurfing gear on car Daire heads across to path with switchboard Kate wants to go to. She has been tricycling around the car. Push her across then leave her in Daire's care. Putting gear on car see them going down hill. Daire first. Kate after. Legs flying.
I go over to get kids. The tennis courts are terrible! Fence knocked down all along one side. Glass and concrete scattered. We throw concrete into the bushes. We pick up bag of beer cans. Daire heads across home. Kate & I go up path then around by footpath and road to home. Chomp food.
Drive - to Killiney - wrong left, then toward Dalkey hill and take right. Eek? Changes on Killiney hill? One-way I don't remember? We don't get to Killiney. (kids in morning were going to go into Merrion Sq Paddy's Festival but Fionn though maybe Bray amusements instead - smaller crowds - easier.) Lost on roads Shankhill/Loughlinstown. Argh! Arrive at Shankhill roundabout. Drive to Bray. Park.
Kids go play by water. I dress in wetsuit. Gear off and out of car and over to sandy patch near water. Rig up. Fionn gets downhaul for me. Whooo it's windy. Steep beach. Into water over small waves dumping on shoreline. Dryish start whee ZOOM! Out out tack then in with waves on inbound tack. Flying eek too fast gybe so bail out before I crunch up onto beach. Daire is throwing stones into the water. A bit too much wind maybe. But small sail might be just about going so not really. Fly in and out. Tiredish arms getting. Nice swell not too much seems to be coming from two directions. Up beach against wind for half hour. Then inside I seem to have problems getting going. People watching. Ohhh. The wind has dropped. I get going and out in out in lower wind. Now just holding or going down wind a bit. half three a guy tells me to do stuff. can't hear him waves dumping. tricky in close waves inclined to smash me and board. Quite low wind just there? or in general ... waterstart not possible. Daire comes and Fion nand Kate too. Out and in a couple more times. Then in. Guy was telling me when gybing to pull in back of sail to give extra power just before gybe. Grand but I didn't really have enough wind to plane anyway. Tack under wishbone of sail? Language seems a bit older? Slightly odd but friendly. Talk to Fionnuala. Have sandwich and fruit. Go out to attempt maybe 3 more sails BUT get crunch dumped just in by series of 3 + 10 + more bigish waves. Can't get gear out past breaking zone before force of next wave catches me and all and crunches us. Dangerous for my sail so abort that. In we go. Carry gear up, take it apart. Carry it to car. Get dressed. Pack gear up into car.
We walk down. Go on caterpillar ride with Daire and Kate. Wheee! Kate likes it. I hold onto her. Daire in front of us. Walk back. Kate's legs tired. I carry her. Drive back home. Whatever way I've put in the boom and sail it keeps on slipping down into my shoulder hard. I push it with shoulder while driving. Kate collapses asleep. Home. Daire heads visiting to Conor. Gear all in from car. Aedin arrives with dvd present for Daire the incredibles. Ohhhh. Getting stiff. Fionn has made salads for tea. Kate wakes though she's tired but she really perks up and is chatty and eats with us. Daire brought dvd to show Conor. Get him for tea. Fionn brings kids up into pyjamas. I'm ohhh stiff. Daire down violin practice. 1st write in notes. not sure is he thinking of EGBDF or FACE or one up/down from last note ... He gets good at it quickly. Then he plays it and timing is quite good, sound of most notes quite good. Plays a few more - once as is good 1st time on all. Then secret agents looking and without music. Finish up with scales of G and D. Fionn has put Kate to bed but she is lonely without Daire. Fionn on phone to Limerick and Eoin - Mary's Dad in hospital. I read Daire his story in bed before Sheila comes. When Sheila comes Daire runs down and plays violin for her. Kate down too and comes back up before I get down. Settle Kate and down I go.
Talk about South Africa - Cape town, Orla, groote schuur and social work. They hired a car for Sheila and Unas' visit. Table mountain, cape between Indian and Atlantic oceans, swim with penguins, wine tour, townships, Bishop Tutu, lovely friendly people on tours, in hotels and restaurants. Mmm. sounds nice. Kate comes down and I tuck her in again.
Ohhh. crossword, then Fionn takes it when I can do no more and gets all the hard ones :) Except for 2/3. TV. I pound on piano. Launch into Elenor Rigby and voice can't do it at all. Take it easier. Pound on piano. This must be theraputic! Especially Hallelujia. And David Gray too. Put on wash. shower. bed. Reading homeopathy handbook and swimming Alexander Technique.
Pile eucalyptus into trailer with Kate's help. She fills bag with blocks and drags it. Then she needs a break. We get her chair and 2 duck books and the gingerbread man. I keep piling. Kate throws her blocks into trailer. Collect all blocks from round garden. Trailer full. Drag full trailer sideways on hill so can pick up with car. Heavy it is. Blocks under so doesn't run downhill while dragging make dragging hard. Phoo.
Fionn back with Daire. Start food prep - Kate and I go to Ballyogan recycling centre. In we go. Queue goes in left all around near sheds, back out over roundabout. In we go. No spaces to pull in. Tricky. One car goes and trailer in front of me reverses in. Then another goes. Very tight. I reverse in there. Then Kate out. She's not sure. Stands still and quiet while I unload wood. Then pick her up. She wants to be held. She agrees to go in car. Climbs onto back window, plays with mobile. I fire out lots & lots of branches, sticks, wooden blocks and leaves. Done. We move car out of way though it has become less busy. Park and dump our bottles and plastic. Drive on to return trailer. They're nice in the hire place. Home we go. Kate not happy if car stopped but she falls asleep. Transfer her to couch at home and she sleeps while hungry munch salads Fionn has prepared.
Lovely sunny day. Evening drill and screw up plank holding bamboo in place. Screw little board for holding secateurs/trowell back up first. Trying to put protective cover over water bin ... but don't have wire so it's a bit of a mess. Kate helps me in garden with tools but she does not like seeing the drill come out. After kids to bed paint downstairs bathroom over grubby marks and scribbles. And along hall/stairs and landing too.
Do kanji on pc. Adventure I think is over. Poke with emacs at language and map data. Format looks pretty simple. Hmmm. Tempted to get perl to manipulate and could use sdl to display. Map/font tools. e.g. kanji flashcards map/file figurer-outer generic tool => file display and tell it this is number/string/bitmap/struct width n bytes or termi9nator null or whatever Look at frozen bubble perl - game and editor and perl module. Woah. lots of code.
work get ip addr validfation for autologin working very quiet in office at first leave lights off
talk - little Kurdish person liked Aimee at the bus stop. Hmmm. Dutch people see Ireland as rainy. Germans rainy too but with nice green countryside. Winston Leprechaun movies Warwick Davis (I). Artemis Fowl is going to be a movie. Saw Eoin Colfer interviewed on late late show a while ago. http://www.artemisfowl.co.uk/ http://www.artemisfowl.com/ http://artemisfowl.tripod.com/ http://homepage.eircom.net/~eoincolfer65/
Emacs lisp manual - Time of Day ftp://ftp.cis.ohio-state.edu/pub/emacs-lisp/old-but-interesting/show-time.el
(defun james-ts(&optional comment) "putthur paddies day bray head weather beautiful, v. warm carrying big bundle of coats picnic miss train, coffee, playground, train back mmmm chips and fish and curry and ... finish book "Ahead of the Class" - Fionn got from library terminator 3 sfa kanji quick wed mar 16 niall's new book! niall's book (virtual) http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ipv6na/ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&postid=1533361#post1533361 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript http://wp.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/3.0/handbook/javascript/ref_a-c.htm#Checkbox swim swim up late great films colin farrel again with bruce willis this time, ww2 planner, captured, interrogated, prisoner camp billited, murder laywer in courts marshal, escape. fin. bubble boy monk ? going to las vegas ? bible dude in bus converted to church v tired bed ? tue mar 15 http://www.moonestates.com/cat_Venus.asp:comment at point (date format can be in comment e.g. %D/%M/%Y" (interactive) ;; if comment not set just set comment to "%s:" (or comment (setq comment "%s:")) (let* ((update-line (format-time-string (concat comment "\n")))) (insert update-line))) ; (james-ts)1111147133: ; (james-ts "foobar")foobar ; (james-ts "%s: foobar")1111147111: foobar ; (james-ts "%D %d/%m/%Y foobar")03/18/05 18/03/2005 foobar ; (james-ts "%a %b %d %Y")Fri Mar 18 2005 ; (james-ts " \n
")(defun james-diary-ts(&optional day month year) "Make date day timestamped ul thing I use to start diary entries" (interactive) (james-ts "
Ohhh. Stiff. Was windsurf Sat avo. A dust devil has blown the dust off the solar panels on the spirit rover. Diary. Add security roles, working forms to set and show. push through used and documented and checked in just after lunch (late). Yum avocado + pepper cheese + anchovy sandwiches.
picture-mode a rotating bat! picture-yank-rectangle-from-register
E 3 E 3 E 3 wow o mom o wow o mom o wow o mom o E 3 E 3 E 3
Daire school play.
Others doing The little people, wizard of Oz.
Miss Ni Caithlain made up their "California Dreaming"
We see two after.
I mind Kate. Go to back with her. Meet Dermot & Derval and family.
Leave coats. Go back to Brian and Trinh and Fionn to tell where we are.
Back to back with Kate and watch little people.
Then Daire's play. Go up front side with Kate.
Dermot there too video cameraing.
Fionn comes across.
I snap photos while holding Kate.
Girl working in cafe. Director rejects her. David is cook shouts at her.
She goes to Hollywood.
Daire 1st O. In band singing "these boots".
Conor O'Boyle agent.
Kate & I outside mostly for next two plays.
Walking on grass. In behind tree. Climb into tree.
Walk and chase on paths.
Talk other parents.
Go inside after good half hour and prizegiving.
They give out good few awards and prizes.
Kate & I go out to car ... shift it from awkward position. Then wait a long time.
Cars all jam up together trying to get out.
Fionn and Daire eventually come along VERY slowly.
Daire is really crying alot.
Fionn is comforting but I'm not impressed.
Kate is also cross tells Daire not to do that.
Slow traffic till across road. Then home.
Home. Everyone VERY hungry. Cook cook. Daire into Brian and Trinh and hear talking nicely. He drives car Aedin gave as present - it's noisy happy it's working now. Fionn gets croissant for Kate she sits at table and chomps. Fionn makes home made bread + cheese/tomato/other on top, olives. I fry chop and fry marinaded chicken. Grill it. Fionn makes salad dressing & puts salad together. Garlic bread. Mmmm. white wine. Chicken salad + bread and cheese. Cappuchinos after. Fionn's Rhubarb pie and ice cream. Conor Dunne visits. Kids have ice cream and Daire and Kate have hot chocolates.
Phew. Tummy and mood much happier. Talking chat. Kids just play all together in living room.
Dad calls tech support again at kids bedtime. John has moved photos. Windows boots a bit okay now. Dad's not impressed Arthur tech support guy didn't properly solve the problem. I'm not sure if he said he would do that. Is nasty - move all and might encounter problem and waste time. Reinstall and might miss one or two or seven things don't have installers for anyway. Definately miss the funny exact instructions people have for doing things on that computer. Anyway. Fionn software to do the HDD copy? Maybe. Linux and parted and system rescue cd? Repartition D. Move D contents up to higher area. direct copy C to D same partition type + size? resize new partition remove old hdd, or make it higher disk anyway And sneak a linux install on so in future could tell them to boot into linux + dial up then ssh into box and poke stuff and fix stuff. Muaghahahaha.
I'm ripping some of our cds so I can jukebox them on puter, play them in car. try sync pilot with kpilot. annoying kpilot.daemon wrong port /dev/ttyUSB1 should be ttyUSB0 kill it, start manually. fast sync - but ? missing address? Hmmm. :( install jpilot - comes with suse. point it at pilot. sync and do backup. nicer - my address entry with BIG noite attached missing. KDE, xdm something wrong. See problem before where firefox won't start, need to do xhost + even though am user of the screen. Now nothing will start. Go searching for X error logs and messages but find nothing. X server log (man Xserver, /var/log/XFree86.*.log) Pah. Restart xdm - it doesn't come back up. start it, - everything happy.
I lookup child psych alot. Read stuff on development and parenting. Oh. Surprised to discover world view won't be same till 15yrs old or after. Ohh. Right. He seems so grown up. Winning is very important to 7yr olds. Hmm. Fear of failure can be bad. Self esteem. Actually. Daire pretty good on all counts.
ER on tv. Fionn print's a thing (in blue as black ink is bad). Tidy kitchen. Fionn doing more work than I :-7 Puts on wash. Kitchen clean. Munch small amount of food. Fionn to bed. I finish child psych reading. I do slime forest kanji before bed. Go to far island - go deepo ... but nope, artifacts don't work against blocked walls there or in other cave. servant toil labout cherry plum single hive village danger color ...
Bed. Nappy on Kate. Book on why do kids do that has a couple of relevant entries. Passage to India.
Home. Windsurfing!!! Yay. Fionn cooks. Kate helps me get gear out, sort/check it and load into/on car. David & Joey out front being dangerous on road with scooter and rollerblades. Eat stuff. After have cappuchinos. Check windsurf weather and tides on computer. But people talk to me at same time. Daire Kate & Fionn see the roundstone truck lifting car out toppling into the water Mums flowers. Aie. Takes a bit to open right links - but bookmark them as set of tabs. ukho easytide tides, met.ie surfdoc link to wind strength marine.ie buoy wetter online dlharbour.ie pier station
Finally vrmmm. Aie!! it's 16:10!?!?!?! must be back at 17:00 :( Oh. That windsurf watch is an hour forward. To Dun Laoghaire. Gear out, wetsuit on, gear together. Definately big sail. Wind looks slowish. Rusty key doesn't work. Swap it. Lock car. One other windsurfer. 2 ppl in sea kayak go out as I go out. nw wind tide couple of hours after high tide. Perfect conditions - except for the rocks. First tack out but close, too close to rocky bank. turn. Nice and shallow on inside side of tack. Tack out to deeper water. Wind slow sometimes so half time not planing. Bumpy over waves on way out. Surf in with waves way in. Ohh arms shoulders weaker. Hard to haul sail so that I can hook in. But other half time yes planing. 3 kitesurfers surf downwind from Sandymount and get Dart back. I come in 16:35 - 50 mins on water. Fantastic. Fun. Pack up. Other windsurfer in. Home.
cook paella. Using up stuff. I was going to fire in all leftovers more or less. Deboned fish + greasy stir fry veg + potato stuffing + ... but Fionn says no - paella nicer fresh ingredients. So without potatoes and greasy veg. Put in salmon steak, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemon. Scrape turmeric into rice. Yay! Fionn quite cross - slams door - I'm surprised. She doesn't want to eat that. Kitchen's a mess now again after me. Generating more leftovers not usin up. :( Now I'm confused. So I wonder whether to feed people. Anyway. Stuff on plates for kids - yellow rice + mince/bolognese Fionn made yesterday. Fionn comes. Whew not cross now. Then Bill comes! He gets rest of paella :) Kids going to bed late. Daire was playing pingus and tux racer. Bill plays tux. Fionn or I were intending going shopping. But there isn't a huge amount on list.
Dad calls for tech support. C drive full. Windows won't boot. Talk through safe mode, dir, cd, attrib, xcopy etc fail to do much. Recommend get someone. Bill guitar piano.
Fionn takes cooker apart. Not back fan. Hmmm. Yeah. Fionn has replaced bulb so can see. We go further - screws off so whole unit comes out. Then more screws top off. We see fan for cooling electrics is the problem. Hitting the covering so hmm. We put cover on so it is higher. And use washers to make higher. We gain screws too after everything is back together. BLISS! Well done Fionn. I got to earlier part before but was scared of electric wires. Silly male. Before bed I point suse at the printer and they talk.
work work work work work
wrote a chunk of new help pages, updated others, put in links
Meeting with Jim sorting out how events work. Ohhh. There is a bit of sense. Ger comes and events are different but makes more sense now. AND Ger is already trying to sort out a sensible burn and credit status in events. Lots of my big email pretty much covered ... waiting on Redknee stuff. Concerns about integration being put back a few times - even integration with redknee example events.
lots of time debug event view issue in IE is two issues - initializeLayers is not defined in IE. BUT if not called (which breaks javascript i.e. get error and rest of javascript doesn't execute (THOUGH there is no javascript after)) then the clicky next previous etc page switches dfon't work!? The divs inside the hidden pages have problems in IE. They just don't work ... UNTIL mysteriously ... click on last one (now outside of hidden div. THEN the ones inside the hidden div start working. Phoo. Okay well mostly sorted.
Aie! Ger sits down beside me 17:30 unexpectedly. Sort out autologin requirements. Pretty much as he said in rfq email he sent. Some things clearer - no email for autologin accounts, cannot be admins. Home late.
Fionn cooks bolognese and spagetti. Yum.
event pages (search result presentation) tweaking
lovely in mozilla AUGH! hidden layers stop working in IE :(
Kate and Emma are having ribena.
Fionn cooking pasta.
Kate & Emma head off upstairs playing. Daire & Conor in sitting room.
Neighbours head home, kids immediately argue a bit. We have dinner.
Everyone tells about their days.
Fionn was in breach clinic in Holles St.
Called me 13:30 she was still in Q would be there a while yet.
Had been calling creche but no answer.
I called crache Jennifer was just about to call Fionn back and it's okay if Kate stays.
Ultrasound, with nice trainee this time.
Yep baby still in breech. 7 puunds + some ounces though.
Good weight, position for breech delivery.
With doctor to try turn.
Poking and Fionn thinks it's too rough so stops short.
Fionn encourages me to go to swimming lesson.
She rang and they said come 7:30 tonight.
Ohh I dunno. It's 19:10 already dinner just over.
Fionn encourages me.
I shave anyway and collect gear.
Fionn encourages me.
I've a bit of a cold so I'll drive this week.
Drive. 19:3x I'm there and maybe 8 others in groups 3 + 3 female people.
One grp older one younger.
There is small hope - one guy outside looking uncomfortable.
Fill in name + phone + pay monies.
Sit & wait.
Eek. Gang of maybe 14 women arrive in a bunch.
19:45 head in & change. Locker. Shower just before other people clambering out of pool.
Whew! Need that shower!
Group of girls on other side, me on boys side.
Then one other guy appears.
Start asking people can they swim so head over too.
Into 2nd lane.
Lady gets us to front crawl over and back a bit.
Goggles I've never ever worn before I think.
I do my head swing front crawl.
After a wee bit graduate to 4th lane. Whee! :)
No teacher here though.
Girl graduates too.
Shelly and she's from Cobh too and knows Mary and Pauline.
In, shower, dry and change, drive home.
ohhh., catch Daire, has got his 365 Bible stories book, was going to sneak
upstairs through kitchen.
Start telling Fionn about swim but Daire down, Kate is ... doin something.
I say now go to bed.
After a little follow him up.
Big light bright on, Kate sitting up reading.
I off light and sayu hey! It's really late. It's 21:30.
Night to Daire.
Kate takes persuading.
Still sits up turning pages saying :( I can't see my story.
She's been reading the children of the world book.
(Children and human rights. Survival: Water, Food, Home
Education, ...)
I settle her, nappy on (as she asks for it), then she's not settling and
I get cross and march out and say go to sleep. ohhh.
Maybe alright though as she's quiet & doesn't get up and drops off to sleep.
I tell Fionn all about the swimming. It was quite fun. Really quite surprised how fun.
Haven't been in lesson like that since school.
Courses in work or windsurf lessons even are very very different.
Fionn on phone to family a bit.
On to Brian - go out? Glasthule? Or come over Sunday for lunch.
Tom cruise film on TV.
Bit weird.
We're confused as to what it is.
Teletext is corrupt - see odd letters but see Vanilla Sky in them.
Okay fine. Rings very very quiet bells far away.
Still watching - his face is disfigured, wears mask to disco
his best friend. Feel we missed lots very important at start.
Cameron Diaz OH! Now I remember a trailer for it.
In paper read - hmm, yeah, not much more enlightened.
LT. Hungh? What is real and what is not?
Ahhhh. Phew. Right.
Feed face with bread. Fionn puts on bread.
Tidy kitchen a little. Bed. These nights reading Passage to India - EM Forester.
Quite interesting - not much happening (which I usually think I hate) but
seeing into how Aziz and the Indians minds are thinking. I wonder is
it real - how Forester knows & where he is coming from.
big email on
how to present events to users (lacking event detail, know of
burn/credit status
how to try to minimise bad things that will result from late integration
Put help structure in place.
Go from thinking .html will do, still need content strings
translated so names of items (menu entries, page titles, etc..) will match.
So final structure is neat. html.php which does auth and gets
content and looks for translated manuals and html.inc for menu.
then docs/
Home 18:20 delayed with queries on database qa.
4th lane. Teacher comes and sends us across and back. More students come too.
More guys! A good bunch of people arrived at 20:00. Most people. Was
looking a bit quiet before that.
6ppl for while grows to 9 ppl+
Front, Back and breast stroke.
Keeping legs straight seems funny and really slows me down!
When not using arms, just straight legs I go slowly.
Breathing timing try to get right.
Just one arm front crawl, different drills.
graduate to 5th lane! whee! :) After Shelly and just before John.
Front crawl. Don't move head. Keep knees straight. Arm stretch far out in front
then back, keep close to body, tidy on front crawl, bring back toutch hip, then
thumb up hip up side touching (brings elbow high) then up again.
Lots of things to remember.
Also blow out.
Sometimes I swim across then take breath but I'm full of air so get nothing.
Sometimes I remember to blow bubbles but when gasp mouth still seems to get water.
When I concentrate on one thing I forget others.
And always mess up breathing.
She says stand up rather than raising head and breaking stride/flow of swim.
Back crawl she says I look very comfortable.
Amd I am, I like it. Keep knees straight.
Does a drill swim front crawl first then roll onto back.
Does swim on side drill. I think I could keep head out of water easily but I think the point is to put head in water and practice breathing?
breast stroke good, I find somehow gasp for air sometimes.
Says do arms then legs, not together.
But my body does them all together instinctively now.
When I try change it I mess up and mess up breathing too. Must concentrate and practice.
Arm movement for breast stroke too comes back, then palms cup upwards ...
Does butterfly kick. Glub!
Girl at far end very good at this.
Weird legs straight, together. Oooh lower back. Stomach and hips moving.
I find sometimes movement makes progress, sometimes not.
head goes deep maybe better movement, hands by side doing nothing.
Finish off dive when start, pull then come up front crawl,
come back or carry on.
Ohhh I get called to middle to show others. yikes.
Shelly is quite good. Better much than I.
Both of us go up deep end and swim all the way back at the end and teacher tells us we're
really quite close to being good.
Fionn out to swim. for 19:30. She intended yesterday but was 10 past when she was ready and ... I get kids to bed. Pyjamas, bathroom. Read same two books for Kate again this week as usual - Hungry Caterpillar and children of the world. Then 2 pages == about 4 stories + 1 or 2 psalms. It's a bit ... odd. And the stories end a bit suddenly, possibly leaving out the dubious bits and gory bits. Not sure. We're on the old testament at the moment.
I put on Waider's dvd of Tom Cruise in precrime thing. What's the name. Very nice - Kaffeine and Xine I updated a couple of days ago. Bit jerky? Buffering or codecs? Quite watchable though. I wonder would it be smooth in windows? I love all the future stuff.
I don't do kanji tonight. Read a bit. Sleep.
Anyway. Get n events per page quite presentable in both Firefox and IE by end of day. And configurable can more or less go back to old style all events one page.
At home doing kanji for a bit as well as getting other things working on computer. Make lots of progress in slime forest adventure. As well as actually remembering kanji I did recently I discover the grey dudes in caves on far island are actually asking old kanji I should know. number 6 I'm terrible at remembering. And 9 and circular. Others I have to stare at for a while, sometimes run away. BUT I get enough money to buy spices. Then suddenly while learning kanji in far caves go exploring and find LOADS of money. Buy fishing rod. Rescue princess. Hey! My boat is gone :-7 Oh good. King gives me a boat. Now I have artifacts. I wonder can I use them to open up the blocked passages?
Mothers day on sunday. Daire has card for Fionn. Phone home to Cobh. Bill is down. John & Carly had the ball for Peru.
Sunday avo Fionn plays hurl with Daire. He gives me lesson (after cappuchino). Daire shows me Ready, Hit drill. It works nicely. Kate and Scott come too. Give Scott hurl for a bit. Slows things down. Ready hit drill seems to work very well for Scott. Kate & Scott sticks in ground.
Later we all go, bike + trike in car, to Dun Laoghaire pier.
Loads of reading up on css and divs. and experimentation
Snow on roads this morning. Not on the grass. Daire met Eimear before she went. He says she walked straight past and didn't see him. He said "Hello" and she jumped. Fionn up and heads away in car. I follow her out and throw water over windows to clear them. Daire heads down to David & Joeys after I get his lunch ready. Kate still asleep says wants to stay in bed. I gather her clothes, put them on her, then down and we both get breakfast. Bike out. Into snow suit and boots for Kate. Bike helmet on Kate too. We take it very easy. Cycle on footpath. Snow is crunchy and not quite as slippy as the packed snow under the cars. Walk on the steep bits. Cycle cycle path is grand. Then up road to s3. In she goes and I head to Doolin. After roundabout those roads are clear of snow, I just stay away from slush.
In work check release. Cvs is doing something annoying. cvs diff -u doesn't work? On stuff other people check in? Odd. I was working on the javascript fancy date selectors. Record some more content strings. Now says new pass instead of new account when password regenerated. I go get a coffee. Miss waider. Doolin-Alphyra meeting is on. Gah first cup is watery. I open machine, rattle bits and spoon coffee directly onto filter. Coffee machine has been doing this last couple of weeks.
phoo. diary. work.
jc sent mail to geeksrv and I got distracted.
I'm running Firefox (1.0), and the front page on slashdot is broken - > renderingly none of the articles in the centre, and the various menu's > etc. all come up screwy. > > At the same time...its loading fine on IE. > > Very strange...
At home - firefox 1.0.1 on suse 9.1 was happy. I was looking at it last night.
In work firefox 1.0 looks as you describe. Actually firefox 0.8 has same problem. And upgrade to 1.0.1 did not solve the problem?
hmm, look
bugzilla.mozilla.org id 217527
the last two screenshots are what I see.
comments near end say
it's fixed it's not! it's fixed I tell you it's not I tell you it is is not is too not is! not! is rc1 not! is will be in 1.1
So, well, humm ? Maybe it will be fixed. Why did it work at home? Oh ... they talk about it here slashdot thread on firefox 1.0.1 release
I just installed 1.0.1 and everything seems to be working... Except that they haven't fixed the +slashdot rendering bug yet (well, to be fair it's probably slashdot's HTML's fault -- I don't know +why they haven't switched to CSS yet. They'd save gigs of bandwidth). Re:On this subject (Score:5, Informative) by dotgain (630123) on Friday February 25, @03:10AM (#11775031) (http://www.bent.orcon.net.nz/) BTW the workaround for the rendering bug you encounter on /. is to increase the size of your +text then decrease it again (Ctrl +, Ctrl -).
and odd-ly visiting that page then back to slashdot.org front page and rendering is fine. So maybe at home I accidentally didn't see it because of ... something. yeah.
rrb work fix up last parts of push_through class and call to script. searchVouchers.php Lunch salad and bread and fruit from home. Email home. Lemmings. Waider has.
Eircom not helpful reconnecting Immalee in Cobh. Maybe revenge www.tele2.ie tele2 compare esatbt compare esat have schemes - advantage advantage PLUS ... so tarrifs end up puzzling
We switched to spirit a few years ago, esat bought them, back to eircom (silly Fionnuala!) and now we switched to tele2 (of course line rental still to eircom but call charges will go to tele2). I don't know do you pay eircom for call charges or someone else already?
At home in daylight 18:00! Nice. We all have sausages and potatoes and adults have mush+leeks. Daire BIG sausage. Kate wants one too. We make one with cocktail stick. Then she's happy.
Daire's classroom is repaired. He does brainstorms and stories sometimes for homework. Spiders was the last one I saw.
Moving phone cables. Think it'll be reasonably fast but ARGH. There was long cable across fireplace - If I could use that to get to computer it would be ideal. Daffodil counter phone cables either end is cut off and wired directly. They're very small and finicky wires to rewire so I try and avoid that. But cable across fireplace gets rewired to english connector before going across. No way I can see of doing it unless I rewire in 2, maybe 3 places. The filters work on irish wires only SO must filter b4 convert to english. Or else swap BACK to irish, filter, back to english again. Long old cable that goes into kitchen I reuse (and clean behind kitchen dresser). That already goes over door so is perfect to get to computer. Reuse old junction box to help rewire and allow click in so one more less rewire to do.
Listening to TV - the view on in bg. Rewiring, up of carpet, move of heavy piano ensues. long cable gets swapped over so it clicks into wall, no connectors near sofa, wires into connector behind piano. Everything goes from there. Filters and convert to dect phone. Until 1am. Phoo. Done anyway.
+ = nice clicky connector * = finicky rewire in jct box (or a dutch connector) - = wires | = connectors and splitters + in from wall (behind couch) | *--x (hidden)old cable with problems under carpet, | *--+ (hidden) direct into box wire to old puter upstairs | +--* long cable round fireplace to behind piano junction box | *--* long cable over door to computer | | | +--+ dsl and !dsl combiner filter and 3 way splitter | | | +--+ dsl router | | | +--+ modem | | | +--+ phone | +--+ phone filter + 2-way splitter | +--*--+ to hack wired up cable in dutch connector | (convert from irl to uk wiring) | to dect phone base | +--+--+ to answering machine (proper irl to uk connector)
Kate is REALLY loud. Yells at every opportunity. Mostly high good humour. She likes helping. She minced up carrots for dinner day before yesterday. Quite likes doing the washing up still too.
move furniture = got screwdriver, started with idea of moving cd burner from old computer to new. Ended up some hours later bedroom shelves all rearranged, tidied, cd burner another day.
breakfast at home (for a change this week!) waiting for David & Joey till bit b4 9. Vrmmm school, creche, bike bike.
3v help ppl last bit of setup commit changes to smsengine
rollercoaster.ie Won't have teens for another 6 years ourselves. When I was a teen I was quite quiet & shy too. Didn't go out or socialise at all! My brother 1 year younger had to break the ground and persuade our parents to allow him out to parties or whatever. A while ago now - different times - I'm 31. I did go to scouts though and really liked that. (sea scouts in Cobh and we did lots of sailing) I was happy reading, messing on computer at home, outside on bike or walking, at school. I was quite shy in university but made a great group of friends there and changed quite a bit.
Sheila on orkut
/mnt/kinseymusic/jacques_brel/jacques_brel/$ mplayer *
6.18 6.3
grep for &array
foo(char **ptrtoptr);
char array[10];
foo(&array); gives incompatible pointer warning
all week getting none of my own stuff done
today helping 3v person install smsengine
1. FileQueue install by self then smsengine WITH all tests failing needed Queue::Dir easy from cpan need full smsengine just for socket forward part. that should be added to sole filequeue
2. Full install. some stuff from cpan libxml2 - easy using yast2 then cert files
clean smsengine install on new (and suse) box 4.1 Install perl FileQueue library provided in $SMSENGINE/lib/FileQueue/ (needs perl module Queue::Dir) cd smsengine/ tar -zxvf smsengine-1.6.0.tar.gz cd smsengine-1.6.0/ cd lib/ cd FileQueue/ ls tar -zxvf FileQueue-0.06.tar.gz make test cd FileQueue-0.06/ perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo cpan -i Queue::Dir make test make install sudo make install Test that: etc/smsengine.topupclub.conf cp etc/smsengine.fq.conf.sample etc/smsengine.topupclub.conf sudo mkdir /var/spool/smsfilequeue sudo chmod 777 /var/spool/smsfilequeue test/smsouttofilequeue.pl "ciao smsengine on rrb box" 353xxxxxxxxx Install full smsengine just for port forwarding perl module. Loads of test fail but after install the following test works: Set up config file edit group [smsengine_fq_inout] set outaddress and outport to point to server running full smsengine test/smsouttosmsengine.pl "Hello from smsengine on rrb" 353xxxxxxxxx FULL install of smsengine needs: openssl, libxml2 and libxml2-devel (easy with yast2) perl modules: XMLRPC::Lite (with HTTPS), XML::LibXML XML::SimpleObject easy their dependancies with cpan. When written like this it looks easy. Of course POE and more stuff are needed for the daemons.also still helping rachel getting apache and php and mysql and php pear all happy together on redhat enterprize box mod php was the difficult bit php4 mod_php .conf for apache being different from the php3 config that was there. An easy change but not spelled out in docs really. Updated cvs INSTALL and sample config files, and code as problems found qith qa install. (Code for making errors more informative, getting db error properly from pear DB).
talking with Eoin a little on defining apis for a few things and in general on location of scripts, https config, use of doolinDB class
sent around security audit thing I did of my code and general how to merge in css did up tasks list for screens/care interface
missing some stuff for rrb qa tar -zcvf --exclude CVS adpfs-htmldirs.tgz html/ classes/ fun/
Eoin coming to babysit for us. I race home 17:08. It's not night when cycling! wow! Fionn has rice and fish for me, Kate likes fish. Rush. Kids in next door. Drive N11 is clear. Booterstown and in to Holles St. Wait in waiting room. Midwife and class on birth. Asking questions. One other home birth. 9 others community early home. Interesting to hear how other births went - in hospital drugs and induction etc.
Eoin is back from near Lough Derg, Coolbaun, setting up wedding. fionn looking up houses on web till late and holiday on shannon combine with Eoin & Mary's wedding.
broadband at home dreamy to setup. I got dinner and Kate had some with me while I read little router setup guide. Grand. Plugged in filters after getting kids to bed. Thought hadn't enough convertors BUT well ... is complicated. Easy. Looks more messy with snaky cables instead of |-+.
+ in from wall (behind couch) | +--+ (hidden)old cable with problems under carpet, | under skirting board in hall to loo downstairs | used to go upstairs | used to go back through kitchen to sitting room | +--+ (hidden) direct into box wire to old puter upstairs | +--+ to splitter beside couch | | +--+ inserted !dsl filter before male-male convertor and 3 way splitter | | | +--+ to hack wired up cable (convert from irl to uk wiring!) | | goes round fireplace, behind piano, to dect phone base | | | +--+ to answering machine (proper irl to uk connector) | | | +--+ to ? oh there was puter cable, now there is not spare :) | +--+ inserted dsl and !dsl combiner filter before cable and 2 way splitter | +--+ dsl | +--+ !dsl goes to puter modem (and on to phone) (maybe move answering machine over here)*ahem* :) *strut with pride* hmm, maybe I shouldn't
Anyway. Router on blinky flashy - dsl light comes on after quite a bit. Puter on. Browser up. WOW! It's working. Zero setup for suse. Yay. Lucky had ethernet built in waiting for something. Where something = dhcp router things are happy. The router does dhcp. Will do windows another night.
Fist thing I get Firefox, download. Sorry Mozilla! Then try find song "da da dah dah da da dah dah" only lyric I can remember. Fionn says Suzanne Vega but ... can't. But do find Luka and Marlene on the Wall. Spend next 2 hrs looking for driver for free webcam that came with dsl router. Find two. One sonix on sourceforge. Builds builds .ko BUT cannot xxxmod it? depmod? Other kicks of a full kernel rebuild ARGH! For a 2.4 kernel maybe waider says. Must check am I running 2.6 kernel? or what?
Back to Spanish Point VERY hungry. Chomp some things. Then much argue lawnmower. Fionn's parents come. Get lawnmower to roar start (then it doesn't start again still). Must hold bar closed, just hold end of start cord, push heavy machine down hill. Called in for food. Phew.
After dinner machine starts okay. We cut grass. Me first. Then Fionn's Dad. Play football with Daire. Then me again. Then Daire really tires me out playing football out front. Light ball. Daire is with the wind. I am against. Big boots on.
Fionn cooks dinner. I help right at end. Yum. And wine. White and red shiraz.
rrb ger appears Show ger rrb pages - he's distracted lots by visitors and phone calls. Do take some of what he says on and make changes immediately. css internet exploder different - FINALLY work out missing a css and dunno how firefox figured out twhat was wanted! :) css line background was commented out with a hash #. Subbing all tables out using divs instead. Test page working. fun with animated flames under error :)
sandwiches, irish times in canteen. Letters page Full with anti-myres letters. time to go home look! there is a kanji for sandwich :) kanji rice article wazawai hey those kanjiclinic.com articles are fairly good actually.
Get apache2 mod_ssl for https a bit further. Breakfast. Diary. File upload for bulk user add. Distracted getting event report download clicky things working, create file. Get css from designer for rrb. Walk to lunch with Kathryn & Rod & Virgil catches us up. First put it in everything explodes. After a bit of work stuff looks good. Test IE5 on citrix ... get things working again. Differences :-7 read - IE5 is old, citrix display/gfx odd too?
NEarly home time. Lookup Ulysses audio books. There is an "authorized" version. And there is a Naxos version. 2x cds! Naxos seems good - songs and other content when being reffered to in narration. naxos $155 = 121 euros amazon.co.uk £60+ship = 87+ euros ebay ... old taped version. aie. no thanks.
Home 18:40. Cycle cycle. Daire is playing Tux Racer and Neverball on computer. Fionn heads up for a rest. I cook garlic sausages and brocolli and reheat new potatoes. Kids had pancakes earlier but each have sausage and potato (and brocolli heads for Kate). Daire plays Flight of the Amazon Queen. I show him how to use journal to save his game. Fionn comes down, kids to bed. I bring them. Pyjamas first. Bathroom brush teeth and loo. Read Cinderella and Fish book for Kate 3rd night running. Read Captain Underpants for Daire. Up to where he read it (6 short chapters).
Fionn heads out to visit Eoin and Mary (and to deliver gazebo). I do japanese - get some more money. Don't use any herbs. Whew revision. Then play civilisation.
Fionn home, was listening to radio in car, KEvin Myers said something. I heard it on radio in morning. We listen on radio, have tea and talk. I have herby tea and yoghurt on Daire birthday cake. Yum actually. Cake has been too sweet otherwise.
science My arrogance comes to the fore here where I think I can see into society as a complex system. Day to day I work with extremely complex systems (computer software). Where these systems are completely controlled *ahem* by us and are very reliable and predictable. Er. Yes. Right. Well these systems produce complex and unexpected behaviours. Understanding fully details of parts of the system does not help but humans are good at abstracting and modelling behaviour and so we can arrive at quite a complex understanding of how systems behaved using simplified models. If these well defined, predicatable systems of far less complexity can be sometimes difficult to understand then we have to understand that one human and the whole of society itself can only be understood by taking both high level holistic views as well as specific scientific knowledge. Models we use, we have to understand can never be 100% accurate. We have to always assume there can be flaws in the models and behaviour may sometimes diverge radically from the understood model.
What I want to say is reports, ?scientific? reports say something. But they speak on different levels to different degrees of applicability and also reliability. We have to consider them wisely.
Proper scientific studies of this would be difficult - would have to
be large and so much complex affects these complex social systems it
would be very hard to pin down exact cause and effects.
Did the original Ed Walsh _thing_ refer to reports, was it based on
sound data? TODO - look this up.
It would be difficult to prove that the support had any affect on
family stability. Good or bad. Though I would not be surprised
that if social support does lead to better education and less
family difficulties for young familys; then this will lead to
better stability of society and of family groups.
So. Hmm. Having said that all non-scientific statements are a matter of opinion and
must be regarded very carefully. I now take what appears to be in my head as
situations as I see them. However wise *ahem* I am I cannot fully understand what
I have never directly experienced.
Anecdotal or instinctive evidence.
But that said these things appear to be the way I see them.
The argument appears to make sense.
I do realise I have completely shot my whole argument in the foot several times over
at this stage. Why are you still reading? Well keep going. You got here.
Here comes the good bit.
Other factors IMHO have a greater effect on what causes
young pregnancies and family breakup.
The dissaproval of a whole society has a big affect.
I think the disapproval is mixed up with why financial/social
support is given.
EVEN A SMALL BIT OLDER THAN MYSELF) would have very much disapproved of
children outside of wedlock and of breakup of family units.
It handled transgressions in an intolerant way.
Forcing actions on people.
Quick marriage which actually is a reasonable option but
because it is forced regrets will have more of an effect on the family.
If can afford to travel and have abortion people did that.
If could not then punished in workhouses, babies go for adoption.
Or if keep baby, without father, the family can be extremely poor,
marginalised, and of course socially disdained.
Only better educated and luckier people can break out of
the system - escape by emigration maybe was the only way out.
Sounds like a terrible state that would marginalise their weakest.
I do know had I lived in such society I would have been happy with
the status quo, more or less. :-7
If I am in a society. Things are the way they are.
It takes much effort to change and the person making the change
must accept the society will reject them, cast them out into the desert,
well maybe not the desert as we are short of them here in Ireland.
example of America What are the social services like for unmarried mothers? Are they better than Ireland? Equivalent? Worse? What are levels of family break up? TODO: grep for evidence on this. If reports could be found that could lay out the situation we could speak authoratitively and think on what really causes young pregnancies and family problems.
Germany, France, The Netherlands, Europe
modern Ireland
Our own parents and much thanks to them. Grown up themselves in a different Ireland. Lives of their children much different. Had their own problems. Instilled in us, their children, very strong and loving family values. We are lucky. This, IMHO, is the strongest binding for a family. If children grow up happy (or well reasonably happy! - let us not get into problems which I as a child thought were bad :) ) AND they learn family support .... everything else falls into place.
Can THIS be proven?
Giving can be resented, especially where the benifits seem one-sided.
If a society sees itself as giving to a part of it and carrying it
along does it resent it? Should we look after our family if they
get ill or have problems? Yes. And that carries out into our
responsibility for society.
A society must understand it's responsibilities and however it
provides for all parts of that society it should understand
that the provision does benefit the whole society.
The system can be resented as it can be seen that people benefit
without working to earn that benefit perhaps. "People can live
without the troubles we had in the old days?"
Anyone that had trouble would probably not wish anyone else
to have to endure it I think.
Unfairness, abuse or corruption in the system will increase resentment.
e.g. how Dun Laoghaire social welfare office runs vs Nutgrove.
Where are people like Myres coming from?
What was their family like?
Why do they resent social responsibility.
Have to say. YES I would resent corruption and unfairness.
Why make the system so open to abuse in cases?
Why were people on welfare able to move country, rent
a nice big house in location of choice. Live in Scotland
for a year, move to Cork for the Summer ...
Get into having children without thinking about it? Well. Hmmm. Sex education WOULD seem to be important. If pregnancy occurs then the decision is still to be made what to do. (see earlier forced decisions). Now prospects do look better. Support for surprise pregnancies. Abortion Adoption (open)
Well. Hmm. It happens. old Ireland no contraception BIG dissaproval BIG disencouragment BUT it seemed to be quite a problem? Where could we get figures on this? TODO see America. UK, modern Ireland ... TODO get figures contraception available ... it happens
Regulate having children? Adoption encouraged? Dog licence but no child licence ohhhh. Regulation totalitarian solution. Society in Ireland I think would not like this. Enforcement would be difficult. If a mother does not wish to give up a baby what is to be done? Forcibly remove baby from mother? bad. Closed adoption? bad.
Bed. Turn off house. Read crocodile soup. Fionn asleep.
rrb work work reorg refactor htmlXxxxXxxxx funcs used consistently, behave same file upload and download, dl rvent search results/report upload bulk user create csv files, apply, dl report dl logs? stumble across php errors in tuc_mgr jim mentions that one italian operator doesn't want to mess with vpn stuff. Does want to access over https. I set up ssl on betty before. Must have been easy as I've no specific note on setting up https in apache for redhat 9. But seems awkward in suse. More because mod_ssl is there and in config but don't know exactly what suse intend to do with it. startssl in /etc/init.d/apache2 atartssl seems bogus. in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS="-D SSL" but still something missing then /etc/sysconfig/apache2 /etc/apache2/ssl-global.conf /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.local
http://www.imo.net/ The International Meteor Organization http://comets.amsmeteors.org/ http://cometography.com/current_comets.html
pancake tuesday! Home I cycle fast. Slow down slightly so as not to kill myself. Daire's just considering stealinjg a jellybaby when I get home. Fionn & Kate upstairs. Daire gives me a recipie! Hmm. I start digging out materials. Then find two jugs of pancake mix already made. I grate cheese, fry rashers & mushrooms, then start pancakes.
We watch dolphins on TV. A few people who worked with them (Flipper guy, sea-world places) but now work to help them instead. Interesting. Kids get pyjamas. Up to bed I bring them 8:45. Late. Read Kate stories, then light left on for a bit. Daire reads Captain Underpants. I go up 9:30, Daire still reading, Kate nearly asleep. Nappy on Kate and kisses for her. Light off.
Fionn laying on couch. Feet on my lap. Desperatly seeking surgery. yeow. And The View reviews Desperate Housewives very interesting to know it is across America and pushing boundaries of acceptability! It's on the censored networks. Sex in the city, 6 feet under were not. Hmmm. I play guitar. Softly ish. LEarn Kanji from palm. I prop up head of bed with concrete blocks.
Fionn heads to bed.
I play Amazon adventure thing.
CHeating is great. Must do that again.
Got safe stuff, escaped from alarm, got rocket pack, ferryman to sloth island,
got into underneath of temple. Got rid of zombies.
Now I think I need to soak bandages in water?
Capture dino thing and feed to snake?
Doh! Use glove puppet on hot disc (pulley wheel). maybe.
Lever to pull.
right about glove puppet, pull lever to get back up, missed giving cheese to dino,
missed use knife on tree root to get sap
Me awake 5am, Fionn not in bed. Back to sleep. Kate comes in 7:30 rouses me. Fionn in too. Fionn has exam, is a bit sick though :( Up we get. Daire still asleep. Kate dressed, breakfast, make kids lunch, bike out for Fionn. Daire dresses slowly playing with skateboards. Then hurry him up, grab cerial for me too, Daire calls for D+J pile into car. School. School. Lads
in .xchat/urlhandlers.conf
NAME -> Firefox (Existing) CMD !firefox -remote 'openURL(%s)' NAME -> Firefox (New Window) CMD !firefox -remote 'openURL(%s,new-window)' NAME -> Firefox (Run New) CMD !firefox %s NAME -> Lynx CMD !xterm -e lynx %s
some of /etc/mailcap
application/msword; ooffice %s application/pdf; xpdf %s application/postscript ; gv -safer %s # james - dunno what wrong with htmlview ... but something is. #text/html; /usr/bin/htmlview %s ; copiousoutput #text/html; xterm -e /usr/bin/lynx %s ; copiousoutput text/html; cat %s ; copiousoutput video/mpeg ; mplayer %s/etc/mime.types
in .muttrc
# View html mails using lynx set implicit_autoview auto_view text/html application/x-pgp-message set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap" set mailcap_sanitize=yes # this doesn't work? older mutts? #set web_browser="lynx %s" #set web_browser="firefox -remote 'openURL(%s,new-window)'" auto_view text/html #see /etc/mailcap:text/html; /usr/bin/htmlview %s ; copiousoutput #http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual.txt # 4.13. Start a WWW Browser on URLs (EXTERNAL) # functionality is provided by the external urlview program which can be # retrieved at ftp://ftp.guug.de/pub/mutt/contrib/ and the configuration # macro index \cb |urlview\n # macro pager \cb |urlview\n
make a /usr/bin/run-firefox.sh
#!/bin/bash # for mutt, other things, call this from url_handler.sh # prbly a way of setting vars in env # (see /usr/bin/htmlview X11BROWSER, TEXTBROWSER and CONSOLE variables) # but feh. # edit this line in /usr/bin/url_handler.sh http_prgs="/usr/bin/run-firefox.sh:XW /usr/bin/htmlview:XW /usr/bin/mozilla:XW /usr/bin/links:XT /usr/bin/lynx:XT" url="$1"; shift cmd="firefox -remote 'openURL($url,new-window)'" #echo $cmd>~/run-firefox.log #$cmd or exec $cmd => Failed to send command. ? odd firefox -remote "openURL($url,new-window)" echo firefox -remote "openURL($url,new-window)" >~/run-firefox.log
gamut TODO: lookup gamut: the whole series of recognized musical notes 11th-century musician and monk Guido of Arezzo called the first line of his bass staff "gamma" and the first note in his scale "ut," which meant that "gamma ut" was the term for a note written on the first staff line. http://www.midicode.com/tunings/index.shtml#Contents http://www.wfu.edu/~moran/G_tar2.html http://www.wfu.edu/~moran/Cathay_Cafe/G_tar.html http://www.wfu.edu/~moran/G_tar2.html http://www.midicode.com/tunings/medieval.shtml
can't contact fionn. 2:xx start extracting car. Fionn phones. I'm cross hungry :( Vrmm Ind Est, LEop roundabout, Brewry Rd (end is busy), Stillorgan, towards Blackrock, turn in wrong turn. Fionn at gate when I come out. Bike onto back of car. Vrrmmm traffic okayish. Drop me centra. Gah no allen key. Cycle back holding lunch in hand, saddle low. Lovely sun, blue sky, I'm in my jumper.
work rrb user's can edit their language only, can view their settings, user lang used to set content, admin users lang defaults, set, edit.
home fast cycle. I can nearly cycle full usual speed again. before 18:00 home. Play kids in Kate's nest (her blow-up stage knocked down. She is doctor, on doctor clothes, checks my breathing, gives me toy. She starts on Daire. Daire was playing handheld computer game he got.
Fionn has cooked new potatoes, chicken supreme and mushy peas. Kids like stuffing (Fionn has rolled it into cute balls). My appetite is slightly dampened by rush day late lunch fast cycle. But yum. Fionn has beer for me.
Kids have something from party bags, Fionn makes me tea. Phone Cobh. Birthdasy girl (my mum) is out. Fionn talks to Mary, then Daire, then Fionn to John, then Fionn does violin practice with Daire. I bring Kate to bed. TV - scrubs - someone phones and talks to Fionn so she misses most. Laywer guy's hair poinks out again when grabbed through window by caretaker guy swinging on crane. Funny. Martin McGuinness on Q&A again half listening.
Outside night is nice - not too cold. I extract gas heater from where it is laying down. Pick up windsurf gear too. Brush loads of insects off gas heater cover. Water inside, lay out cover to dry a bit. Take apart heater with view to repairing table of it and store/maybe transport it. Wood to dry in shed, pipe in shed, rest in base, top on top and cover on.
I play some piano. I learn kanji with slime forest. Nappy onto Kate, bed.
Daire's birthday party in Stillorgan. Back to house. Kid charades. Tortoise race. cake + drinks + rice crispie buns Bill visits. Musical cushions.
Kids bed, Fionn bed. Japanese for a couple of hours. Sleeping with odacion circle DOESN'T restore health. Eek. I make it back to town with all my 43x money from cave starting 24 points. phew! Buy lots of herbs. In caves mostly collect together 1000, spend it on shark repellant. Wonder where can use shark repellant? Caves on far island dangerous - slimes asking kanji that don't tell you answer if get wrong. Have to escape a few times. Kanji with measure, signpost: what go gain load strike, temple: time wait hold, name: each guest, kun stone, left, right, horse, bird mountain: rock beach island station, whew! I feel they will all fall out of my head too fast. Food, Daire rash? foot looking oaky. Nappy on Kate. Bed. Fionn awake a bit chat. nguh.
Repair Daire's basketball hoop. Lots of tools used. Kate in garden a bit. Daire and Conor out playing basketball in T-shirts. Get jumper & coats. Then Out with bikes they go. Come back frozen in half hour. Into Conors. Stan is there. New bike for Stan.
Fionn goes grocery shopping when I'm nearly finished repair. Yum tortillas + avocado salad + mince+peppers+onion+mushroom + cheese + more for tea. Bedtime. Treat Daire's big toe. Clip his nails too.
rod: in /etc/inittab x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon
service dm stop to stop x
but would that work on redhat?
Heavy_metal_umlaut Doogle Irish search engine
CHEATER! Well I'm thinking the faster I get it out of my system the better. Flight of The Amazon Queen There is a point to learning Japanese ... maybe .... but not to Amazon adventure. adventure walkthrough Ha! Move cabinet to find safe (near dear john). Use mannequins to escape. review
We go to Farmer's Market in Leopardstown for Lucnh. I meet/see Helen and Noleen and Hector and Sinbad and other S3 people. Yum sushi and cup of miso soup. Then indian green beans and onion bhajee. Aimee buys apple juice for Stella. Kathryn buys cheese. Rod beats Miloud into front seat via entering drivers side. Very funny.
Talk Eoin perl POE vs php I'm not sure how php + pear's soap handle multi-thread/process socket server.
http://www.doolin.com/doolinemp.php?alias=Niall+Murphy http://www.southbull.com/ http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/2065 http://www.suzannevega.com/discus/messages/126/4083.html?1106653321 http://www.enigma.ie/wardrive/right.php http://wifinetnews.com/archives/2002_10.html http://iiu.taint.org/pipermail/iiu/2003-October/003551.html http://www.iol.ie/~niallrm/ http://netsoc.ucd.ie/~niallm/ http://www.linux.ie/whoswho http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/5977 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ipv6na/ internal for me only http://donegal.dev.ie.alphyra.com/~niallm/gallery/
Home. Food. Kids & Fionn. Kids to bed. Plan Daire's party a bit, make shopping list, names of kids. Which kid goes in what car when.
Riccardo's party.
I drive looking out for cheapest petrol.
Talk Eoin, Laura from lago Garda,
other people, Colm and American girl being wound up by Colm,
Tom architect Alessandra's boyf and John from Donegal facades.
Robert Old Mother Hubbard.
Doolin people gradually leave.
perl.apache.org reading mod_perl and mod_php make multi_mops and rrb and tuc admin/care interface mod_ enabled and => make it faster betsy loads more of php_mode, perl_mode in apache2
Interesting asides.
wtng.info 353-ie
wtng.info 39-it
WIND italia 39-155
Help Virgil with x11 forwarding, mysql/apache2 service start on suse,
yast2, figure out monitor switch gfx mode it dies so turning off & on
a few times after x starts helps, he is installing bugzilla (so into
in your /etc/ssh/ssh_config put this:
Host * ForwardX11 yes StrictHostKeyChecking nothen on your machine do "xhost +" (or "xhost + othermachine" if you don't want the rest of us to pop up very funny things on your display)
#export DISPLAY=betty:0.0 # don't do this, ssh is clever, # with x11 forwarding and stuff ssh creates own display AND sets DISPLAY itself #export DISPLAY=localhost:10
Grep web for "these boots are made for walking", alternate lyrics for it, and yellow submarine. Fire them together. Print out. Run home.
I'm tender cycling Bike these days. Stand up over bumps. Jumps down off kerb I can feel. But still almost as fast as usual.
some tv, Daire playing computer. Breakout bat thing. It says "damn!" and "great!". Kate wants to muscle in. Try distract Kate. Get her into pyjamas and bring her up to bed first. (She likes this these days as she thinks she is winning the race against Daire in getting up stairs.) Bathroom (she has gone to loo 3 times in past half hour already). Brush teeth. She slurps water, drys face & hands. Tuck in sheets. We read Richard Scarry book - Sandrino in School - in Italian. Skip flip pages. Then Dr Seuss again. Fox in Socks again though there are 5 other stories in that book. After Kate reads Dr Seuss by herself. Book is very big and heavy. I go down and get Daire. Pyjamas, teeth, Roald Dahl's The Witches. Boy who was turned into a mouse last night finds Bruno.
talk with Fionn - pyramid of needs, 70s study what are satisfyers - hygenic needs (money, comfort in work ..) just have to be met. More of them doesn't lead to more satisfaction. Live to Work or Work to Live. Satisfaction derives from colleagues/friends, liking work, in control, power in there too. I feel I know this already. It is a way of formally recognising or explaining to people the value in enjoying what one does and also to put value on ones own time and enjoyment.
japanese - slime forest adventure - escape twine use discovered LAST with 23 health used odacion circle to hopefully restore stremngth and get me back to buy stuff with 485 gold. Next time go into caves & get stuff and THEN escape using twine. Tactically use all money to buy healing herbs before venturing into caves. As fight money builds up and get attacked more. Though luckily my hiragana are better than my katakana and they do more hiragana in the deeper caves. They also throw less new kanji at me in deep caves.
Last time, last night, got killed twice. Last night I explored caves lots. Feel it's going just faster than I can go - but that's probably good. Last night I resorted to mapping the caves which was very useful. ALSO to writing down the kana (hiragana and katakana only not kanji) that give me most problems. wa wo no/n/shi/tsu/dzi!/dzu/ji ne. Is better I think to try think and learn them. Found 99999 monsy in deep cave last night and managed to get out with it BUT shopkeepers would not allow me to buy anything. Pirate gave me boat with it. Saw the island & briefly visited cave.
Got "These Boots are made for Walkin'" Nancy Sinatra and in Rugrats movie. Looked for alternate lyrics, found some political ones. You'd think there would be a fun kids version. Original lyrics were used in rugrats so not so bad really. Also "Yellow Submarine". Play on guitar and on Piano. Boots is really easy. E E A E in verse then G E (and Em at one point) in chorus. And play with making instrument silent in chorus too. Sounds good. Yellow Submarine is easier for me on Guitar. I can switch chords faster. Play two chards together one fast then slow like: GD CG EmAm CD ...
G D C G In the town where I was born Em Am C D Lived a man who sailed to seaThen G and D on the chorus. Ones on the web had chord that sounded wrong. Em Am C G instead of Em Am C D.
flight of amazon queen - going slow - getting annoying feel like looking it up on the web latest stuck thing is free the amazon queen then in one room alarm sounding, can't get out tried to use everything on everything can't find safe beforehand - that could help can't find trick to not trigger the alarm? Hmmmm. use weenie juice on opened dog food & feed to big guy use knife on banana and ... ? beetle? safe code? tin opener or scissors opens stuck book with kjey inside how open padlock in dog's shed?
bed 1am after tidy kitchen Kate has wet bed. Lay her on floor, change pyjama pants, dry her. CHange sheet on bed. Nappy on. Kate back to bed.
rrb project screenshots exchange rates and SDF requirements diary rrb AUGH table tr td SOMEWHERE mixed up loads of php. work on screens.
Daire's birthday! collected by Breathanachs visiting their Grandparents car out of petrol and then won't start Fionn goes collect kids and they visit our house. Fionn tells me they loved the boxing punchbag.
after kids to bed computer a bit - palm prog & japanese then putting together boxing punchbag inflate fill with water Fionn brings downstairs
Lots of reading. Not bored again. Busy in afternoon. Don't get to bed much. Get lunch for kids, homework, stuff. ...
BEd the whole day. Except for help getting kids breakfast and off to creche/school in morning. And EXCEPT when Dermot/Derval call 12:00 can't collect kids! YIKE. I leap up. Into car. Vrmmm. Lateish so meet Daire & David at scout hall. They're very pleased. First time both of them made it there I think. BUT. Where is Joey!?!?!? Ohh. Into car. Doen to school. Gate shut. I feel okay but don't want to push it and walk around. SO. *Sigh* We drive all way round to front of school. In we go. Joey is there. Home we go. David & Joey come in. Dermot & Derval call to school on way anyway I think they got phone-call saying Joey was there. They collect kids soon enough.
Food for myself & Daire. I'm not too hungry. Bed and reading mostly again for me. Daire homework. Kate & Fionn home. Everyone is very nice to me.
Little front desk and waiting room. A man comes out. Visit loo. Fionn heads off to shops. Antiseptic brown (iodine?) paint painted on. Green sterile covering. Don't touch. Hands behind my head. I'd be interested to see but hmm, would require mirror. Yaie! Anesthetic going in is yaie ow. Doctor does all the work. Nurse just stands back and talks. We talk computers, wev dev, mobile phones, mast/phone emissions and kids. Nurse might do a web dev course. Dr. Gillian Darling. Her son repeating leaving looking to go to UL. Engineering
Home with Fionn. I prepare to be bored. I can play sfa - japanese - lying on back, pillows behind me. Good prone position. Only thing is I look at keyboard when I type. So head lifts up. Need one more pillow next time. Wireless keyboard lovely. Optical mouse excellent works on carpet! :)
I gather books, papers, my bag, palm, fruit, water to bedside. Recorder too. Then rest, propped up reading mostly. The Shipping News. Lyra - Pullman - knife book and last book ??? I do not get bored. When Daire comes back he comes up to me. We have a chat he tells me more than usual about school. Then brings his homework up and does it there. When Kate & Fionn are back Kate comes up to chat and mind me too. I told Kate I would be going to doctor and last night she told me "you get rest. sleep make you better."
food - I eat a bit not much actually. back up to bed. oh. down on couch a bit later? maybe? not sure.
oh dear. up late. making StopWatch palm prog Fionn presentation dry run. StopWatch - big - would be handy. I take my palm app template, get menu working, discover I never put text to window before. Use gimp to butcher up a pnm for an icon. Draw some messy lines. Draw text in. It's easy. Select fonts. Biggest font is lovely ... but not huge. Get time and tics. Make a loop to test counting. Get stuff wrong and then right. Reading docs - should use alarm/notification? Find getevent call and calls to pass event on do trick mostly. Visually make it better with a progress bar with ticks for 1 min, 5 mins. Make that better by scratching it and changing to placing groups of 5 bars, up to 60 mins in 3 rows of 4 squares of 5 bars. Call system auto off time thing periodically to make sure palm doesn't turn off and test that with palm out of cradle.
5:30am ish Kate arrives in. Quick loo visit. After that we leave her nappy off.
Guhh. Up a bit before 8. Daire heading out across road through traffic to collect his cones. The cones shine bright orange on the grass. Daire very hesitant on road scoots back a few times. Sky is clear. Moon over North-East setting very bright.
back on event viewing for o2 roaming
OH yeah.
Well loads of rrb done. event.class this time
very ugly event search and destro^H^H^H ^Hi play
what I was going to say was:
palm thing 1. make digital clock digits, saves having to make whole font,
thne make whole font anyway :)
make sand/salt timer display, simulate grains going in, fall sideways
depending on conditions, simulate falling down => middle will go first then ones with nothing to left limit n below.
then do 3d sand/salt timer simulation ... er ... in 2d
kannel and gsm char encoding http://www.csoft.co.uk/sms/character_sets/gsm.htm http://www.mail-archive.com/users@kannel.org/msg02312.html
After work, home dinner kids bed, computer? tv? I have a bath. Shave. Shave interesting places. Bed.
james curran http://www.cpl.ie/
maps are cool http://www.openstreetmap.org/ http://bat.vr.ucl.ac.uk/steve/wiki/index.php/DeveloperDocumentationhttp://uo.space.frot.org/?node=OpenGeoData
niall :( http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/eye/conjunctivitis.html http://www.medinfo.co.uk/conditions/conjunctivitis.html http://familydoctor.org/x2600.xml?letter=C http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/conjunctivitis.htm http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/1094.htm
work rrb
string crypt ( string str [, string salt] )
char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
// key is a user's typed password.
// salt is a two-character string chosen from the set [a-zA-Z0-9./].
wp.netscape.com mozilla 3.0 javascript handbook
WAS going to make event reports and viewer again for rrb.
Ended up finishing user lockout (configure in operator.class,
log failures in user.class)
all this auth tweaking takes YEAGES.
User locks out after fail count exceeds setting in operator.
Admin users can see locked users and unlock them.
Passwd crypt changed too to crypt with random salt so crypted thing in db doesn't show 1st two letters of passwd.
Hungry after 15:00 leg it to shop for baguette. Yum. Beef cheese coleslaw.
Mail to Mike Manchip. CV and stuff.
Reply to James Curran too. Loads of useful info he sent me.
Can't meet him this wed in pub :(
Home after 19:00.
Kate very pleased to see me.
In sitting room Daire watching Tarzan.
Fionn has chicken curry from a tin and rice for me.
Fionn had midwife visit - their secretary was off so they called and left this morn.
They called back out 17:00.
Fionn heads for a rest.
I eat dinner and Kate likes it too. We get another plate.
It is then 20:05 so we off the tv and up to bed.
Daire leaves Kate blobk the stairs two arms out as she goes up.
Into pyjamas I do Kate who doesn't help and tries to esacape - amicably.
Then bathroom brush teeth.
Kate's stories have to be first.
Nursery rhymes first about 5 pages.
Then stairs story from bear story book.
Kate is grumpy not sure what she wants bear book is too heavy.
Read Stuart Little to Daire.
Settle Kate.
Fionn is resting. I pound on piano a bit. Then it's 9! Eep!
Rush around pick stuff up.
Eoghan & Mary call.
They bring big presents for Daire & Kate's birthdays.
They's engaged!
We have tea and biccies to celebrate.
After Eoghan and Mary head away we talk.
Show Fionn emails about salary and stuff.
We've a big talk on plans what we both want to do.
Family and time vs money and work.
While we're eating new nextdoor neighbour girl calls. Daire answers door and tells her he'll be ready after dinner. He heads and they play out front for a while. Kate dressed up and in boots and she heads out back. I go out back pot on plants and pick up stuff garden to keep her company. She plays with sandpit. Soon Daire & Scot & girl and Liam too are around sandpit. I also WD40 my bike, locks, hinges, brilliant. :) Kate goes around on her trike. Kids head into house. Too many and Fionn sends them out front. Next doors Dad visits. Conor and Daire I think soon desert Liam and go into Conor's house.
Food - Fionn cooks yummy salad with sausage, salad potato and nuts/cheese/dressing. Kids have cheese, potato, sausage. Well. Kate has cheese. Daire has potato & sausage. They swap plates.
I put suse 9.1 on hard disk and get yast to use it. Fionn doing ipma project and study. I learn kanji on computer. Slime forest. Fionn sees. Connect and sync FIonn's palm (serial, kpilot).
Daire off with Conor to go see a film. We head to LiffeyValley to ToyMaster and ALDI. Kate falls fast asleep. Fionn gets birthday present for Daire. Punchbag. Weather is windy wet. All my shoes have holes. I'd be on the look out for a pair of good boots. My boots now are superglued. ALDI is brilliant. Prices are amazing. Stock up on dry/tinned goods. Kate in trolley grabs jelly sweet box. Frozen stuff, cheese, wine, beer, miss the cold meats. Oops no credit card. Lazer only. Drive to shopping center. Fionn finds money easy but I've driven round the car park block and am stuck half way. Back to ALDI. Grab stuff. Staff are nice. Home on motorway.
Kate quite likes TuxPaint on computer. When click on number it says the number. Now she knows 1 2 4, not sure about 3. She plays pingu - good at puzzles - able to do more now.
Kate's in great mood these days - not tired in the evenings any more. Helps with loads of stuff. Tue morn we had snow. And we went out before school/work and built a very small snowman.
Fionn's baby inside is now getting big and can't do soumersaults any more. Just squirms.
Yep. PEAR's database stuff makes switch from postgresql to mysql really easy. RRB meeting. Thinking of refactoring some of the classes under the screens. Hmmm.
Fri eve home after 18:00. Tight on time. Rustle kids something fast. House tidying. Kids readying for bed. I head collect Sue babysitter. Off out to Ronan & Gwen. Mmmm. Food, chat. Home late after 1am. Fionn drops Sue home. Puter is on. I ... shut it down. After learning some Kanji.
using php-mode by itself causes "interspersed HTML code to be handled very poorly." "use php-mode in conjuction with the Multiple Major Modes package." mmm-mode.sourceforge.net ;; (require 'mmm-mode) ;; (setq mmm-global-mode 'maybe) ;; (mmm-add-mode-ext-class nil "\\.php3?\\'" 'html-php) ;; (mmm-add-classes ;; '((html-php ;; :submode php-mode ;; :front "<\\?\\(php\\)?" ;; :back "\\?>" ;; ))) ;; (autoload 'php-mode "php-mode" "PHP editing mode" t) ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.php3?\\'" . sgml-html-mode)) ;#/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d/php-mode-init.el [jamesc@betty] ~/lisp/$ locate php-mode /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d/php-mode-init.el /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/php-mode.elc
Where do you work? What is a typical day like for you? Were you encouraged to be creative? "No, I was ignored. When anyone took any notice it was to point out what a twit I was, and laugh at me. This was the best possible preparation for the life of a novelist." What advice would I give to anyone who wants to write? "Write only what you want to write." "Especially don't listen to people (such as publishers) who think that you need to write what readers say they want. Readers don't always know what they want." What, if any advantages for the author are there in having a young readership? (tell story, don't explain things outside the story)
I do go give blood lunchtime Tue or Wed? 11 or 12? Which one? I get bike brake pads in bike shop too. Zoom cycle to blood. Gale force winds. Take club orange drink. Nyum. Make sure and eat choc + crisps + drink before cycle back. Cycle back is hard. Up through Merville Road area is okay. Protected. But then even with downhill almost not making headway. ALSO I notice that I'm missing blood - just tired.
Later on cycle home is hard too. Still gale force.
Grab breakfast. Fionn makes pot of tea. I tidy kitchen and ... it slows me down making coffees for us. Newspaper a little, kids on computer? me? Fix up arch which got blown over in wind. Pump up footballs. Hand wash sheet with makeup on. Later at 16:00 I get round to making snack. Hot choc for kids, bread with cheese+onion/pate/sausage for us. Cappuchino for Fionn & I.
Fionn does yearly budget for us (spreadsheet in openoffice. I do stuff. Distract Kate. Get Daire back from Conor's place when Orla sneaks him in (caught by Assumpta/Stan hiding in bed with Orla).
I cook pasta + mad fish pie (carrots + leek mainly, dry cook started on hob in pyrex bowl with spice + garlic + ...) into oven then, boil up stock in fridge. Stock into fish pie after a bit. Pot spare stock. Pancake mix toad-in-hole style on top of fish pie. Takes long as it integrates itself with pie and stock. Sticky to guts but very tasty. Guinness too for me. Kids to bed 8ish.
I put on wash of sheets and others. Sheets I handwashed to get makeup stains out of earlier. Play 2 songs on piano. Or, well, 3. Tom Petty's For all the wrong reasons, In the dark of the sun, Eddie and Leonard Cohen's Hallelujia. On computer kids not sys admins any more :( Can still dial up. Hmmmummm. One email scan. Nothing needs reply. Point TuxTyping at installed SDL and then it compiles happily. Cute. sfa for Daire doesn't run. Permissions fixed. Festival sandbox on Daire's desktop too. Download MPlayer something pre6. And it is happy to compile and install. Download broke off sometime but wget -c continued. Half downloaded essential codecs. Can play dvd now with mplayer but .... no menu iface??? Not 100% sure. Dishwasher ready, kitchen tidied, clothes hung up to dry, others in hotpress, shave. Then bed. Fionn wakes thinks heard piano stool noise? Grnng. Still very windy out can hear neighbour's gate creaking.
Afternoon we visit Ballyogan recycling centre for a look. Don't bring much to recycle. Get there just in time. Queue of cars there ... we slip left, park and walk across. Talk to people, look at all the lovely rubbish - TVs and computers and bikes and ... Going home the queue is out onto road and blocking traffic both directions. Disaster! Nopt for us though thankfully.
Head to Baan Thai. Meet Bill there. Munch yummy food. Attended to by lovely thai people. They like Kate. Kate is hungry at start inclined to be crossish Fionn minding doesn't want interferance from me. Daire beef with sweet chilli sauce, me tamarind duck, fionn chicken yellow curry + potato, bill beef + brocolli, soup for start, me + Daire tofu deep fry, Kate & Fionn spring rolls. Home for dessert - Daire has ice-cream. Tea for rest of us. Kids bed at 9.
Bed before 12! Amazing. Fionn is :(. We talk. Lots. My parents like to visit and me & my family more leave it happen, not formally ask for visit, bill call over on spec, Pauline ... But Fionn can't say no if doesn't suit. But before this I didn't think it through. I'd hate to say no to a visit as I want to accomodate. I like them to visit as do they and kids AND Fionn. If it puts the kibosh on other plans I don't mind. "This too will pass" vs "Shit happens" Anyway. Talk lots. Humm.
Assisting with smsengine. Errors due to permissions on temp files being owned by root. Install of service and config. Also tuc admin person helps. Through
day also roaming/rrb stuff. Reading. Meeting in afternoon.
And mysql/php phpdb only one instance of db connection so multiple mysql db classesconnected differently one connection overwrites all others UNLESS edit phpdb source itself. Setting flag new_link in mysql_connect call.
in phpDB/phpDB-mysql.lib
$this->_connectionID = @mysql_connect($this->hostname, $this->username, $this->password,1);
I make a test ~/public_html/cgi-bin/phpclasstest.php
rrb meeting few hours of afternoon in canteen
Home after 17:30. Fionn's cooking lovely dinner. Another party for Kate. Kate carries in big plate of smoked salmon. And she eats it and brown bread. Fionn doesn't have salmon :-7 Chilie Cabernet wine Dad & mysqlf. Apple juice for kids & Fionn & Mum. Duck and potato and veggies. Yum. Daire picked out Duck in butchers. Pink strawberry cheescake for after.
Bed at a half reasonable hour after play piano a little. Massage Fionn's back again a bit. My own back twinging these days. But silly book! They just reach Titan and are landing and things on Earth get mad too and urgh. Read till late :-7
In morning we do Daire's plane project. He gets all the stuff out and bits ready. I do home stuff - tidying, some Christmas decorations down. Get 3 broken boards from under kids beds (from jumping on beds). Then help Daire with plane assemblage. Boiling kettle intending tea periodically but never quite making a cup. Fix one board and replace two. Clothes washes on, clothes hang to dry, socks sorting. Other house fix stuff - can't remember?
In afternoon, get food for myself & Daire. Go and collect Kate. Go to Stillorgan. Oh! Kate needs to wee. Parking is chaos. We park opposite Stillorgan cycles and leg it across road, carpark into McDonalds and up to toilets. Phew. Then we see plans for new Stillorgan shopping center. Then shoe shop can't repair shoes, we get batteries. Get lollipops promised. Kate gets a huge white with red & green streaks 45c. Daire gets chupa chup ornage 55c. Licking of lollipops ensues. We walk down - go to butcher, get duck, lamb mince cheap!, chicken, fish. Look for rechargable batteries. Only find ones that come with chargers. Cross car park climb through rails and jump down. Over to hardware/pet shop which looks cleaned up and has camping section now too. They HAVE rechargable batteries. Yay! And get hacksaw too. Back to car. Home.
Daire gets Conor to visit. Put potatoes on. Prepare food (breaded fish) Kate eager to help when she sees an egg. Maybe she remembers making french bread. She's really good. Flour + seasoning + garlic + chilli in breadcrumbs. Oops two slices of bread too much crumbs? I chop fish. Do first one. Show Kate dip in egg, then onto breadcrumbs, put crumbs on top, pat, put onto grill. Then Kate does some. Put some sausages and fishfingers on too. Cauliflower on top of potatoes.
Fionn home and we all have dinner. Fish is nice. Mum & Dad back just after 8 after I bring Kate upstairs for bed. Read books for Kate. Downstairs Daire watching someone using balloon/ropes/cranes to go high into rainforest canopy. After that bed for him.
Take car easy down road. Very conscious of broken shock especially over all the speed bumps. Drop Kate in creche. Drop car into Ace tyres, yes. they can fix it.
Meet Miloud outside work. Chat with Jim about rrb thing. Start work on that. Lots of reading. I take a half day. (eat my homemade lunch in Doolin first)
Wasn't quite sure if kids were in creche/Assumptas for whole day or only part. I collect Kate 14:30. We cycle home. It's windy! Before we collect Daire Kate & I tidy kitchen, living room, upstairs get spare room ready. Get all clothes off clothes horse & into hotpress. At this stage it's getting towards 16:00. We go collect Daire and my Mum & Dad arrive. They mind kids and I go to fetch car. I _do_ get stuck in traffic on way back. DOH! Should have gone home via Sandyford. Daire shows Grandparents new computer. They like it. His Jump Ahead toddlers too is getting him to count money and learn planets and ...
Fionn get's lift from Nicola back to our door from Proj Mgmt course. Rice and stir-fry veg for dinner. We look up the web for mass times for Mum & Dad tomorrow.
I delete all my email. (i.e. read and delete or file) 3v and smsengine in work but have run out of immediate work needs doing. still making rpms
Grep web for stuff. c curses linuxquestions http://www.geniusweb.com/LDP/HOWTO/NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO/init.html http://howtos.linux.com/howtos/NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO/panels.shtml http://krtkg1.rug.ac.be/~colle/C/get_char_without_enter.html http://www.iglu.org.il/old-zope-articles/966442575.html
#include//gcc -lcurses ~/c/curse.o -o ~/c/curse main() { int x,y; int f1,f2,f; WINDOW *w; w = initscr(); clear(); for (x=0;x<20;x++){ for (y=0;y<20;y++){ move(x,y); addch('A'+x+y); } f = refresh(); } f1 = move(10,10); f2 = addstr("10,10"); f = printw("f is %d,%d\n",f1,f2); f = refresh(); f = move(0,0); f = addstr("0,0"); f = refresh(); // DO not use printf or other non-curses while doing curses! // printf("HEYf is %d\n",f); sleep(10); endwin(); printf("non curses\n"); }
#includeint main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; printf("argc is %d\n",argc == 2); for(i=0;i Home 17:40 eek! Due to give blood 18:20 but rearrange - sniffle and flu thing Christmas eve. 13:00 next tuesday instead Fionn has cooked spagetti bolognese. Yummy! We have tea. Kids have yoghurts. Play Kate with gun chasing Daire with plane. Running through kitchen until the adults go grrrr.
Later on Fionn in work finishing report. Myself news on tv but mostly computer. Slime forest, other things install. BUT difficulty with Mplayer and Xine. Lots of dependancies needed. Puzzled how I got it working on my old pc. Lots of install stuff. Things want gtk, or various devel libs. I have sdl source and some things compile when src is installed /usr/local (but real sdl being used is suse 9.1 sdllibs) Also start taking photos from 2003 and 2004 and import into digikam. Digikam quite good - simple xml format - but rotate doesn't work? Why not? must fix it. Also import mpg but cannot play - must fix it. Bed 2am.
After bath Fionn cuts Kate's hair. She looks very impish.
We go and visit Aedin and Paul in Leixlip It's lovely and windy but a bit cold (not too cold) but I'm not feeling like surfing :( Fionn works on her report for proj mgmgt course.
diary top
back to home