lookup this Biomorph evolution (as in Scientific American and The Blind Watchmaker) later.
Do something about sw/systems for internet shopping. (like a bit of research) shopping research
Checkout gnu octave (like MATLAB?) /appli/octave/2.0.11/bin in S3
camcorders are now seriously tempting. (iface with PC)? Daire videos, marketing, holiday?
closed-circuit camera/video for security?
Linux on the alphas in S3 - check howtos for running/installing over network or via serial/net connection. Emacs for PC home&work. Use vmware.com in work to share NT and linux.
Compile + Order booklist - unix power tools, Tcl and Tk by Welch, more? Music & books from Amazon (via waider?).
Talking to serial port problems see feb 10 1999 ... take a look at Palm/other GNU sw iface to serial devices? perhaps in PilotManager code? pilotmgr serial faq